L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC22Canulus のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 0102A86B	LingBC22Canulus	LingBC22CanulusContract	0	Someone there is missing an item of some sort. You will need to go there and speak with the person called Varus for more detailed information about the contract.	
FormID: 0102A86E	LingBC22Canulus	LingBC22CanulusContract	0	You've come from the Blackwood Company? Good. The item I need you to collect is a Mortar and Pestle. It seems that it was stolen while we were all away from our homes recently.	
FormID: 0102A86E	LingBC22Canulus	LingBC22CanulusContract	1	The most likely culprit was someone from the nearby Fort Cuptor. I need you to go in there and reclaim it for me. I'm willing to pay you lots of gold, so I need you to absolutely return the item to me. Don't return it to anyone else.	
FormID: 0102A870	LingBC22Canulus	LingBC22MortarTopic	0	You've got it, great. Here is the payment for the contract. Thanks so much for your help.	
FormID: 0102A870	LingBC22Canulus	LingBC22MortarTopic	1	Don't worry about the fact that it used to belong to Hanza. I'm much more deserving of owning it.	
FormID: 0102A871	LingBC22Canulus	LingBC22MortarTopic	0	My mortar and pestle, I can't believe you found it for me. After we returned back here I found that it had been stolen. I was waiting for an adventurer to come by so I could ask him to get it for me.	
FormID: 0102A871	LingBC22Canulus	LingBC22MortarTopic	1	Looks like you were able to do it for me instead, thanks. I feel obliged to offer you a reward now.	

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