L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC06Fugitive のバックアップ(No.3)


FormID: 01011C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 0 I was hoping that you would be able to take on a bounty contract, as you have not had one yet. But there are not any available at the moment, so you are going to rectify this.
FormID: 01011C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 1 There are a group of criminals currently being transported between Leyawiin and Bravil. They will be stopping shortly in Bravil before being transported onto the Imperial City.
__実はいま、LeyawiinからBravilへ囚人を護送する予定があるらしい。奴らはImperial Cityに向かうんだが、途中Bravilで休憩を挟むという。
FormID: 01011C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 2 You are to free them and help them escape to a nearby cave called Bloodmayne Cave. Then you will spread rumours throughout the town about the criminals escaping to the cave.
__お前には囚人を解放し、Bloodmayne Caveとかいう洞窟に誘導する役割を果たしてもらう。事が終わったらBravilへと戻り、乞食たちに「犯罪者たちが洞窟に逃げ込んだ」とでも噂を広めておけ。
FormID: 01011C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 3 Once you have done that a bounty will be placed on their heads, which you will then collect. A smart way to make money, don't you think?
FormID: 01011C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 4 Since you will eliminate the escort completely there will be no-one to suspect you. You will just be a passerby who came across the slaughtered guards. You should head out now and follow them.
FormID: 01011C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 5 Luckily for you they are hiring extra guards for the trip. You will sign up as a guard. You will find three members waiting for them on the road to Bravil. Once they attack the convoy you should free the criminals.
FormID: 01011C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 6 Speak with the guard captain nearby the stables. Wait until they are near Bravil and then make your move.
FormID: 01012111 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06Accept 0 Good, then go there now. Once you have led the bandits to Bloodmayne Cave and told one of the beggars of Bravil that they are free you are to return to me.
__良い子だ。じゃあ出発しろ。あのbanditたちをBloodmayne Caveに連れて行ったらBravilの乞食達に奴らの脱走を伝え、俺の所まで戻って来い。
FormID: 01012111 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06Accept 1 Bloodmayne Cave can be found by following the Larsius River west from Bravil. Keep on the north side of the River and eventually you will find Bloodmayne Cave.
__Bloodmayne CaveはBravilから西、Larsius River沿いにある。川の北岸を辿って行けばそのうち見つかるはずだ。
FormID: 01012113 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06Decline 0 Very well, I'm sure we can manage without you, I just thought it would be fun to do is all. You'll have to wait about two days until you can continue in that case. Come back here then.
FormID: 01012FDC LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06SignUp 0 I was looking for another guard to help me escort these criminals to Bravil. The pay is 50 gold for the whole trip. We shouldn't have too much trouble I imagine.
FormID: 01012FDE LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06SignUpAccept 0 Alright then, you look ready so we will head out immediately. The prisoners all have their hands bound by wrist irons, so they shouldn't provide any trouble. I've got the key so don't worry about them trying to make a break for freedom.
FormID: 01012FDE LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06SignUpAccept 1 We'll all go along together. The other guards and I will occasionally stop for a moment to look back and see how the convoy is, don't let it worry you. Let's go.
FormID: 01015238 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Hi there. I'm looking for another person to sign up as guard to help me escort these prisoners to Bravil. Are you interested?
FormID: 01015239 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Come on, there is no time to stop and talk.
FormID: 0101523A LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Speak to the escort leader if you have any questions.
FormID: 0101523B LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 We aren't allowed to talk to you.
FormID: 0101523D LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Thanks for your help, it looks like someone paid you to free us or something? Still, it isn't any good until we can get these wrist irons off. Check out the escort leader's body, he must have the key to them or something.
FormID: 01015240 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Have you got the key to unlock my wrist irons yet?
FormID: 01015241 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Good work, we will wait here for a short while until you have escorted the prisoners to Bloodmayne Cave, then we will go.
__良い手際だ。お前が囚人どもをBloodmayne Caveに送り届けるまで俺達はここを見張っておく。
FormID: 01015243 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06HaveKey 0 Thank you, it is good to be rid of those things.
FormID: 01015244 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06HaveKey 0 Finally I got those damn things of my wrists!
FormID: 01015245 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06HaveKey 0 Thanks for that, I'm glad that you are helping us.
FormID: 01015246 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06HaveKey 0 Good, once we are all free we'll have to make a dash for freedom somewhere. Speak to me once again once everyone is free. I'm sort of the leader of this group of...outlaws.
FormID: 01015248 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06NoKey 0 Well you had better get it then.
FormID: 01015249 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Are you able to unlock my wrist irons for me?
FormID: 0101524A LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Can you help me get these things off?
FormID: 0101524B LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Can you help this poor one?
FormID: 0101524C LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Thanks for freeing me. Once you have freed the others then we need to discuss what to do next.
FormID: 0101524D LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 I hope you enjoyed killing those bastards.
FormID: 0101524E LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 That one is most helpful.
FormID: 0101524F LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Thanks friend.
FormID: 01015250 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Alright, everyone has had their wrist irons removed then. I'm guessing you know someplace where we can hide out, so I'll follow you and the others will follow me. Let's go.
FormID: 01015251 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Lead the way.
FormID: 01015254 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Ah here we are, Bloodmayne Cave. Well you have my thanks stranger. Please inform whoever hired you to free us that you have completed the task. We will hide out here for a while and then try and make a break for the Imperial Reserve later.
__ああ、ここはBloodmayne Caveだな。ありがとうよ。誰かは知らないが雇い主に無事仕事を終えたと伝えてくれ。俺達はしばらくここに残り、そのあと帝国軍の捜査の目をかいくぐれるよう何とかしてみるつもりだ。
FormID: 01015254 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 1 I'm just going to discuss our situation with the other members of my group. Perhaps we might meet again in the future perhaps? Thanks once again.
FormID: 01015255 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Thanks for your help. We can take care of ourselves now.
FormID: 01015257 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06Beggar 0 What's that? You say that you found some bodies of guards by the river and you think that they were escorting four prisoners from Bravil to Leyawiin and the prisoners have now escaped and are hiding in Bloodmayne Cave?
__何ですって?川沿いの街道で衛兵の死体を見た?それに彼らがLeyawiinからBravilへと囚人を護送していた警備隊で、脱走した奴らが今はBloodmayne Caveに隠れているらしいですって?
FormID: 01015259 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06FugitiveInAsMAnyWords 0 Well this is terrible news. I'll have to spread it around Bravil. Hopefully the Fighters Guild will be able to do something about it.
__うーん。こりゃ恐ろしいニュースだ。Bravilの皆にも知らせないと。Fighters Guildが対処してくれれば良いんですが。
FormID: 01015C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 0 Nice to see you again. I have a contract for you to kill four criminals who recently escaped from a convoy that was escorting them from Leyawiin to Bravil wink, wink.
FormID: 01015C29 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 1 Go and kill them all. You already know that they are at Bloodmayne Cave, so you should head straight there. Once they are all dead you should return to me.
__それじゃあ行って片付けて来い。Bloodmayne Caveの場所は分かっているな。まっすぐ現地へ向かえばいい。全員殺し終えたら俺の所まで戻って来てくれ。
FormID: 01015C2A LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 0 A group of four criminals recently escaped from a convoy that was escorting them from Leyawiin to Bravil. You are to go and kill them all.
FormID: 01015C2A LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 1 They are currently hiding in Bloodmayne Cave. You can find this cave by following the Larsius River west of Bravil. Stay on the northern shore and you should get there eventually.
FormID: 0101611A LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Oh hello, you're from the Blackwood Company aren't you? I know this might sound a little strange, but are you able to help me?
FormID: 0101611A LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 1 I've been sent over here from the Anvil Fighters Guildhall, and I'm in some trouble.
FormID: 0101611C LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06WhatHelp 0 Well, you see I've been assigned this contract to hunt down these fugitives hiding out in this cave. But I don't think I'm up to the challenge. There are probably a whole lot more people inside in addition to the fugitives.
FormID: 0101611C LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06WhatHelp 1 I asked for more help, but the guild is still reeling from the loss of all those men at Arpenia. So I was hoping that you and I would be able to help one another.
FormID: 0101611C LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06WhatHelp 2 I mean that is why you are here aren't you? To claim the bounties as well. If we both help one another out then we will both be able to claim two bounties, plus it will be a lot easier.
FormID: 0101611C LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06WhatHelp 3 So what do you say? Are you willing to help me?
FormID: 0101611F LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06HelpNo 0 You won't help me? Oh lack-a-day lack-a-day. What am I going to do now? Well thanks for nothing, I'll be sure to let my guildmates know how generous and willing you are to help.
FormID: 01016120 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06HelpYes 0 You'll let us fight our way through together? Oh thank you, thank you! I hope I won't get in your way too much. If you want me to follow you or wait where I am you can just say so.
FormID: 01016121 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 You've made your choice, now you have to suffer the consequences. My guildmates won't be happy to learn of your callousness.
FormID: 01016123 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06Follow 0 Right away.
FormID: 01016125 LingBC06Fugitive LingBC06Wait 0 Sure thing.
FormID: 01016126 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Do you want me to follow you or wait here?
FormID: 01016127 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 It's done! They're all killed. Well done my friend, I'll be sure to tell all of my guildmates how you willingly helped me out. I'm sure they will be very pleased at your actions.
FormID: 01016127 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 1 Well, I'll be back off to the Fighters Guild in Bravil now. Perhaps you might see me sometime in there. You Blackwood Company guys aren't so bad as what they say after all.
FormID: 01016128 LingBC06Fugitive GREETING 0 Thanks once again my friend.
FormID: 01016AF5 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 0 I'm glad to hear that you completed the contract with no trouble. Here is your payment.
FormID: 01016AF5 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 1 In addition to that, in light of your completed number of contracts and your exemplary work with Azani Blackheart the Pakseech, Ri'zakar believes that you are ready to be promoted to Lieutenant.
FormID: 01016AF5 LingBC06Fugitive LingBCContracts 2 Speak with me about advancement if you wish to accept the promotion. Once you have you can begin your next special orders.

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