L10N/The_Heart_of_the_Dead/6.0/Dialogue/HOD03-01 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 02000EF1	HOD03	0H3Harren3	0	Well mayhap I know where this [QUOTE]family heirloom[QUOTE] be, and mayhap not. Not that I had anything to do with its aquirement.	
__俺はこの[QUOTE]family heirloom(先祖伝来の宝物)[QUOTE]がどこにあるのか、知らなくもあり、知ってもいるかもしれない。何にせよそれをどうやって手に入れるかは俺に関係のない事だ。
__俺はこの[QUOTE]family heirloom(先祖伝来の宝物)[QUOTE]の在り処を知っているかもしれないし知らないかもしれない。まあお前がどうやって手に入れるかとは関係ねぇ話だわな。
FormID: 02000EF1	HOD03	0H3Harren3	1	As for that black statue, that I don't know where it 'tis. When I first arrived in this damnable cave I was beset upon by a monstrous lich.	
FormID: 02000EF1	HOD03	0H3Harren3	2	He took with him the statue you seek, along with a very rare book of mine. 	
FormID: 02000EF1	HOD03	0H3Harren3	3	So how's about I make you an offer. I want me book, but the lich is down in the further depths of these caves. 	
FormID: 02000EF1	HOD03	0H3Harren3	4	You get me my book back, and I'll be giving you this bauble you seek. Do we have an accord?	
FormID: 02000EF5	HOD03	0H3Harren4a	0	Well then, how about you get out of my cave, before you taste my steel?	
FormID: 02000EF6	HOD03	GREETING	0	I told you to get out of my cave!	
FormID: 02000EF7	HOD03	0H3Harren4b	0	Good, good. Here's the key to lower depths. Now get going before I change me mind.	
FormID: 02000EF8	HOD03	GREETING	0	Did you get the book?	
FormID: 02000EF9	HOD03	GREETING	0	Yee-leez has nothing to say to you.	
FormID: 02000EFA	HOD03	0H3Harren4c	0	Filthy, am I? Well, let's see how filthy I can be...	
FormID: 02000EFC	HOD03	0H3Harren4d	0	Argh... fine. Here's some gold for your grubby little hands. But I expect results, and soon.	
FormID: 02000EFC	HOD03	0H3Harren4d	1	Here's the key to lower depths. Now get going before I change me mind.	
FormID: 020023C5	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue1	0	Statues? I have many statues in my possession...	
FormID: 020023C7	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue2	0	Ah, she told you about the wager? No? Well let's just say that the Countess is not very good at cards...	
FormID: 020023C7	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue2	1	Anyway, I remember them now. One was a nice dragon statue of some unknown god, or something. And the other one...	
FormID: 020023C7	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue2	2	The other one was a nasty thing, all black and cold. But she wouldn't give up her Mara statue, so I took the other two.	
__もう一体のほうは気味の悪い像でした。どこを見ても真っ黒で、寒気がする思いでした。けれども彼女はMara Statueを決して譲ろうとしませんでしたから、仕方なく他の二体を選んだのです。
FormID: 020023C7	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue2	3	What do you know of the statues?	
FormID: 020023C9	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue3	0	Ah yes, you heroes are always needing things for some sort of quest or another. 	
FormID: 020023C9	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue3	1	Let's see... the dragon statue was bought by a strange Argonian, called himself the Collector.	
__ええと…。Dragon Statueは奇妙な風体のArgonianが買い取って行きました。Collectorと名乗っていましたわね。
FormID: 020023C9	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue3	2	I did like it, but he offered an insane amount of gold for it. Here, let me mark his home on your map. 	
FormID: 020023C9	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue3	3	As for the black statue, it was stolen along with a plain golden locket. The locket was a priceless heirloom. 	
__Black Statueに関して言えば、golden locket(金の首飾り)と一緒に盗まれました。そのlocketのはかけがえの無い家宝なのです。
FormID: 020023C9	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue3	4	If you can return the locket, I will gladly give you the hideous statue. Without the other two, it's worthless to me. I like my sets complete.	
FormID: 020023C9	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue3	5	Talk to Laythe. He was looking into the stolen goods for me. As for the Collector, I'm not sure he'll part with the dragon statue, but you can check.	
__Laytheとお話しなさい。彼が盗品の捜査をしているの。Collectorの方は、まだDragon Statueを手元に置いているかどうか定かではありませんけれど…。行って確かめてごらんなさい。
FormID: 020023C9	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue3	6	Good luck!	
FormID: 020023CB	HOD03	0H3ArrianaStatue1b	0	As I said, if you can get back what was stolen from me, I will gladly give you the hideous statue. Talk to Laythe. He was looking into this for me.	
FormID: 0200397F	HOD03	0H3Laythe1	0	Let me explain. Some time ago, while the castle was being renovated, a few of the Countess' items were placed in storage, for safe keeping.	
FormID: 0200397F	HOD03	0H3Laythe1	1	Somehow a thief caught wind of this and snuck into the castle while we slept. He stole only a few items, but all of sentimental importance.	
FormID: 0200397F	HOD03	0H3Laythe1	2	I've tried discussing this with the people of Chorrol, as has the guards, but either no is willing to able to share any information. 	
FormID: 0200397F	HOD03	0H3Laythe1	3	If you really want to start, I would start with Yee-Leez over at the Northern Goods and Trade store. He was my last lead.	
__もしもあなたが協力してくれるというなら、まずはNorthern Goods and TradeのYee-Leezを当たってみて下さい。彼が最有力参考人です。
FormID: 02003983	HOD03	0H3Laythe2	0	He is the cousin of Seed Neeus, the owner of the store. He's came to Chorrol around the same time the items were stolen.	
__彼は店の主人であるSeed Neeusの従兄弟に当たります。彼がChorrolにやって来たのと収蔵品が盗まれたのは同じ時期の事でした。
FormID: 02003988	HOD03	GREETING	0	What do you want?	
FormID: 0200398A	HOD03	0H3YeeTalk1	0	Yee-leez does not know what you're jabbering about. Leave Yee-llez alone before your arms get pulled off!	
FormID: 0200398B	HOD03	0H3YeeTalk1	0	Yee-leez knows nothing you speak of. Now get out of Yee-leez's face!	
FormID: 02004368	HOD03	GREETING	0	I knew I would find you here. Although I never thought I'd have to come back to this place.	
FormID: 02004368	HOD03	GREETING	1	You seem surprised. You don't know what this place is? There is so much you don't know, and we have very little time.	
FormID: 02004368	HOD03	GREETING	2	I will tell you this. This place was once a great temple to Dagoth Ur.	
__ええとね。ここは、かつてDogoth Urの大神殿だった場所よ。
FormID: 0200436C	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1	0	Right to the point, I see. I have the statue, and it will stay with me... for now. 	
FormID: 0200436E	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1b	0	Of that I have no doubt. But it seems we are at a standstill. I sent the statue away, so even if you kill me, you won't find it. 	
FormID: 0200436E	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1b	1	But you have the others, and I would hate to fight you for them. So I purpose a deal.	
FormID: 0200436E	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1b	2	I think we can both help each other. But I don't want to discuss it here. Like I said, there is too much darkness in this place...	
FormID: 0200436E	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1b	3	I propose we meet somewhere to discuss our options. You may choose the location, if you like.	
FormID: 02004374	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1d	0	In Skingrad? I know of it. After you collect the dragon statue, meet me at the inn and we will talk.	
__Skingrad?そう、知ってるわ。じゃあ、Dragon Statueを手に入れたらその街の宿屋で話しましょう。
__Skingradね?分かったわ。じゃあ、Dragon Statueを手に入れたらその街の宿屋で話しましょう。
FormID: 02004374	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1d	1	For now, I will summon a portal to the surface. Look for it near the altar.	
FormID: 02004374	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve1d	2	I am putting my trust in you. I hope it is well deserved.	
FormID: 02004380	HOD03	GREETING	0	Did you get the book?	
FormID: 020047C0	HOD03	GREETING	0	How in all Oblivion did you get in here?	
FormID: 020047C2	HOD03	0H3Harren1	0	Ah, you're a smart one, ain't ya? Won't look too smart with my blade in your gut!	
FormID: 020047C4	HOD03	0H3Harren1b	0	That lousy good for nothing. I told him to watch his back! So what do you want?	
FormID: 020047C6	HOD03	0H3Harren2a	0	What? We'll see who's addled!	
FormID: 020047C8	HOD03	0H3Harren2b	0	I'll be calm when I'm dead. Now what the hell do you want?	
FormID: 020047CA	HOD03	0H3Harren2c	0	Well... yes. Good point. So what do you want?	
FormID: 020052DA	HOD03	GREETING	0	Yes, hello. I've been expecting you. Welcome to my home, warm blood.	
FormID: 020052DB	HOD03	GREETING	0	Yes, hello. I've been expecting you. Welcome to my home, brother.	
FormID: 020052E4	HOD03	0H3Dublin1b	0	I have, but the spell is beyond my meager skills. Not much of a thief, I'm afraid.	
FormID: 020052E5	HOD03	GREETING	0	Did you find out how to open the lock?	
FormID: 020059C7	HOD03	0H3Dublin1	0	I tried looking at the magical lock, but it's beyond me. I could create a distraction if you want a crack at it, but that's about it.	
FormID: 020059C7	HOD03	0H3Dublin1	1	In fact, I know just the one. My teacher taught me this wonderful illusion that's sure to draw attention.	
FormID: 02006100	HOD03	1H3P1Collector1	0	I have had many names, but you may call me the Collector. I deal in exotic  items from all over this frail world.	
FormID: 02006100	HOD03	1H3P1Collector1	1	And while your coming was foretold, your needs were not. What is it you seek?	
FormID: 02006103	HOD03	1H3P1Collector2	0	Ah yes, a recent acquisition of mine, isn't it? A very unique piece as well.	
FormID: 02006103	HOD03	1H3P1Collector2	1	I originally thought it was a statue of the daedric prince, Peryite, but closer inspection showed it to be a much older symbol.	
__最初はDaedric PrinceのPeryiteを模した物かと思ったが、よくよく観察してみると、もっと古い神なのだな、これが。
FormID: 02006103	HOD03	1H3P1Collector2	2	Have you ever heard the Dawn Children?	
__Dawn Childrenについてはお聞き及びかな?
FormID: 0200611B	HOD03	1H3P1Collector3	0	During the Dawn of time, gods were made out of the blood of Chaos and Order. Some called them et'Ada, while others, the Dawn Children.	
__創世時代の事だ。神々は混沌と秩序の流した血から生まれた。et'Adaとも呼ばれるが、Dawn Childrenという別名もある。
FormID: 0200611B	HOD03	1H3P1Collector3	1	Not much is known from this time, and each race has its own myths. But there is a race, one of the longest lived, who tell their own tales.	
FormID: 0200611B	HOD03	1H3P1Collector3	2	They tell of a triumvirate of gods who wanted the mortal realm erased. These three gods saw mortality as a scourge.	
FormID: 0200611B	HOD03	1H3P1Collector3	3	One was Silestar, who would later become the Father of Dragons.	
__一番目の神はSilestarといい、のちにFather of Dragons(竜族の父祖)となった。
FormID: 0200611B	HOD03	1H3P1Collector3	4	The second was his lover, Mnemar, who would later seek redemption and be reborn as the divine Mara.	
FormID: 0200611B	HOD03	1H3P1Collector3	5	And last was the one who helped create the world in the first place. Lorkhan, who was also known as the White King.	
__そして最後に言及されるのが、世界創造のきっかけを作ったLorkhanだ。彼はWhite Kingとしても知られておるな。
FormID: 0200611D	HOD03	1H3P1Collector4	0	An aspect of him, at least. Remember the gods shift like the winds. I heard his Heart caused some trouble in Morrowind a few years back.	
FormID: 0200611D	HOD03	1H3P1Collector4	1	Anyway, the statue I bought from the Countess seemed to be the visage of Silestar, the god of dragons. 	
FormID: 0200611D	HOD03	1H3P1Collector4	2	I was unsure, however, so I gave it to an expert to scrutinize. 	
FormID: 0200611F	HOD03	1H3P1Collector5	0	No, I'm sorry to say. Although my friend spoke of one who would come looking for it, and that I should send him to get it.	
FormID: 02006120	HOD03	1H3P1Collector5	0	No, I'm sorry to say. Although my friend spoke of one who would come looking for it, and that I should send her to get it.	
FormID: 02006122	HOD03	1H3P1Collector6	0	Well... first we must talk payment. And not gold, I have far too much already.	
FormID: 02006122	HOD03	1H3P1Collector6	1	No, for this you will owe me a favor, to be paid later. This favor will be carried out, no matter what. What say you?	
FormID: 02006124	HOD03	1H3P1Collector7a	0	Good, good. I will mark on your map where my friend is, as well as an easier route to take.	
FormID: 02006124	HOD03	1H3P1Collector7a	1	I must warn you, however, that my friend is very, very old and his mind tends to wander into the past more than it should.	
FormID: 02006124	HOD03	1H3P1Collector7a	2	Just be courteous and you should be fine. Good luck and remember our deal. We will meet again, when the stars are right.	
FormID: 02006125	HOD03	GREETING	0	Have you changed your mind about my offer?	
FormID: 02006126	HOD03	GREETING	0	If you follow the directions you should be fine. Good luck.	
FormID: 02006128	HOD03	1H3P1Collector7b	0	No deal, no statue. I feel I cannot compromise on this, because this statue is a very rare thing indeed. Talk to me again if you change your mind.	
FormID: 02007516	HOD03	0H3HarrenEnd1	0	Ah, see, here's the funny part. You heroes are so used to delivering items, that you actually think I will honor our agreement. That's funny.	
FormID: 02007516	HOD03	0H3HarrenEnd1	1	You just spent the last few hours making sure I didn't exert myself. Well... except for now.	
FormID: 020082D7	HOD03	0H3ArrianaZEnd	0	Wonderful! Here is your reward, and you may keep that dreadful statue. I want no part of it. Thank you again!	
FormID: 020082D8	HOD03	0H3ArrianaZEnd	0	Wonderful! Go tell the Countess, right away!	
FormID: 020089BB	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve0a	0	The very same. And while these ruins cannot be destroyed, my brethren and I helped the Nerevarine cast the spell to return it to the earth.	
FormID: 020089BD	HOD03	0H3WinterNeve0b	0	Yes. There is truly many things you are ignorant of. But I can't speak of it here. There are too many ghosts in this dark place.	
FormID: 0200909B	HOD03	GREETING	0	Why don't you get a room while we wait? We might be here awhile.	

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