L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC10CoverUp-01 のバックアップソース(No.2)

FormID: 01000D28	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	I'm sorry but this area is strictly off limits. You'll have to leave right away.	
FormID: 01000D2A	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10IWontLeave	0	Oh really? We have orders to use deadly force if anyone entering this area refuses to obey our command. There is a very important person being protected in this area. This is your final warning.	
FormID: 01000D2C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10IllKillYouAnyway	0	Not on your life you aren't!	
FormID: 01000D2E	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10ShowPapers	0	You expect me to believe that somebody I have never heard of is here on 'official business'? I've had enough. To arms!	
FormID: 01000D2F	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10ShowPapers	0	Hmm, well these papers clearly came from Galtus Previa. He send you here for some reason did he? I'm not quite sure I should do this, but he would be angry if I interfered with his business.	
FormID: 01000D2F	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10ShowPapers	1	Alright, our witness is in the Lakeview Inn, you can find him in the room on the second floor. Did you need us to help you escort him to the Imperial City? Or should we maintain guard here.	
FormID: 01000D31	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10MaintainGuard	0	As you wish sir. Here are the keys to the Inn and the room he is staying in.	
FormID: 01000D32	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	We'll stay here until we receive further orders from the Office of Census and Excise.	
FormID: 01000D33	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	So you've come for me. Fine go ahead and kill me. There is already someone else far more intelligent than I who will bring your detestable company down from the inside.	
FormID: 01000D34	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	Ehh? You've come to escort me to the Imperial City? But I thought that Previa said that it would still take a few more days to arrange appropriate accommodation. Oh well, if he sent you to bring me then I will follow you.	
FormID: 01000D35	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	Hello Lieutenant, I am Ri'zakar. I am the leader, the Pakseech, of the Blackwood Company. Jeetum-Ze and Ja'Fazir both vouch for your ability, so there are some special orders I want you to help me with.	
FormID: 01000D38	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	You will need to find out if Galtus Previa left any information about us, and deal with it if he did.	
FormID: 01000D39	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	I trust you have made some progress with our little problem?	
FormID: 01000D3A	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	Come back and see me again later on.	
FormID: 01000D3B	LingBC10CoverUp	GREETING	0	Good to see you again. I have some more special orders for you.	
FormID: 01000D3C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBCSpecialOrders	0	I have gathered up the four most likely suspects. I want you to interview each of them, find out who is hiding the fact that he or she is the mole.	
FormID: 01000D3C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBCSpecialOrders	1	I would get a higher ranked member to do it, except that it would cause the mole to be more wary and they might not reveal themselves. So you will do it. I promise a special reward when you do.	
FormID: 01000D3C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBCSpecialOrders	2	They are all down in the basement training, so you can talk to them at leisure. Be sure to talk to each of them, ask them about their feelings about the company, and about each other as well.	
FormID: 01000D3C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBCSpecialOrders	3	Try and see if you can find any inconsistencies in their stories. See who you think is the most suspicious. You will have to listen very carefully to what each of them say.	
FormID: 01000D3C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBCSpecialOrders	4	Then once you have decided who you think is the mole, come back and tell me. As only one of them is the mole I'm not about to put three other good members to death. So choose wisely, your decision will probably have a great impact upon the company.	
FormID: 01000D3D	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBCSpecialOrders	0	Have you decided who the mole is yet?	
FormID: 01000D3F	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10NotYet	0	Very well, once you have made your decision please inform me of it.	
FormID: 0100171A	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10BlackwoodCompTopic	0	When I first joined the Blackwood Company I thought it would be a professional organisation like the Fighters Guild. I didn't count on it being filled with such bloodthirsty members.	
__Blackwood Companyに加入した当初は、ここもFighters Guildのようなプロ組織なのだろうかと思っておったよ。まさかこんなに血気盛んなメンバーばかりとは予想せなんだ。
FormID: 0100171A	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10BlackwoodCompTopic	1	Still, better to have a job than not have one.	
FormID: 0100171B	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10BlackwoodCompTopic	0	The company is a good place. When I first joined I wondered whether I would be allowed to stay, but it was all fine. It is such a good company that I would never even think of stealing anything from it.	
FormID: 0100171C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10BlackwoodCompTopic	0	I have no problems with the way the company operates. Take my contract, complete it, and head back. Some of those 'different options' are quite distas- but never mind that.	
FormID: 0100171C	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10BlackwoodCompTopic	1	Personally I complete my contracts how they are originally assigned to me.	
FormID: 0100171D	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10BlackwoodCompTopic	0	I thought that it might be a bit hard to join the Blackwood Company, what with it being primarily composed of Khajiit and Argonians. But it turns out that they are willing to accept anyone. I like working for it.	
__最初はBlackwood Companyに入るのは難しいんじゃないかって思ってましたよ。元々KhajiitとArgonianで構成された組織でしたからね。でも、本当は誰でも受け入れてくれるのだと後になってから分かるようになりました。ここで働けるのは嬉しいです。
FormID: 0100171E	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Guleem	0	That one is sneaky I tell you. Always looking down his nose at us Khajiit, and we look down our nose at him. But you wonder where he goes in secret, don't you?	
FormID: 0100171E	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Guleem	1	Heh, heh, heh. Sorry, but I'm not telling. He keeps my secret and I keep his.	
FormID: 0100171F	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Guleem	0	He seems to be a model worker. Always willing to do as he is told, never questioning orders despite how much he may dislike them. Nice and innocent.	
FormID: 0100171F	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Guleem	1	Too innocent if you ask me. He is hiding something, I know. You can tell by the way he acts as if she has nothing to hide.	
FormID: 01001720	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Guleem	0	I don't know. I don't really care about him. He doesn't seem the type to join the Blackwood Company though. Perhaps he joined for another reason...	
__彼の事は知りません。というか興味自体ありませんよ。Blackwood Companyに向いた人物じゃないと思います。きっと何か腹づもりがあって加入しただけなんじゃ…。
FormID: 01001721	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Khajar	0	He is a thief. I have seen him stealing. I saw him taking something one day, then I followed him going to another person and selling it. I only have not told anyone because of our deal.	
FormID: 01001721	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Khajar	1	Oh Guleem you s'wit! You told him. Please do not tell anyone, do not tell him that I told you. If it becomes known then I will be in great trouble. He only takes things of low worth anyway.	
FormID: 01001722	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Khajar	0	I don't trust that one. I entered my room one day and saw him digging around Traithe Nottor's personal belongings. Perhaps he accidentally lost something in there.	
FormID: 01001722	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Khajar	1	And perhaps I was born to a goat!	
FormID: 01001723	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Khajar	0	Abasi told me he was going through my belongings one day. After I finished with him he won't ever try that again. Probably trying to find some information to use to blackmail me or something.	
FormID: 01001724	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Abasi	0	Abasi tells me not to trust Traithe. He thinks that Traithe is up to something. Abasi is quite knowledgable about these things. I wonder if he was some sort of detective before he joined the Blackwood Company?	
__Abasiからは「Traitheは何か良からぬ事を企んでいるから信用するな」と聞いとります。Abasiは本当に事情通ですわい。Blackwood Companyに加入する以前は探偵か何かだったのでしょうかな?
FormID: 01001725	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Abasi	0	He doesn't like me and I don't like him. He told Traithe about the time I was looking through Traithe's stuff. I was sore for a week after Traithe had finished beating me up.	
FormID: 01001725	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Abasi	1	Still, I don't know why he was looking for Traithe in his room when he knew Traithe was out on a contract. We live in different rooms you see, Abasi and I live down one end of the hall, Traithe lives at the other end.	
FormID: 01001725	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Abasi	2	And lucky for him that he does! Abasi stinks and snores at the same time. What a disgrace to Khajiit everywhere.	
FormID: 01001726	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Abasi	0	A good man, he tipped me off about Khaj'ar. Still I'm not sure what Abasi was doing in my quarters either. Probably trying to find my report about my last contract.	
FormID: 01001726	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Abasi	1	You aren't really required to write one yourself, but Abasi insists upon it. Boring I think. Just give me someone to kill.	
FormID: 01001727	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Traithe	0	He only recently joined the Blackwood Company. Strangely though he usually fights in a more stealthy manner than normal. He seems a bit out of place in heavy armour. Other than that I don't know too much about him.	
__あいつはBlackwood Companyに入ってまだ日が浅い。普通の奴らと比べて不意討ちを好む点は少々気になるかの。それに重装鎧がぎこちないようにも見える。あいつについて知っている事といえばそれ位だわ。
FormID: 01001728	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Traithe	0	I don't have much information about him. If you did you can bet that he wouldn't have dared touch me. Damn that Abasi for discovering me.	
FormID: 01001728	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Traithe	1	He doesn't do anything interesting outside of work either. Just sneaks around the town like a weirdo. Hard to follow though, I lose him most times. But the times I have managed to follow he always goes to the same barrel.	
FormID: 01001728	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Traithe	2	Perhaps he gets something from there, or puts something there. But whenever I check I find nothing. Which is why I tried to look in his bags. What? That isn't illegal.	
FormID: 01001729	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10Traithe	0	The shadiest of the lot. He is always asking about upcoming contracts, about [QUOTE]any contracts where we need to protect someone?[QUOTE]. It is strange as he doesn't usually take escort contracts.	
FormID: 0100172F	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10AbasiMole	0	You declare Abasi to be the mole? I trust that you have thought about this carefully, if you believe him to be the mole then I shall act on that advice. He will not be a nuisance any longer.	
FormID: 0100172F	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10AbasiMole	1	Thank you for doing that task, as I promised I have arranged a special reward for you. Please go and see Jeetum-Ze. He will fill you in on the details. If you want another contract just speak to Ja'Fazir.	
FormID: 01001731	LingBC10CoverUp	LingBC10GuleemMole	0	The Argonian one? Hmm, If you think that he is the mole then I will see that he bothers us no more.

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