L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/LingBCSkillRequirementBook のバックアップソース(No.2)

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**原文 [#o5755199]
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<font face=1><div align="center">Blackwood Company Manual<br>
<div align="left">I. Overview<br>
The Blackwood Company is an organisation that values thse strong in the skills of fighting. It also desires members who have the strength to swing a weapon, and the endurance needed to move long distances while carrying armour and shield. It prizes those who are adept in the following skills - Blade, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armour, Armourer, Athletics, and Marksman.<br>
II. Requirements<br>
Listed here is a numerical representation of the level required by each member to advance to the appropriate rank.<br>
Probationary Member<br>
Probationary Members are free to join the guild without meeting any required levels of skill.<br>
Company Member<br>
Members are required to have at least one skill at a level of 10 or higher. Thier Strength and Endurance must be at level 30 or more.<br>
To achieve the rank of Lieutenant a member must have at least one skill at a level of 30 or higher, and two others at a level of 5 or higher. Thier Strength and Endurance must be at level 30 or more.<br>
Captain of Blades, Master of Assassins, Sergeant of Sharpshooters<br>
To achieve a captaincy rank the member must have at least one skill at level 50 or more, and two other skills at level 15 or more. They must have Strength and Endurance at level 31 or higher.<br>
The rank of Commander can only be achieved if a member has at least one skill at level 70 or more, and two other skills at level 25 or more. Their levels of Strength and Endurance must be level 33 or higher.<br>
The rank of Pakseech requires at least one skill at level 90 or higher, and two other skills at level 35 or more. Their Strength and Endurance must be at level 35 or higher.<br>

**訳文 [#z2b6fe7a]
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<font face=1><div align="center">Blackwood Company Manual:Blackwood Company心得<br>
<div align="left">I. 概要<br>
The Blackwood Companyは実力主義の組織であり、戦闘スキルに秀でた者を評価する。団員として望ましいのは、武器を扱う筋力に長けた者や、甲冑や盾を装備したまま長距離移動できる持久力のある者などだ。評価を受けるのは、以下のスキル群に熟練した者である。評価スキル:Blade、Block、Blunt、Heavy Armour、Armourer、Athletics、Marksman<br>
II. 昇進条件<br>
Probationary Member:仮入団員<br>
Probationary Members:仮入団員は、スキル値による選別を受けることなく、自由にギルドへ加入することができる。<br>
Company Member:一般団員<br>
Captain of Blades, Master of Assassins, Sergeant of Sharpshooters<br>


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