L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/LingBC10GaltusPapers のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<font face="5"> I have located a witness willing to testify against the Blackwood Company. He is a former employee of the Company who objected to their destructive methods and was fired as a result.<p>
He has been moved to a small out-of-the-way village on the shores of Lake Canulus for safe-keeping. A number of guards have been detailed there to protect him against any assassins or other individuals who would harm him. The other residents of the village have been moved to other accommodations until such time as we are able to secure a safe residence in the Imperial City for the upcoming court hearing.<p>
This witness is crucial to our investigation. Without him our investigation into the Blackwood Company will be severely curtailed.  Our only other contact must remain in secret for now or his usefulness will be ended, so he cannot testify at this time.<p>
Note to self, give second copy of papers to Socius Ergalla for safekeeping.<p>
<DIV align=?right?>Galtus Previa, 3E 433

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