L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/QuestStages/LingBC11Cheydinhal のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 010086C8	LingBC11Cheydinhal	10	0	I've agreed to hunt down and kill someone for Saryoni Bero. Theranir is a member of the Thieves Guild from Morrowind who got Saryoni exiled by implicating him in some crimes. To find Theranir I will need to take the east road out of Cheydinhal then follow the smaller path off to the left. Turn right at the first fork and head up the mountains. Then turn right once I reach the estate house. From there I follow the path along past Fanacas until I reach a Wayshrine.
FormID: 010086C8	LingBC11Cheydinhal	100	0	Saryoni Bero thanked me for killing Theranir.
FormID: 010086C8	LingBC11Cheydinhal	20	0	
FormID: 010086C8	LingBC11Cheydinhal	30	0	
FormID: 010086C8	LingBC11Cheydinhal	40	0	I spoke with Theranir the thief about Saryoni Bero. Theranir suggested taking his ring back down to Saryoni and using it as [QUOTE]proof[QUOTE] that I killed him. I agreed to his plan so long as Theranir leaves Cyrodiil and Saryoni never sees him again.

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