L10N/Terran_Vampires/1.4(beta)/Books/VmpBookBMB1 のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<br>Foundations of Blood Magic<br>
Original Author Unknown<br>
<br>Cyrodilic Translation by Vaclava Dracul<br>
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In theory, the foundation of the arcane and unnatural arts require a well of mutable energy that is slave to the mind. Although mortal mages are rare if not fictional or extinct, the practice of vampyric blood magic is readily confirmable and relatively widespread. <br>
<br>Although it is disputed who or which clan first practiced blood magic, it is clear that at some point in the mists of history vampires learned to transform thier blood, in the same manner as other vampyric powers are developed, to a form suitable for blood magic<br>
<br>The particular form used for blood magic, as the powers of blood magic are unnatural, appears to be the result of a non-specific or aberrant transformation of the blood; this transformation allows the vampire a more "general" control over the blood.  While other vampyric powers certainly involve control over the blood, the form of control for natural vampyric powers is more specific and efficient. <br>
<br> In this tome I have endevored to compile the methods and proceedures required for the practice of these arts.<br>
[What follows is a compilation of exercises, including diagrams, used to adapt the blood for the use of blood magic]

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