L10N/The_Elder_Council/1.9/Dialogue/TecLoreMasterQuests-02 のバックアップ(No.4)


FormID: 02036773 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagius 1 He was as strong and resolute as his father had been and Tamriel could have enjoyed a continuation of the Golden Age started had he lived.
FormID: 02036773 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagius 2 Pelagius had no living children, so the Imperial Crown passed to his first cousin Kintyra I.
FormID: 02036774 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusII 0 Pelagius II inherited not only the throne from his father in 3E82, but the debt from the latter's poor financial and judicial management.
FormID: 02036774 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusII 1 Pelagius dismissed all of the Elder Council, and allowed only those willing to pay great sums to resume their seats.
FormID: 02036774 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusII 2 He encouraged similar acts among his vassals, the kings of Tamriel, and by the end of his seventeen year reign,
FormID: 02036774 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusII 3 Tamriel had returned to prosperity. His son Antiochus was crowned emperor after Pelagius IIs death.
FormID: 02036775 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIII 0 Pelagius III, sometimes called Pelagius the Mad, was proclaimed Emperor in the 145th year of the Third Era.
FormID: 02036775 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIII 1 Almost from the start, his eccentricities of behaviour were noted at court.
FormID: 02036775 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIII 2 He embarrassed dignitaries, offended his vassal kings, and on one occasion marked the end of an imperial grand ball by attempting to hang himself.
FormID: 02036775 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIII 3 His long-suffering wife was finally awarded the Regency of Tamriel,
FormID: 02036775 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIII 4 and Pelagius III was sent to a series of healing institutions and asylums until his death in 3E153 at the age of thirty-four.
FormID: 02036775 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIII 5 His wife Katariah I was crowned upon his death.
FormID: 02036776 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIV 0 Pelagius IV continued his aunt's work, slowly bringing back under his wing the radical and refractory kingdoms, duchies, and baronies of the Empire.
FormID: 02036776 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIV 1 He exercised Morihatha's poise and circumspect pace in his endeavours-but alas, he did not attain her success.
FormID: 02036776 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIV 2 The kingdoms had been free of constraint for so long that even a benign Imperial presence was considered odious.
FormID: 02036776 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIV 3 Nevertheless, when Pelagius died after an astonishing 29 year reign, Tamriel was closer to unity than it had been since the days of Uriel I.
FormID: 02036776 TecLoreMasterQuests tecPelagiusIV 4 Uriel Septim VII took throne after his fathers 29 year reign ended.
FormID: 02036777 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielI 0 Uriel I was the great lawmaker of the Septim Dynasty, and a promoter of independent organizations and guilds.
FormID: 02036777 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielI 1 Under his kind but firm hand, the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild increased in prominence throughout Tamriel.
FormID: 02036777 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielI 2 His son and successor Uriel II was next to be crowned after the death of Uriel I in 3E64.
FormID: 02036778 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielII 0 Uriel II reigned for eighteen years, tragically, the rule of Uriel II was cursed with blights, plagues, and insurrections.
FormID: 02036778 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielII 1 The tenderness he inherited from his father did not serve Tamriel well, and little justice was done.
FormID: 02036779 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIII 0 Uriel III not only proclaimed himself Emperor of Tamriel, but also Uriel Septim III, taking the eminent surname as a title.
FormID: 02036779 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIII 1 In truth, his surname was Mantiarco from his father's line.
FormID: 02036779 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIII 2 In time, Uriel III was deposed and his crimes reviled,
FormID: 02036779 TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIII 3 but the tradition of taking the name Septim as a title for the Emperor of Tamriel did not die with him.
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 0 Uriel IV was not a Septim by birth. His mother, who reigned as Empress for many years, was a Dark Elf married to a true Septim Emperor, Pelagius III.
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 1 Uriel IV's reign was a long and difficult one.
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 10 Andorak, Uriel IV's son, was disinherited by vote of Council,
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 11 and a cousin more closely related to the original Septim line was proclaimed Cephorus II in 3E268.
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 2 Despite being a legally adopted member of the Septim Family, and despite the Lariat Family's high position
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 3 -- indeed, they were distant cousins of the Septims --
__ -- 確かに、彼らは_Septim_の遠戚でした --
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 4 few of the Elder Council could be persuaded to accept him fully as a blood descendant of Tiber.
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 5 The Council had assumed much responsibility during Katariah I's long reign and Cassynder I's short one,
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 6 and a strong-willed alien monarch like Uriel IV found it impossible to command their unswerving fealty.
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 7 Time and again the Council and Emperor were at odds, and time and again the Council won the battles.
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 8 Since the days of Pelagius II, the Elder Council had consisted of the wealthiest men and women in the Empire,
FormID: 0203677A TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielIV 9 and the power they wielded was conclusive.
FormID: 0203677B TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielV 0 Uriel V embarked on a series of invasions beginning almost from the moment he took the throne.
FormID: 0203677B TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielV 1 Then embarked on his most ambitious enterprise, the invasion of the continent of the kingdom of Akavir.
FormID: 0203677B TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielV 2 This ultimately proved a failure, for two years later Uriel V was killed in Akavir at the battlefield of Ionith.
FormID: 0203677B TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielV 3 Nevertheless, Uriel V holds a reputation second only to Tiber as one of the two great Warrior Emperors of Tamriel.
FormID: 0203677B TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielV 4 His son Uriel VI was 5 years old when his father died.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 0 The boy Uriel VI was crowned in the 290th year of the Third Era.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 1 The Imperial Consort Thonica, as the boy's mother, was given a restricted Regency until Uriel VI reached maturity.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 10 He utilized defunct spy networks and guard units to bully and coerce the difficult members of the Elder Council.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 11 When Uriel VI fell off a horse and could not be resuscitated by the finest Imperial healers, his beloved sister Morihatha took the throne.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 2 The Elder Council retained the real power, as they had ever since the days of Katariah I.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 3 The Council so enjoyed its unlimited and unrestricted freedom to make laws and generate profits,
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 4 that Uriel VI was not given full license to rule until 307, when he was already 22 years old.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 5 He had been slowly assuming positions of responsibility for years, but both the Council and his mother,
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 6 who enjoyed even her limited Regency, were loath to hand over the reins.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 7 By the time he came to the throne, the mechanisms of government gave him little power except for that of the imperial veto.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 8 This power, however, he regularly and vigorously exercised.
FormID: 0203677C TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVI 9 By 313, Uriel VI could boast with conviction that he truly did rule Tamriel.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 0 Uriel Septim VII, son of Pelagius IV, has the diligence of his great-aunt Morihatha,
__Pelagius 4世の息子Uriel Septim 7世は、彼の大伯母 Morihatha の勤勉と、
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 1 the political skill of his great-uncle Uriel VI,
__大伯父Uriel 6世の政治手腕、
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 10 Sadly Uriel VII and 3 of his sons where assassinated by agents of the Mythic Dawn.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 11 His forth son Martin succeeded him.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 2 and the military prowess of his great grand-uncle Uriel V.
__更に曽祖父Uriel 5世の武勇をも受け継ぎました。
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 3 For twenty-one years he reigned and brought justice and order to Tamriel.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 4 In the year 3E389, however, his Imperial Battlemage, Jagar Tharn, betrayed him.
__しかしながら第三紀389年、彼の側近のImperial Battlemage、Jagar Tharnが彼を裏切りました。
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 5 Uriel VII was imprisoned in a dimension of Tharn's creation, and Tharn used his sorcery of illusion to assume the Emperor's aspect.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 6 For the next ten years, Tharn abused imperial privilege but did not continue Uriel VII's schedule of reconquest.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 7 It is not yet entirely known what Tharn's goals and personal accomplishments were during the ten years he masqueraded as his liege lord.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 8 In 3E399, an enigmatic Champion defeated the Battlemage in the dungeons of the Imperial Palace and freed Uriel VII from his other-dimensional jail.
FormID: 0203677D TecLoreMasterQuests tecUrielVII 9 Uriel Septim VII has worked diligently to renew the battles that would reunite Tamriel.

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