L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC11Recruitment-01 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)


FormID: 010086CB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	0	I have some important orders to give to you, but first you need to deal with another issue. It concerns an earlier contract that you took.	
FormID: 010086CB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	1	Since you were able to trick the county of Leyawiin into thinking that the Azkhlan Trolls were responsible for the deaths of the Blankenmarch villagers, the Count of Leyawiin wishes to discuss a contract with the Blackwood Company.	
__Blankenmarchの村民たちの死亡をAzkhlan Trollのせいに見せかけるのに成功しただろう?そのおかげでLeyawiin伯爵からBlackwood Companyに任務の依頼が来てな。
FormID: 010086CB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	2	I'm sending you as a lieutenant of the Blackwood Company in my place. Work out the details of the contract with the count and then come back and speak with me for your next orders.	
FormID: 010086CC	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	0	I wish to expand the Blackwood Company beyond the Leyawiin and Bravil areas. To this end I have ordered several company members to scout out suitable new locations that we may be able to use as an outpost.	
__俺はBlackwood CompanyをLeyawiin・Bravil地域の外にも拡大したいと考えてるんだ。その為には新支部として使える最適な場所が必要だから、既に数名のメンバーに調査の指示は出した。
FormID: 010086CC	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	1	While they are doing that I want you to undertake some different orders. You are going to help expand the ranks of the Blackwood Company.	
__その辺りの仕事は奴らにやってもらうとして、お前にはちょっと違う仕事を任せたいと思っているんだ。つまり、Blackwood Companyの「層を厚くする」仕事だな。
FormID: 010086CC	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	2	In order to establish ourselves as a viable alternative to the Fighters Guild across all of Cyrodiil we need to expand our ranks. I wish for you to recruit at least one member from all of the cities across Cyrodiil.	
__Fighters GuildはCyrodiil全域に展開している。本気で奴らに対抗し得る組織作りの為には層を厚くしなければならん。Cyrodiilの全都市から最低1名ずつ新メンバーを勧誘してくれないか。
FormID: 010086CC	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	3	Attempt to get a different person from different races if possible. Also do not bother with the city of Chorrol as it is the seat of the Master of the Fighters Guild, and you are unlikely to find anyone there willing to work for us.	
__可能な限り別々の種族から人選してくれ。あとChorrolには手を出すなよ。あそこはFighters GuildのMasterのおひざ元だ。誰も耳を貸しちゃくれないぜ。
FormID: 010086CC	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	4	Ask around the towns to find suitable people, once you have recruited a person from each town return here and report to me.	
FormID: 010086CE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11TrollContractTopic	0	I was informed that the Blackwood Company was contacted in order to kill a troll known as the Azkhan of Blankenmarch, but before you were able to arrive it had already attacked the village.	
__Blackwood Companyか。BlankenmarchのAzkhanとして知られるtrollの退治を請け負ったらしいが、君が到着した時にはすでに村は壊滅状態だったそうだな。
FormID: 010086CE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11TrollContractTopic	1	However since you were able to succeed in killing it after arriving in the town I would like to extend the offer of a permanent contract to your company. If you bring me troll fat then I will be willing to reward you for each piece you find.	
__とはいえ、trollの退治自体には成功したとも聞き及んでいる。その実績を以て私は君のcompanyと恒久契約を取り交わしたいと思う。troll fat(trollの脂身)ひとつを持参する毎に報酬を支払うつもりだがどうかね?
FormID: 010086CE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11TrollContractTopic	2	One thing I wonder though, it seems that the Leyawiin Fighters Guild has been lacking work recently due to the success of the Blackwood Company. 	
__あと、一つだけ心配事もある。最近Fighters GuildがBlackwood Companyの躍進のおかげで失業状態に陥っているそうじゃないか。
FormID: 010086CE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11TrollContractTopic	3	Would you perhaps like to offer this contract to the Fighters Guild instead as an expression of goodwill?	
__人助けだと思ってFighters Guildにこの契約を譲ってやってくれんかね?
FormID: 010086D0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11TakeTrollContract	0	As you wish. You can begin the contract immediately, whenever you wish to hand in some troll fat just tell me and I will reward you with 30 pieces of gold for each.	
__分かった。君が望む通りにしよう。この契約はいますぐ開始してもらって構わんよ。troll fatが手元にあるならいつでも言ってくれ。1つにつき30gold支払うからな。
FormID: 010086D2	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11GiveTrollContract	0	Then I will have my representative contact them and tell them the good news. I will be sure to have him mention your name as the person who agreed to offer the contract to them. Thank you for your cooperation. You may go now.	
FormID: 010086D6	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	0	You will probably be able to recruit them fairly easily, however they may ask you to help them complete some minor task or another to help them some what. It is up to you whether you want to help them or not.	
FormID: 010086D6	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBCSpecialOrders	1	Although you might find that they are able to better equip themselves if you help them.	
FormID: 010086D8	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	I can't say that I know anyone in particular who would want to join the Blackwood Company. Sorry.	
__Blackwood Companyに加入しそうな人物?すみませんが心当たりが無いですね。
FormID: 010086D9	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	Well I overheard from a friend of mine that an Argonian woman recently arrived and is hanging around the Three Sisters Inn. She looks quite fierce, just the sort of person who would join a mercenary organisation.	
__ええと。友人から聞いた話ですが、とあるArgonian女性が最近Three Sisters Innに滞在しているそうですよ。とても強そうな人で、傭兵とかそういう向きの人物らしいです。
FormID: 010086DA	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	I don't think that I know anyone who would want to go off and join the Blackwood Company. Perhaps you might try asking around the inns or someplace like that?	
__Blackwood Companyに加入したがりそうな人?心当たりがありませんね。宿屋とかで尋ねてみたらいかがでしょうか。
FormID: 010086DB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	I don't mean to gossip, but my friend told me that when she was eating lunch at the Lonely Suitor Lodge she kept on overhearing a wood elf complaining about the Fighters Guild in one way or another.	
__私はあまり他人の噂を流すようなつもりはありませんが、友人がLonely Suitor Lodgeで食事している時に、あるwood elfがFighters Guildについて色々と不満をぶちまけているのを耳にしたらしいですよ。
FormID: 010086DB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	1	It might be worth your while to go and have a chat with him.	
FormID: 010086DC	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	This town is well known for producing cheese and wine, not warriors and strongarms-for-hire. I don't know why anyone would even join the Fighters Guild, let alone your organisation.	
__この街の名物はチーズとワインです。屈強な傭兵ではありませんよ。あなたの組織はおろかFighters Guildにだって加入したがるような人の顔は思い浮かびませんね。
FormID: 010086DD	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	When I was having lunch in the Two Sisters Lodge I noticed a Khajiit person skulking around the place. Sounds like the perfect type of person to join a mercenary organisation like you belong to.	
__Two Sisters Lodgeで食事をしていたら、とあるKhajiitが落ち着きなさそうに過ごしているのを見ましたよ。あなたの所みたいな傭兵組織にうってつけの人材だと思いますが。
FormID: 010086DE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	Do I like the town gossip or something? I'm afraid I have more important things to do than go snooping around looking for new arrivals in town.	
FormID: 010086DF	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	I heard that a High Elf moved into the Count's Arms recently. You could try asking him. I think they said he used to be in the Mages Guild, but got kicked out.	
__最近、あるHigh ElfがCount's Armsにやって来たと聞きます。彼に会ってみたらいかがですか?彼はもともとMages Guildのメンバーでしたが破門されたらしいです。
FormID: 010086E0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	If you are looking for any poor sap to get them to join you for dangerous work then you don't have to look any further than the entrance to the Arena.	
FormID: 010086E1	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	Sure, there are lots of people around here who want to move across half the continent to live in a squalid backwater of a city. How about you go ask them yourself.	
FormID: 010086E2	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	The Newlands Lodge would be the best place to check out potential new recruits for your organisation. I would watch your pockets while you are in there though, and your back as well.	
__組織の新人を探すなら、The Newlands Lodgeが一番でしょう。あなたがそこに滞在している間、ちゃんとポケットをチェックしておきますからね。おっと、もちろん変な人に狙われないよう監視もさせていただきますから。
FormID: 010086E3	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	Like I'd tell you. Look around town yourself, I'm not your personal agent.	
FormID: 010086E4	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11PossibleRecruits	0	Olav's Tap and Tack is the gathering place of all the...less well to do people. They would probably be the ones most looking for work. Why don't you check there.	
__そうですね。Olav's Tap and Tackならその…あまり裕福でない人たちが集まっていますよ。きっと職を探している人も多いのでしょう。行ってみたらいかがですか?
FormID: 01008BE9	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	0	The Blackwood Company...hm, that's that mercenary organisation operating out of Leyawiin isn't it. I've heard that they will accept any recruits. I suppose I might be interested, I'll give you some information about myself first.	
__Blackwood Companyとな?…ふむ。Leyawiinあたりで活動している傭兵組織の事か?誰でも加入出来ると聞いているぞ。興味は湧いてきたが、その前に少し自己紹介と行こうか。
FormID: 01008BE9	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	1	I used to be a member of the Mages Guild. My guildmate and I were responsible for researching enchanted items. It was decent work, although my colleague didn't follow the correct procedures for disposing of correct items.	
__私はもともとMages Guildのメンバーだった。仲間と共に付呪の研究を任されておってな。ちゃんとした研究だぞ。まあ、同僚は道具の正しい配置法を一向に守らんかったが。
FormID: 01008BE9	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	2	One day thanks to his recklessness there was an explosion in the guild hall. Another mage was killed. The stupid fool thanks to his carelessness got us both expelled from the guild.	
FormID: 01008BE9	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	3	I tried to appeal the decision for myself, but the head of the guildhall said that since I was his partner it was my fault as much as his. As if it is my job to babysit someone!	
FormID: 01008BE9	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	4	After we were expelled my partner ran off to the wilds to become an outlaw. I think he ended up joining some rogue conjurers living in the nearby Ayleid ruin of Beldaburo.	
__破門を受けた後、奴は野に下って無法者と化した。今ではこの近くのAyleid遺跡「Beldaburo」を占拠するrogue conjurerのお仲間らしい。
FormID: 01008BE9	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	5	The rat took both of our mages staffs along with him as well. I want you to go to Beldaburo, find my old colleague, kill him, and return both of the staffs to me. If you do that then I will willingly join the Blackwood Company.	
__忌々しいネズミめ。奴は私の杖まで持ち逃げしおった。どうかBeldaburoに行って奴を殺し、2本の杖を取り戻してはくれないか?やってくれたら喜んでBlackwood Companyに加入しよう。
FormID: 01008BEB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	0	Thank you, I knew that you would be happy to help me get him back. The ruin of Beldaburo is to the northwest of Anvil. If you follow the coastline north then you should eventually encounter the entrance.	
FormID: 01008BEB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	1	His name is Boramar by the way, once you kill him you will need to return both of the staffs he is carrying to me. I'll wait here for you.	
FormID: 01008BED	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11DeclineQuest	0	I guess so. It isn't really that important to me that I get the staves back, and I do need the work anyway. I'll gather my things and head over to Leyawiin in a short while.	
FormID: 01008BEE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	0	What's that? Blackwood Company you say? Well, anything would be better than the Fighters Guild. That damn Modryn Oreyn always on my back, always giving me contracts that are impossible to complete.	
__何だって?Blackwood Company?ううむ、Fighters Guildよりも良い所なのかな?ギルドではいつもあのクソったれなModryn Oreynが無理な任務を押し付けて来るのでね。
FormID: 01008BEE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	1	Actually I have a good idea. I was meant to go and see some lady in the Mages Guild about some contract she wanted done. But I think that you should complete it instead.	
__そうだ、良い事を思いついた。いま私は任務でMages Guildの女性と会う事になっているんだが、代わりに行って来てくれるつもりはないかね?
FormID: 01008BEE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	2	If you do that for me then I will join the Blackwood Company no questions asked. You can even keep the contract money and any reward. Or you could give them to me I suppose. If you wanted to, heh heh.	
__もしもうんと言ってくれれば、私は喜んでBlackwood Companyに加入しよう。契約金も君の好きにしていい。もちろんFighters Guildに届けてくれも構わないよ。まあ君にそんなつもりがあれば、ではあるが。ハハハ。
FormID: 01008BEE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	3	For a real joke you could even hand them over to the Fighters Guild! Ha ha, that would be funny, seeing a member of the Blackwood Company complete a contract for the Fighters Guild and granting them the payment.	
__「Fighters Guildに契約金を届ける」か。こりゃ傑作だ、ハッハッハ!実際にやってくれたら面白い事になるな。Blackwood CompanyのメンバーがFighters GUildの任務を代行し、あまつさえ報酬も手放すとかね。
FormID: 01008BEE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	4	What do you say to it? Do you want to take up that contract that I have, or not?	
FormID: 01008BEF	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	0	Great! The lady you need to find is named Aryarie and she wants Imp Gall. You can find her in the Mages Guild. I'll wait here with your friend until you return and report your success.	
__よし!依頼主はMages GuildにいるAryarieだ。彼女はImp Gall(Impの胆嚢)を欲しがってる。私はここで君の同僚と一緒に待っていよう。任務の成功を祈っているよ。
FormID: 010090EA	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11DeclineQuest	0	Well why not. It isn't like I want to remain a member of the Fighters Guild. Okay, I'll do it. I'll join the Blackwood Company. I'll head down to Leyawiin in a little while once I've dealt with some issues here.	
__どうして駄目なんだい?私はFighters Guildに留まりたくないんだ。でも仕方ないか。Blackwood Companyには加入しよう。ここでしばらく身辺を片付けたらLeyawiinに向かうよ。
FormID: 010090EB	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	0	What in Tamriel is the Blackwood Company? Is it a circus or something?	
__何だって?Blackwood Company?サーカス団か何かかい?
FormID: 010090ED	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11LikeTheFG	0	Like the Fighters Guild. But not the actual Fighters Guild. Hmm, I guess you guys are their competition then. Well I might be interested. Although you would probably need to make it worth my while.	
__Fighters Guildみたいなものかぁ。でもFighters Guildそのものとは違う競合相手ということかな?ふうむ。興味は沸いてきたが、その前に少し頼まれ事を聞いてくれないか?
FormID: 010090ED	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11LikeTheFG	1	You see, I used to be a guard in the service of the lord of Winterhold. That was until I was kicked out for having an affair with the wife of the Captain.	
FormID: 010090ED	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11LikeTheFG	2	So now I've come over to Cyrodiil to see if my fortunes improve. On the way over here I heard about an interesting place, an Ayleid Ruin by the name of Rielle.	
FormID: 010090ED	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11LikeTheFG	3	Apparently one of Tiber Septim's original Blades is buried there along with his Akaviri Katana. If I were able to get a hold of that Katana then I could probably be much more dangerous in battle.	
__どうやらそこにはTiber Septim治世の頃の初代Bladeが埋葬されていて、副葬品のAkaviri Katanaも一緒に安置されているらしい。そのKatanaが入手出来れば厳しい戦闘でも助けになるに違いない。
FormID: 010090ED	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11LikeTheFG	4	If you go to Rielle and bring back the Akaviri Katana there then I'll join the Blackwood Company for sure.	
__Rielleに行ってAkaviri Katanaを取って来てくれないか?そうしてくれたら喜んでBlackwood Companyに加入しよう。
FormID: 010090EE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	0	Alright, you'll need to know how to get to Rielle. I asked around and apparently it is northwest of Bruma. There is some big castle to the north of Bruma as well, Rielle is southwest of there.	
FormID: 010090EE	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	1	So just search around in the area northwest of that castle. You should find it eventually.	
FormID: 010090EF	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11DeclineQuest	0	I suppose so. I don't really have any other choice since I've been blacklisted from the Fighters Guild already, bunch of bastards. I'll buy some supplies and then go down the city of Leyawiin.	
__そうか。しかし他に選択肢も無い。Fighters Guildにはブラックリスト入りさせられているしな。忌々しい。身支度と買い物を済ませたらLeyawiinに向かう事にしよう。
FormID: 010090F0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	0	I thought that the Fighters Guild was the only mercenary organisation in Cyrodiil. Hmph whatever, I'm still annoyed thanks to that s'wit of a thieves guild operative getting me exiled from Morrowind.	
__Cyrodiilの傭兵組織と言ったらFighters Guildだけかと思っていたが。ふむ、いずれにせよ私をMorrowindからの追放に陥れたthieves guildの密偵の奴には腹が立つな。
FormID: 010090F0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	1	Actually had the nerve to sneak into my quarters and plant evidence incriminating me in a plot to target one of my bosses. Now I'm stuck here with nothing to do.	
FormID: 010090F0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	2	Nothing to do but exact my revenge! I've tracked him down, I know where he is hiding. He is hiding out at a nearby Wayshrine of Julianos. It is just next to Cheydinhal.	
FormID: 010090F0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	3	The problem is that he has a wide view of the whole area. He could see me coming from a mile away. If I try and reach him then he will slip away and I could lose him completely.	
FormID: 010090F0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	4	But say, he doesn't know who you are does he? You could walk right up to him and he wouldn't suspect anything right up until the moment that you plunge the knife into him.	
FormID: 010090F0	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11JoinUsTopic	5	Would you be able to help me out with this? If you can, then I would gladly join your Blackwood Company.	
__私に協力してくれるつもりはあるか?もしも手伝ってくれるなら喜んでBlackwood Companyに加入しよう。
FormID: 010090F3	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	0	Good. To get to the Wayshrine take the road east out of town and then take the right turn. Once you get to the fork take the right path, then walk up the mountains until you get to some estate house.	
FormID: 010090F3	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	1	From there you need to take a hard right and swing back south. You should pass by the Ayleid ruin of Fanacas, once you do just keep following along the road until you reach the Wayshrine.	
FormID: 010090F3	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	2	Once you've killed him then come back and tell me, and I'll join up with the Blackwood Company. He should be carrying some sort of item that identifies him. Take that off his corpse as proof of his death.	
__奴を殺したら私に報告して欲しい。喜んでBlackwood Companyに加入しよう。きっと身元証明になるような持ち物があるはずだから、それも回収してくれ。奴の死の証明としてな。
FormID: 010090F3	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11AcceptQuest	3	His name is Theranir by the way, a Bosmer.	
FormID: 010090F4	LingBC11Recruitment	LingBC11DeclineQuest	0	Hmph, whatever, I didn't really want you to do it anyway. I'll move down south in a little while, once I've gathered my belongings.

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