L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC16Defend のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 01023323 LingBC16Defend GREETING 0 Commander! Major trouble! I only just got inside before them. They're all waiting outside. It's an attack!
FormID: 01023324 LingBC16Defend LingBC16WhatAmbush 0 The Fighters Guild! The Champion of the Fighters Guild himself has come along with almost thirty men. We have to fight them, we have to defend the outpost.
FormID: 01023324 LingBC16Defend LingBC16WhatAmbush 1 I'll stand by your side Commander. Look out, here they come!
FormID: 010250C0 LingBC16Defend GREETING 0 No time to talk, we've got to defend the cave!
FormID: 0102FE96 LingBC16Defend LingBC15AnyNewContracts 0 I'm afraid there aren't any at the moment. Perhaps in a few days.

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