L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC11Bravil のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0100962B	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ImpGallTopic	0	How did you know I needed Imp Gall? I hired the Fighters Guild to procure me some, but nobody has shown up yet.	
__どうして私がImp Gallを集めてることを?調達させようと思ってFighters Guildの方を雇ったのだけれど、未だに誰一人やってきやしないの。
FormID: 0100962D	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ImDoingImpGallNow	0	Hmm, fine then. I need imp gall for my studies. Ten portions of it, in fact. Since I hired the Fighters Guild, I expected them to get it done. I don't really trust you Blackwood Company types, so you had better not mess this up.	
__ふうむ、まあいいでしょう。研究の為にImp Gallが必要なんですの。それも10個分ね。Fighters Guildに依頼した時はちゃんとやってくれると思ったのに。正直、あなたみたいなBlackwood Companyの連中はあまり信用できないのだけれど、くれぐれもヘマをしないで下さいね。
FormID: 0100962D	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ImDoingImpGallNow	1	You might check Robbers Glen Cave for the Imp Gall. That place has been known to contain Imps. To get to Robbers Glen Cave you can just follow the Green Road north out of Bravil.	
__Imp Gall探しならRobbers Glen Caveを探すといいでしょう。あそこはImpの群の住処として知られていますからね。Robbers Glen Caveに行くには、Bravilを出て北に続くGreen Roadを道なりに進むのがいいでしょう。
FormID: 0100962D	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ImDoingImpGallNow	2	The entrance to the cave lies nearby the road so keep your eye out for it.	
FormID: 0100962F	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ImpGallTopic	0	Ah... you've got it. Looks fresh, too! I was going to send the money off to the Fighters Guild, but since you completed the contract I'll let you decide what to do with it, also take this as well. It might come in handy in your work.	
__おぉ...取ってきてくれましたか。それもこんなに新鮮なのを!Fighters Guildにお金を送金するつもりだったけれど、あなたが依頼を完了してくれたからには、お金をどうするかはあなたに任せましょう。それから、これも受け取って下さいまし。きっとお仕事の役に立ちますよ。
FormID: 0100962F	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ImpGallTopic	1	I've changed my mind about you. You people from the Blackwood Company aren't so bad after all.	
__わたくし、誤解していたみたいですね。Blackwood Companyの方々は、それ程悪い人じゃあなかったみたい。
FormID: 01009631	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ContractMoney	0	You stole a contract off the Fighters Guild and completed it? Excellent work. I am extremely proud of you. I will find a way to reward you for your service later.	
FormID: 01009632	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ContractMoney	0	We did receive a contract from a mage in Bravil to collect some Imp Gall for her. I'm amazed that you completed the contract for us and then even brought the contract money here to give to us.	
__Fighters Guildから依頼を奪って完遂してきたとな?素晴らしい仕事っぷりだな。君の事は大いに誇りに思うよ。後ほど、今回の働きぶりに対する褒美を考えてやらないとな。
FormID: 01009632	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ContractMoney	0	We did receive a contract from a mage in Bravil to collect some Imp Gall for her. I'm amazed that you completed the contract for us and then even brought the contract money here to give to us.
__確かに我々はBravilに住む女魔術師から、Imp Gallを複数個集めてきて欲しいとの依頼を受け取った。君が依頼を完遂させてくれたことは元より、まさか報酬金の分け前まで持って来てくれるとはな。
FormID: 01009632	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11ContractMoney	1	This challenges some of the notions that we have been holding about the Blackwood Company. I thank you for it indeed.	
__今回の件で、Blackwood Companyに対して抱いてきた印象が多少は変わるだろうな。君には心からお礼を申し上げておこう。
FormID: 01009B3E	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11RingOfAegis	0	So you were given a Ring of Aegis for completing that contract huh? I don't suppose that you would be willing to give it to me as a present. You did all the work so it is only fair that you keep it.	
__それで、依頼を完了した報酬にRing of Aegisを受け取ったとな?まさかそれを私への手土産にしようなどとは言いだすまい。君一人で成し遂げた仕事だ、取っておきなさい。それが公平というものだ。
FormID: 01009B40	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11GiveRingToMaglir	0	Your kindness is immeasurable! I can't believe you would willingly give this to me. It's sure to help protect me in my future contracts. As I said before, I'll happily join the Blackwood Company now.	
__全く、君という奴の親切心は測り知れんな!まさか自ら進んで私に譲ってくれるとは。今後私が依頼をこなす時には、この指輪がきっと助けになってくれるだろう。さて、先程言った通り、喜んでBlackwood Companyに加入させてもらうよ。
FormID: 01009B40	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11GiveRingToMaglir	1	I'll make my way down to Leyawiin in a little while, once I've finished purchasing some supplies here.	
FormID: 01009B42	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11KeepRingForMyself	0	Fair enough, you did earn it after all. Like I said, I'd agree to join the Blackwood Company if you did that, and getting away from the Fighters Guild looks like a pretty sweet deal at the moment.	
FormID: 01009B42	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11KeepRingForMyself	1	I'll purchase some supplies here and then head down the road to Leyawiin.	
__結構だ、異論はない。君が稼いだ報酬なのだからな。先程言った通り、君が依頼をこなしてくれたのならば私はBlackwood Companyへの加入に同意しよう。それに、そろそろFighters Guildに見切りを付けるいい機会のようだからな。 
FormID: 01009B42	LingBC11Bravil	LingBC11KeepRingForMyself	1	I'll purchase some supplies here and then head down the road to Leyawiin.

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