L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC08Alchemist のバックアップ差分(No.2)

FormID: 0100550F	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	0	We have received a contract from an alchemist from the city of Bruma. It is quite far from our usual area, so we hope that we will be able to use this opportunity to establish ourselves in that area.	
FormID: 0100550F	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	1	The lady you need to protect is called Hilda the Alchemist. She believes that she is going to be targeted by the Dark Brotherhood. You are to go and meet her. She said that she will be staying at a place called Olav's Tap and Tack.	
__護衛対象はHilda the Alchemistという女だ。何でもDark Brotherhoodに命を狙われているんだとよ。彼女に会いに行ってくれ。Olav's Tap and Tackに滞在していると言っていたぞ。
FormID: 0100550F	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	2	You are to go and meet up with her in order to work out how you will best protect her. You will also have another company member helping you with this mission. He has already been sent to Bruma, you can meet him in the tavern there.	
FormID: 01005510	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	0	We have received a contract from an alchemist from the city of Bruma. It is quite far from our usual area, so we hope that we will be able to use this opportunity to establish ourselves in that area.	
FormID: 01005510	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	1	The lady you need to protect is called Hilda the Alchemist. She believes that she is going to be targeted by the Dark Brotherhood. You are to go and meet her. She said that she will be staying at a place called Olav's Tap and Tack.	
__護衛対象はHilda the Alchemistという女だ。何でもDark Brotherhoodに命を狙われているんだとよ。彼女に会いに行ってくれ。Olav's Tap and Tackに滞在していると言っていたぞ。
FormID: 01005510	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	2	You are to go and meet up with her in order to work out how you will best protect her.	
FormID: 01005BE0	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Head back to the entrance chamber and wait there.	
FormID: 01006DA8	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	What are you doing here? If you have come to interfere in official Fighters Guild business then I will have to ask you to leave.	
__あんた、ここで何してるんだ?Fighters Guildの仕事を邪魔しに来たというなら引き取ってもらわねばならないんだが。
FormID: 01006DAA	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HereToHelp	0	So you were who she was talking about? Damn, I hoped she had just hired another strong arm, didn't think that it would be someone from the Blackwood Company.	
__じゃあ、あんたが彼女の言ってた人物だと?クソッ。もっと腕っぷしの強そうな奴ならと期待していたのに、まさかBlackwood Companyの奴が来るとは。
FormID: 01006DAA	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HereToHelp	1	Still I suppose it can't be helped now. Well I guess you can help some how. We are planning on moving Hilda the Alchemist to a new location, that way we can lure the assassins out into the open and beat them.	
__だが、愚痴を言っても始まらないか。お前みたいなので何かの役には立つだろう。俺達は暗殺者をおびき寄せ、迎え撃ちするつもりだ。この計画が遂行可能な場所にHilda the Alchemistを連れて行き、待機してもらう事になっている。
FormID: 01006DAA	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HereToHelp	2	We will be heading to a cave just to the west of Bruma called Capstone Cave. There are some bandits and other nuisances there, nothing serious.	
__行き先はBruma東、Capstone Caveと呼ばれる場所だ。banditやその他の有象無象はいるだろうが、大した脅威ではない。
FormID: 01006DAA	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HereToHelp	3	Once we have secured a position we will wait for the Dark Brotherhood assassins to strike. When they do we will be ready for them. I'll give you some more details once we arrive at the cave.	
__場所を確保したら、あとはDark Brotherhoodの暗殺者どもを迎え撃つのみだ。先手を取ってやる。詳細は洞窟に到着してから話そう。
FormID: 01006DAA	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HereToHelp	4	I imagine that we are being watched fairly carefully, so the assassins should be able to find out position fairly easily. Let's go.	
FormID: 01006DAB	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Another person from the Blackwood Company? This other one arrived here but refused to explain his motives. Perhaps you would like to explain why you are both here?	
FormID: 01006DAC	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Nice to see that you and I are going to work together. I'm sure this contract will be very profitable, for both of us.	
FormID: 01006DAD	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Just keep yourself focused on the job at hand.	
FormID: 01006DAE	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Wait until we get set up in Capstone Cave before you try and ask me anything else. We just have to clear out a few bandits and then I will explain it to you.	
FormID: 01006DAF	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	I hope that you are worth the pay that your guild was asking. I admit I had hoped to have more Fighters Guild members, but there just aren't that many up here near Bruma, nobody likes the cold, plus they don't usually hand out contracts anyway.	
FormID: 01006DB6	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Okay this looks like a good spot. It is fairly easily to defend Hilda the Alchemist here as there is only one entrance. Haldir and I will remain back here with her, I think it would be best if you went back to that main entrance.	
FormID: 01006DB6	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	If you wait near the entrance, the part where that passage opens up into, then you should be able to intercept them fairly easily. If you find yourself out matched then you should fall back to our position and we will help you fight them.	
FormID: 01006DB6	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	So for now head back there and wait. I imagine that they will be along shortly.	
FormID: 01006DBA	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Looks like we are alone, well then I guess we are able to talk now.	
FormID: 01006DBA	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	I'm going to come clean to you, I'm a member of the Dark Brotherhood, and I'm here to kill that lady.	
FormID: 01006DBA	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	I deliberately infiltrated the Blackwood Company for the chance to assassinate someone who we were meant to be protecting. Only problem is that it has taken a bit longer than I expected.	
FormID: 01006DBA	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	3	So I jumped at the chance to take this contract. And now we come to the crux of the issue, will you help me or not?	
FormID: 01006DBA	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	4	Think carefully before deciding mind you. On the one hand you can choose to try and help protect this lady, if you do then you will probably die. Even if you don't then all you will get is some measly coins as a reward.	
FormID: 01006DBA	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	5	If on the other hand you agree to help me, well let's just say that our client has promised a very nice reward, particularly for an organisation like the Blackwood Company, and it's use of Hist Sap.	
FormID: 01006DBA	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	6	So what do you say, do you want to die? Or do you want an even greater reward for helping me?	
FormID: 01006DBC	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HelpTheDB	0	I'm so glad you agree, let's get started. We'll have to kill the Fighters Guild pawns as well.	
FormID: 01006DBD	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	I'm sorry that I wasn't able to speak to you frankly before most Honoured Listener, but I couldn't with those Fighters Guild members listening.	
FormID: 01006DBD	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	I'm sorry to have deceived you before, it is just that I couldn't risk blowing my cover. I infiltrated the Blackwood Company so that I could take a contract in which I was meant to protect someone from the Brotherhood, only so I could actually kill them.	
FormID: 01006DBD	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	The only problem is that I haven't had any for some time, so I jumped at this chance. If only I had known that you would be here as well.	
FormID: 01006DBD	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	3	I understand that you have a conflict of interest between working for the Blackwood Company and being the Listener as well, so I will defer to your decision.	
FormID: 01006DBD	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	4	Would you like me to abandon this contract or would you like to help me complete it? Just so you know, our contractor has promised the Blackwood Company some powerful alchemical ingredients as a reward.	
FormID: 01006DBD	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	5	Ingredients that could be very powerful if combined with Hist Sap. I'm sure that the company won't mind you 'failing' one contract. With this in mind, what is your decision?	
FormID: 01006DBF	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08DismissTraithe	0	As you wish most Honoured Listener. I will hasten back to my sanctuary. Once again I apologise for deceiving you.	
FormID: 01006DC1	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HelpTraithe	0	I knew that you would say yes! Oh, sorry... I meant I'm so grateful to you for agreeing to. We'll have to kill those Fighters Guild pawns as well. I can't believe I actually get to fight alongside the legendary Listener of the Dark Brotherhood.	
FormID: 01006DC3	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08KillTheDB	0	Too bad for you then. I quite liked you.	
FormID: 01006DC4	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Well look what we have here. A member of the Blackwood Company if I am not mistaken. Looks like this is your unlucky day. Or is it?	
FormID: 01006DC4	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	I'm willing to offer you a little deal, instead of me killing you, you will help me to kill my target - the lady called Hilda the Alchemist.	
FormID: 01006DC4	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	Obviously I wouldn't make such an offer without bringing something to the table, so here it is. In exchange for your help your Blackwood Company will receive some powerful alchemical ingredients from our contractor.	
FormID: 01006DC4	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	3	Such ingredients would be of particular use to one such as yourself, what with your company's involvement with Hist Sap.	
FormID: 01006DC4	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	4	So what is your choice? Choose to fight me and die, or help me and be rewarded?	
FormID: 01006DC5	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HelpTheDB	0	Nice to see you have a smart head on your shoulders. Let us begin the killing.	
FormID: 01006DC6	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08KillTheDB	0	Why do they always choose the stupid path?	
FormID: 01006DC7	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Forgive my impertinence for asking but, what are you doing here most Honoured Listener? I was not told that you would be taking this contract personally...	
FormID: 01006DC7	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	Wait, could it be that you are actually here to try and protect that lady? I heard that you had joined the Blackwood Company, but I did not think that I would ever encounter you on opposite sides!	
FormID: 01006DC7	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	Since you are the Listener I will defer to your decision as to whether I should continue this contract or not. But before you decide please allow me to explain the situation.	
FormID: 01006DC7	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	3	If you opt to side with me then our contractor would be willing to supply the Blackwood Company with several powerful alchemical ingredients. These ingredients would be very useful when combined with Hist Sap.	
FormID: 01006DC7	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	4	I am sure that your company will not be too disappointed if you 'fail' one contract, particularly considering the bonus you will bring them. So what is your decision my Listener? Will you help me, or I am to abandon the contract?	
FormID: 01006DC8	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08HelpTraithe	0	I thank you dearly most Honoured Listener. Let our blades sing together as we rend her flesh!	
FormID: 01006DC9	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBC08DismissTraithe	0	As you will it most Honoured Listener. I will head back to my sanctuary immediately and inform my Speaker of your decision.	
FormID: 010081D5	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	Nicely done, nicely done. I knew you would be able to kill them all. I'm afraid you won't be seeing me anymore, now that I've completed this contract I intend to head back to my sanctuary after you leave.	
FormID: 010081D5	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	I'll let my Speaker know how you helped me. He will be sure to pass on the news to our client. I think you will be able to expect a pleasant welcome when you report back.	
FormID: 010081D5	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	Well, I'm off then. Nice 'working' with you, aha ha ha ha.	
FormID: 010081D6	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	I thank you for helping me. It is always much better of you to help than to hinder, don't you think?	
FormID: 010081D6	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	I will go back to my sanctuary once you have left and inform my Speaker of your actions. He will be sure to pass on the news to our client, and your reward will be delivered to the Blackwood Company Hall.	
FormID: 010081D6	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	I don't think our paths will cross again, so I now bid you goodbye.	
FormID: 010081D7	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	I'm quite glad you helped me, my contract specified that I was to try and recruit the help of the Blackwood Company if I could. I'll get my bonus reward now. I still have a few things to do, you can leave now.	
FormID: 010081D8	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	I'm quite glad you helped me, my contract specified that I was to try and recruit the help of the Blackwood Company if I could. I'll get my bonus reward now. I still have a few things to do, you can leave now.	
FormID: 010081D9	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	I have to thank you, I am glad that I took up the suggestion to hire your company. I will be recommending you to all of my friends.	
FormID: 010081D9	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	I'll also be sure to tell the Fighters Guild how much help you provided. They all say that Blackwood Company members are too dangerous, but personally I feel that you are quite a nice and decent person.	
FormID: 010081D9	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	2	I'll send the payment for the contract to your Company Hall. I thank you once again for helping to protect from that necrophiliac's plans. To think she has the gaul to try and assassinate me just because I had her old shop burned down!	
FormID: 010081DA	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	0	Once the contract is completed then you should return to me. Be careful though, Dark Brotherhood assassins are dangerous.	
FormID: 010081DB	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	0	I see that you had an interesting experience up in Bruma. We received a parcel of some interesting items along with a note explaining what occured on your mission.	
FormID: 010081DB	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	1	While it is unfortunate that our first mission in that region was a failure, overall it worked out quite well. Don't worry, we plan to establish an outpost in northern Cyrodiil soon, that way we can gain more contracts in that region.	
FormID: 010081DB	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	2	Your actions on this contract demonstrate that you are capable of making tough choices under pressure. The result of this is that we received some very useful items.	
FormID: 010081DB	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	3	Since we are unable to grant you any gold for completing the contract we will reward you with this enchanted item instead. Ri'zakar has also decided that you should be given another special assignment. You should speak to him about that next.	
FormID: 010081DC	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	0	I heard that you succeeded in protecting Hilda from the Dark Brotherhood. You have done well. Thanks to you our name in northern Cyrodiil will receive much goodwill.	
FormID: 010081DC	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	1	This has strengthened the company's resolve to establish an outpost in that area to service contracts up there. Ri'zakar wishes to issue you some special orders in order to fulfill that task.	
FormID: 010081DC	LingBC08Alchemist	LingBCContracts	2	Oh and of course, your payment for completing the contract is here.	
FormID: 01011A13	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	0	I don't know how you managed to convince the assassin to leave me alone, but I'm glad you were able to. I thank you for your help, I'll be sure to tell all my friends about you.	
FormID: 01011A13	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	You can head back home now, we'll wait here for a little while before heading home as well. Thanks once again.	
FormID: 01011A13	LingBC08Alchemist	GREETING	1	You can head back home now, we'll wait here for a little while before heading home as well. Thanks once again.

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