L10N/The_Heart_of_the_Dead/5.3/Dialogue/HOD03-04 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 02010FEA HOD03 0H3Raven1 3 Although the distraction better be something special. These guards aren't going to move for just anything.
FormID: 02013A24 HOD03 0H3Raven3b 0 The hedge wizard came through? I didn't think he had it in him.
FormID: 02013A24 HOD03 0H3Raven3b 1 Here's the spell. I'll keep watch while you use it, just make sure you do it sneaky-like. The countess probably won't like you breaking the lock.
FormID: 02013A24 HOD03 0H3Raven3b 2 Oh, and in case we get separated, meet me at the Two-Sisters Lodge in Skingard. I might be of some help to you.
FormID: 02013A25 HOD03 0H3Raven3b 0 The hedge wizard comes through? I didn't think he had it in him.
FormID: 02013A25 HOD03 0H3Raven3b 1 Here's the spell. I'll keep watch while you use it, just make sure you do it sneaky-like. The countess probably won't like you breaking the lock.
FormID: 02013A25 HOD03 0H3Raven3b 2 * To your surprise, Kat leans close and gives you a quick kiss on the lips. *
FormID: 02013A25 HOD03 0H3Raven3b 3 Oh, and in case we get separated, meet me at the Two-Sisters Lodge in Skingard. I might be of some help to you.
FormID: 02013A28 HOD03 GREETING 0 You better not be here when the guards come back. Meet me at the Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad and we discuss our options.
FormID: 02014EC3 HOD03 0H3P2Raven1 0 Good, you made it. We have some things to talk about, but first can I see the statue?
FormID: 02014EC6 HOD03 0H3P2Raven2a 0 It's beautiful, isn't it? It's amazing how such a pretty item can hold such dark powers... but never mind that. We have a Heart to find.
FormID: 02014EC7 HOD03 0H3P2Raven2b 0 Okay, okay. I can see who's in charge here. So what next, o-fearless leader...
FormID: 02015C87 HOD03 GREETING 0 Good, you made it. We have some things to talk about, but first can I see the statue?
FormID: 02015C89 HOD03 0H3P2Dublin1 0 Here you are! I thought you had abandoned me back there for a moment.
FormID: 02015C8B HOD03 0H3P2Dublin2a 0 That's some hostility you hold there, friend. Well, it doesn't matter, because I'm here and you have the statue.
FormID: 02015C8B HOD03 0H3P2Dublin2a 1 But first, I want a drink. It's been a very long day.
FormID: 02015C8D HOD03 0H3P2Dublin2b 0 I don't think our esteemed thief likes me too much. I managed to track her here using Barney.
FormID: 02015C8F HOD03 0H3P2Dubln2c 0 My conjured wolf. But that's not important. So what do we do next? Me, I'd like a drink. It's been a very long day.
FormID: 02015C91 HOD03 0H3Raven4a 0 What about him? Oh, all right. I'll grab him before meeting up with you. Now go!
FormID: 02015C92 HOD03 GREETING 0 Meet me at the Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad and we can discuss our options.
FormID: 02015C95 HOD03 0H3P2Raven3 0 The magician? I looked for him, but he left. Good riddance, I say.
FormID: 02015C97 HOD03 0H3P2Raven3a 0 Good! Just me and you then, seeking adventure and glory! But first, I am seeking food. I'm starving. Wait here while I go get some food.
FormID: 02015C98 HOD03 GREETING 0 Hey, don't be so impatient. I'm going to get some food.
FormID: 02015C9A HOD03 0H3P2Raven3b 0 Hey, I don't need these accusations. I'm going to go get some food.
FormID: 02015C9D HOD03 GREETING 0 Here you are! I thought you had abandoned me back there for a moment.
FormID: 02015CA1 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 So here we are.
FormID: 02015CA2 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 Is there any reason why you don't like me? I'd really like to know before I wake up with a knife in my back.
FormID: 02015CA3 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 Very funny. I could use my dagger right now and save us the trouble.
FormID: 02015CA4 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 Look, I don't know what your problem is...
FormID: 02015CA5 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 My problem? My problem is that I know why you want the Heart. And I'll be damned before I let you use it...
FormID: 02015CA6 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 What? You don't know me...
FormID: 02015CA7 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 Your name is Dublin Stormfallow. You want the Heart to bring your sister back.
FormID: 02015CA9 HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 How do you know this?
FormID: 02015CAA HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 Does it matter? I feel for you, I really do. But the Heart needs to be destroyed, and I'm going to be the one who does it.
FormID: 02015CAB HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 If you know who I am, you know that I won't let you destroy it. I can't let you.
FormID: 02015CAC HOD03 HOD03Argument 0 Then I guess you better hope I don't get there first.
FormID: 02015CAD HOD03 HELLO 0 Can't we talk about this?
FormID: 02015CAF HOD03 HOD03RavenNo 0 No.
FormID: 02015CB1 HOD03 HELLO 0 You won't consider destroying the Heart?
FormID: 02015CB2 HOD03 HOD03DublinNo 0 I can't.
FormID: 02015CB5 HOD03 GREETING 0 Look, you're going to have to make a choice. Dublin wants to use the Heart, and I need to destroy it.
FormID: 02015CB5 HOD03 GREETING 1 So I'm giving you a choice. You need to decide who you're going to help. Dublin or me.
FormID: 02015CB5 HOD03 GREETING 2 I won't begrudge you if you choose him. But know that I'll do everything in my power to see that the Heart is destroyed. It's up to you.
FormID: 02015CB6 HOD03 0H3P3Raven1 0 Look, I like you, I really do. But you're going to have to make a choice. Dublin wants to use the Heart, and I need to destroy it.
FormID: 02015CB6 HOD03 0H3P3Raven1 1 It's because I like you that I'm giving you a choice. You need to decide who your going to help. Dublin or me.
FormID: 02015CB6 HOD03 0H3P3Raven1 2 I won't begrudge you if you choose him. But know that I'll do everything in my power to see that the Heart is destroyed. It's up to you.
FormID: 02015CB7 HOD03 0H3P3Raven1 0 Look, you're going to have to make a choice. Dublin wants to use the Heart, and I need to destroy it.
FormID: 02015CB7 HOD03 0H3P3Raven1 1 You need to decide who you're going to help. Dublin or me.
FormID: 02015CB7 HOD03 0H3P3Raven1 2 I won't begrudge you if you choose him. But know that I'll do everything in my power to see that the Heart is destroyed. It's up to you.
FormID: 02015CB9 HOD03 0H3P3Raven2Raven 0 Good. I'm glad you see it my way.
FormID: 02015CB9 HOD03 0H3P3Raven2Raven 1 As for information, I talked to various court nobles before you arrived. It seems the Lady Carvain lost the other two statues a year ago.
FormID: 02015CB9 HOD03 0H3P3Raven2Raven 2 The circumstances are a bit weird, but I think she lost them in a gambling game to the Countess of Chorrol. Rumor only.
FormID: 02015CB9 HOD03 0H3P3Raven2Raven 3 We should talk Countess Valga and see if she's willing to part with them.
FormID: 02015CB9 HOD03 0H3P3Raven2Raven 4 Oh, and here's a simple spell to bring me to you in case we get lost. My father made it, so I have no clue how it works, but it does. Lead on!
FormID: 02015CBA HOD03 GREETING 0 What do you need?
FormID: 02015CBB HOD03 GREETING 0 Yes?
FormID: 02015CBC HOD03 GREETING 0 What ever you need, I'm happy to oblige.
FormID: 02015CBE HOD03 GREETING 0 Yes, my love?
FormID: 02015CC0 HOD03 GREETING 0 Let's go.
FormID: 02015CC2 HOD03 0H3P3Raven2Dublin 0 I'm sorry you feel that way. Just know that if we meet again, I won't be so nice. The Heart WILL be destroyed, I promise you.
FormID: 02015CC3 HOD03 GREETING 0 I have nothing to say to you.
FormID: 02015CC4 HOD03 GREETING 0 You made your choice. I have nothing to say to you, except this. We'll see who gets to the Heart first.
FormID: 02015CC6 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 0 How wonderful! I knew you'd help me. And... I'm really glad. I feel like we... nevermind. Now that's over with, we can get down to business.
FormID: 02015CC6 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 1 I spoke with the Countess before you arrived at the castle, and it seems she gave the other two statues to Lady Valga of Chorrol.
FormID: 02015CC6 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 2 I suggest we talk to her. Oh, and here's a special recall spell I created years ago, just in case we get lost. Use it and I'll know where you are.
FormID: 02015CC6 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 3 Let's go.
FormID: 02015CC7 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 0 How wonderful! I knew you'd help me, thank you. Now that's over with, we can get down to business.
FormID: 02015CC7 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 1 I spoke with the Countess before you arrived at the castle, and it seems she gave the other two statues to Lady Valga of Chorrol.
FormID: 02015CC7 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 2 I suggest we talk to her. Oh, and here's a special recall spell I created years ago, just in case we get lost. Use it and I'll know where you are.
FormID: 02015CC7 HOD03 0H3P3Dublin1 3 Let's go.
FormID: 02015CC8 HOD03 GREETING 0 We should get going.
FormID: 020160CF HOD03 HOD03WKEnd4 0 Line 4
FormID: 0201639C HOD03 GREETING 0 I overheard your conversation. You've agreed to help me?
FormID: 0202117A HOD03 1H3P2Collector2 0 Ah, now that is a shame. You answered incorrectly on those riddle games he liked so much.
FormID: 0202117A HOD03 1H3P2Collector2 1 I do not blame you. Even the lowliest of creatures must protect itself when threatened, it is the way of nature.
FormID: 0202117A HOD03 1H3P2Collector2 2 You have your statue, but remember our bargain. Also remember that the death of a dragon reverberated through worlds besides this one.
FormID: 0202117A HOD03 1H3P2Collector2 3 Go now... [QUOTE]dragon slayer[QUOTE].
FormID: 0202117B HOD03 GREETING 0 Be gone, [QUOTE]dragon slayer[QUOTE].
FormID: 02021389 HOD03 0H3ChatDublin1b1 0 We obviously had a magic user in our family, because we were both strong in the arts. I studied to become an enchanter, and she to be a spellblade.
FormID: 02021389 HOD03 0H3ChatDublin1b1 1 We would travel the land, helping out various merchants and such. She would actually protect me most of the time.
FormID: 0202138A HOD03 0H3ChatDublin1b2 0 This is obviously something you know nothing about. I'm sorry if my pain bores you.
FormID: 0202138B HOD03 0H3ChatDublin1c 0 You could say that. Mia could handle herself in a bar brawl, that's for sure. She was so strong...
FormID: 0202138C HOD03 0H3ChatDublin1d1 0 One day we were hired to check out one of the Dwemer ruins. Some lost machine or something. We barely escaped with our lives.

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