L10N/The_Great_Forest_Market/2.0/QuestStages/PsyGreevasBurningQuest のバックアップ(No.2)


FormID: 0102A781 PsyGreevasBurningQuest 10 0 I have spoken to a Argonian called Greeva. She seems in terrible distress and has told me that her store has just gone up in flames. I have agreed to help put out the fires that have spread across her store. She said she would reward me, but I must hurry and put out the flames.
__Greeva と言う名の Argonian と会った。彼女はひどく狼狽した様子で、たった今店が火災で炎上したと話した。私は燃え広がる火災の消火作業を手伝うことにした。彼女は報酬を約束してくれたが、そんなことよりもまずは大至急火を消し止めなくてはならない。
FormID: 0102A781 PsyGreevasBurningQuest 20 0 I have put out all the fires and have also come across a body. This must be Greeva's assistant who she told me about. The front door is jammed after a large piece of wood had fallen and blocked the way out, so now I must search around for a new escape route.
__すべての火を消しとめるとともに一つの焼死体を見つけた。 これが Greeva の言っていた店員であるに違いない。 大きな梁が落下して玄関を塞いでしまっているので、新たな避難経路を捜さなくてはならない。
FormID: 0102A781 PsyGreevasBurningQuest 30 0 I have found a way out at last. I must find Greeva and tell her the good news as well as the bad.
__ついに脱出路を見つけた。 Greeva を探して、いい報せと悪い報せとをともに話さなくてはならない。
FormID: 0102A781 PsyGreevasBurningQuest 40 0 Greeva is most happy that I have succeeded and has rewarded me for my bravery, although I know she feels for the loss of her assistant, she is alright.
FormID: 0102A781 PsyGreevasBurningQuest 5 0

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