L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC14SecondDeal のバックアップ(No.4)


FormID: 0101DD70 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 0 I have a special job that requires your attention. We've recently been contacted by Azani Blackheart again. He has moved into the Ayleid ruin of Atatar and wishes to speak with both you and I.
__特別任務だ、今回は少し気を引き締めてもらう。つい先日、Azani Blackheartから再度の依頼を受諾した。今はAyleid ruin of Atatarに住処を移しているあやつが、お前と俺の2人に会って話がしたいそうだ。
__特別任務だ、今回は少し気を引き締めてもらう。つい先日、Azani Blackheartから再度の依頼を受け持った。今はAyleid ruin of Atatarに住処を移している奴が、お前と俺の2人に会って話がしたいそうだ。
FormID: 0101DD70 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 1 It seemed quite urgent. So do you want us to go there now? Or would you like to prepare yourself first?
FormID: 0101DD72 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14GoThereNow 0 Alright then, let's head over to there.
FormID: 0101DD74 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14PrepareFirst 0 Very well, once you are ready to go just talk to me again.
FormID: 0101DD75 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 Once we get to Atatar I think that you should do the talking since you've already dealt with Blackheart before.
FormID: 0101DD76 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 You should speak with Blackheart about what he wanted to see us about.
FormID: 0101DD77 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 You've finally arrived, what took you so long? Nevermind that now. I wanted to talk with you about my sword Sinweaver.
FormID: 0101DD79 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14SinweaverTopic 0 As you remember I gave you Sinweaver in exchange for information about where that mage Argoth was hiding and in order to get the Fighters Guild off my back.
__お前も覚えてると思うが、以前Fighters Guildとケリを付ける為に、魔術師Argothの潜伏場所をあんたに教えてもらう代わりに、Sinweaverをくれてやったよな。
FormID: 0101DD79 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14SinweaverTopic 1 As you can no doubt see I don't have Sinweaver yet. That damn wizard is hiding out in Fieldhouse Cave protected by all sorts of monsters and other spellcasters just like himself.
__まあ、見ての通り、未だにSinweaverを取り返せちゃあいないがな。あんのクソ魔法使い、大量のモンスター共と自分と同クラスの術師に守らせて、Fieldhouse Caveに隠れこもってやがる。
FormID: 0101DD79 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14SinweaverTopic 2 I want you to go to Fieldhouse Cave and reclaim Sinweaver for me. Argoth should be the one holding it, you'll probably find him somewhere deep inside. I don't think he will take kindly to your interruption however.
__お前さんには、俺の代わりにFieldhouse Caveに向かって、Sinweaverを回収してきて欲しい。剣はArgothが所持しているはずだ、洞窟内の奥地あたりで奴を見つけられると思う。もっとも、お前の介入を奴が好意的に受け取るとは思えんがな。
FormID: 0101DD79 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14SinweaverTopic 3 Once you get back then we can discuss the reward. I've found some nice things here that I'm sure I could trade you.
FormID: 0101DD7B LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14Directions 0 Fieldhouse Cave lies south and a tiny bit west not too far away from here. Remember that it is a cave entrance and so it is a little more difficult to spot than an Ayleid ruin so keep your eyes open for it.
__Fieldhouse Caveはここから南へ進んでほんの少し西へ、それ程遠くないあたりにある。洞窟の入り口だからな、Ayleid遺跡を見つけるのよりかは少々手間取るはずだ。見落とさないように気を付けれくれよ。
FormID: 0101DD7C LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 Once you've got Sinweaver please return it to me.
FormID: 0101DD7D LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 A little excursion to Fieldhouse Cave eh? It has been a while since I've done any field work myself. Did you want me to come along with you, or would you prefer me to stay here?
__Fieldhouse Caveまで、ちょっとした遠足ってとこだな?自分で仕事に出るのは久しぶりだ。俺が一緒に付いていってやろうか、それともここに残って欲しいか?
FormID: 0101DD7F LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14ComeWithMe 0 Okay, this should be fun. You and I both going on an adventure together.
FormID: 0101DD81 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14StayHere 0 If that is what you think is best then I will agree to it. I will await your return.
FormID: 0101DD82 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 We need to get to Fieldhouse Cave and reclaim Sinweaver. Do you want me to wait here for a little while or continue following you?
__Fieldhouse Caveに向かい、Sinweaverを取り戻しにいこうぜ。俺にこの場で待機して欲しいか、それとも同行を続けるか?
FormID: 0101DD83 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14ComeWithMe 0 Let's go.
FormID: 0101DD84 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBC14StayHere 0 I'll wait here for you.
FormID: 0101DD85 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 I'll wait for you here until you return.
FormID: 0101DD8C LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 Something terrible seems to have happened. I have a bad feeling about this. We should hurry to where Azani was waiting for us as quickly as we can.
FormID: 0101DD8D LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 You, Blackwood Company scum! Associating with Azani Blackheart and lying about killing him, I'll kill you here and now!
__この、Blackwood Companyのゴミムシめがッ!Azani Blackheartと共謀して、奴は始末しておいたなどとホラを吹きおったな。この場で引導を渡してくれるわッ!
FormID: 0101DD92 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 Damn, the Fighters Guild found us out. Well there is nothing for it now, we'll have to head back to the Company Hall and inform Ri'zakar of what has occured.
__くそ、Fighters Guildに見つかったか。となれば、もうここに用はない。Company Hallに帰還して、Ri'zakarに事の次第を報告するんだ。
FormID: 0101DD94 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 0 Dammit! This is not so good. I will need to think about what to do. You should return here tomorrow. I will have decided what to do by then.
FormID: 0101DD94 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 1 You may as well keep that sword that you went to get for him, he isn't going to be rewarding you with it anytime soon. Not that I expected that he would have rewarded you anyway.
FormID: 0101DD94 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 2 Most likely would have tried to blackmail you into giving the sword to him by selling his story to the Fighters Guild, a lot of good that would have done for him.
FormID: 0101DD95 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 0 Dammit! This is not so good. I will need to think about what to do. You should return here tomorrow. I will have decided what to do by then.
FormID: 0101DD95 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 1 You may as well keep that sword that you went to get for him, he isn't going to be rewarding you with it anytime soon. Not that I expected that he would have rewarded you anyway.
FormID: 0101DD95 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 2 Most likely would have tried to blackmail you into giving the sword to him by selling his story to the Fighters Guild, a lot of good that would have done for him.
FormID: 0101DD95 LingBC14SecondDeal LingBCSpecialOrders 3 And to top it off our dear commander Ja'Fazir was also killed by that dog Modryn Oreyn. Well no use crying over spilt milk now I suppose. We do need a new commander though. You are now it, Congratulations.
FormID: 0101F132 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 0 Wait for just a moment, there is something that I want to tell you. I was extremely impressed with your combat skills that I saw at Fieldhouse Cave.
FormID: 0101F132 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 1 I think it safe to say that your skills surpass even mine. I think it is in the best interest of the Blackwood Company if someone more skilled than I held this position.
FormID: 0101F132 LingBC14SecondDeal GREETING 2 I would like to swap positions with you. You are now the Commander of the Blackwood Company, and I will serve as it's Captain of Warriors. I wish you success in your new position.

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