L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/QuestStages/LingBC04Ambush のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	10	0	The Blackwood Company was offered a job between helping the Renrijra Krin or the Orum Gang. I agreed to help escort the Renrijra Krin up through a mountain pass to meet up with the Camonna Tong. I will need to meet them outside Quickwater Cave. Quickwater Cave is found directly north of Cheydinhal.
__Blackwood CompanyはRenrijira KrinとOrum Gangの両方から依頼を受けている。私はRenrijira Krinの味方をし、Camonna Tongとの取引のため山道を行く間の護衛をする事に同意した。彼らとはCheydinhal北のQuickwater Caveの外で合流出来る。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	100	0	The Blackwood Company was offered a job between helping the Renrijra Krin or the Orum Gang. I agreed to help the Orum Gang ambush a convoy of the Renrijra Krin as they make their way up a mountain pass to meet with the Camonna Tong. I will need to meet with the Halger gro-Orum outside of Magrub gra-Orum's house in Cheydinhal.
__Blackwood CompanyはRenrijira KrinとOrum Gangの両方から依頼を受けている。私はOrum Gangの味方をし、Camonna Tongとの取引のため山道を行くRenrijira Krinの隊を待ち伏せて襲撃する事に同意した。Magrubの外でHalger gro-Orumに会う必要がある。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	110	0	I need to follow Halger gro-Orum up to the ambush site in the mountains. When the Renrijra Krin Caravan passes through I will both need to target the couriers and ensure that Halger gro-Orum is not killed.
__山道での待ち伏せ場所までHalger gro-Orumに付いて行かなければならない。Renrijira Krinが通りかかったら隊を襲撃するのだ。くれぐれもHalger gro-Orumが命を落とさぬよう注意しなければ。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	112	0	
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	115	0	
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	116	0	
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	120	0	All of the couriers are dead. I can see if Halger gro-Orum requires any further assistance now.
__輸送隊を全滅させた。まだ他に殺す相手は残っているかとHalger gro-Orumに確認しよう。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	125	0	I'll need to collect all of the skooma off the bodies of the dead guys and hand it over to Halger gro-Orum. Presumably this is to make sure that I don't just take all of the stuff and go sell it which would look kind of silly considering how I was meant to help them claim the skooma.
__殺害した隊のメンバーたちからskoomaを全部奪い、Halger gro-Orumに渡さなければならない。私が彼らのskooma獲得の為に派遣された事を考慮すれば馬鹿げた話ではあるが、恐らくこれは私が奴らの持ち物全てを取り上げて売りに行くような事が無いようにとの念押しだろう。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	130	0	I got a bottle of skooma as a reward for helping the Orum Gang beat the Renrijra Krin. I can now head back to Ajum Kajin for my payment.
__Orum GangによるRenrijira Krin襲撃を手伝った見返りとして、skoomaを1本受け取った。さあ、Ajum-Kajinの所へ戻り報酬を受け取ろう。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	150	0	Ajum Kajin rewarded me for successfully completing the Orum Gang contract.
__Orum Gangからの依頼をこなし、Ajum Kajinから報酬を受け取った。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	20	0	I am to follow the leader of the Renrijra Krin caravan up into the mountains where he will meet with the Camonna Tong. He expects an attack as we make our way up the mountain pass, so I will have to watch out there. Our reward will be dependant upon the number of couriers that successfully arrive there.
__Camonna Tongと取引を行なうため、Renrijira Krinの隊が山道を行く予定だ。私はリーダーに付いて行き、予測される襲撃に備えて目を光らせておく必要がある。報酬額は生き残った隊員の人数に応じて支払われる予定だ。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	200	0	Halger gro-Orum has been killed even though you were supposed to protect him. You will have to return to Ajum Kajin and tell him that you failed the contract.
__護衛の甲斐なく、Halger gro-Orumは殺害されてしまった。Ajum Kajinの元へ戻り、任務の失敗を伝えねば。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	210	0	Ajum Kajin was disappointed that I failed the contract and so I don't get any reward. I need to speak with Ja'Fazir about my next special orders.
__私の失敗にAjum Kajinは失望し、報酬も得られなかった。次は特別任務が待っている。Ja'Fazirに話しかけなければ。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	30	0	The courier thanked me for helping to escort him through the ambush. I can return to Ajum-Kajin and claim my payment.
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	33	0	The courier thanked me for escorting him and one of his comrades through the ambush. I can return to Ajum-Kajin and claim my reward for completing this contract.
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	36	0	The courier thanked me for helping to escort them all through the convoy safely. I can return to Ajum-Kajin and claim my reward for completing the contract.
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	50	0	Ajum-Kajin rewarded me for completing the Renrijra Krin contract.
__Renrijira Krinの依頼をこなし、Ajum-Kajinから報酬を受け取った。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	55	0	Ajum-Kajin rewarded me for completing the Renrijra Krin contract.
__Renrijira Krinの依頼をこなし、Ajum-Kajinから報酬を受け取った。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	60	0	Ajum-Kajin rewarded me for completing the Renrijra Krin contract.
__Renrijira Krinの依頼をこなし、Ajum-Kajinから報酬を受け取った。
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	90	0	All of the couriers have been killed. I will need to return to Ajum-Kajin and tell him that I failed the contract.
FormID: 01000CEA	LingBC04Ambush	95	0	Ajum-Kajin was disappointed in me for failing the contract. If I want more work I will need to speak with Ja'Fazir.

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