L10N/The_Heart_of_the_Dead/6.5/Books/HODYurnDiary のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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**原文 [#text_en]
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21 First Seed, 3E 233: My long search has ended. The monks of the Three have taken me in and give me respite. The dank silence here is like a balm to my troubled soul. I only hope the day will come when I know peace again... <br>
1 Rains Hand, 3E 233: My life here in the monastery is a god send. My days consist of silent meditation and contemplation. Then why do I feel so restless? <br>
23 Rains Hand, 3E 233: The dreams have started again. I try to drown them in meditation, but the peace I once felt starts to elude me. There are times, when my mind slips into silence, that I think I hear whispering. But no, that is nothing but the dreams speaking. I will get some rest tonight.<br>
2 Second Seed, 3E 233: The Father Superior has not spoken to me in days, even since I told him about the dream. I feel the peace I held here dissipating like so much dust. And yet I must stay. I must atone for my sins. If only I could sleep...<br>
10 Second Seed, 3E: I cannot stand the silence any longer. When I visit the chapel of the Three, all I hear is the whispering, like an insect burrowing into my mind. The voice crawls across my soul, but I cannot hear the words. Is is my treasure that speaks to me? No, surely not. It is a stone, nothing more. It must be the dreams that are poisoning my mind. I will not sleep at all. Maybe that will stop the whispering.<br>
3e, 233?: I claim victorious from my enemies! I hear them snickre behind my back, looking at me through stone filled eyes. The dreams they send cannot come because I will not sleep. The waking is my world, and the days pass and I grow stronger and nothing they do will change that. Even the voice tells me so. Tells me about the dreams and the lies. Tells me to forget and forgive<br>
dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams I see black mountains and worlds of grey and stone. Beutiful people my people my loves waiting. waiting and watching me I see the eyes and breasts and legs and hair. They are waitn for me for the door. but I can't can't shouldn't won't. the blood is too much my sins too real. I will not take the treasure into the sun I will not<br>
i see now i see the light of the Three i see the beauty. all will be blood. to the three i call to the dead i falll<br>
the way is open


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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