L10N/Stars_Rest/3.0/Books/KhetSRUndeliveredLetter のバックアップ差分(No.2)


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*本文 [#na55e80b]

**原文 [#xfaad1db]
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Dearest Sova,<br>
I am so pleased to read of your guild's recent successes.  If only I could be there with you!<br>
I am, however, far too involved in my own research to part from it.  In fact, I've recently acquired an exciting new artifact, and could use your expertise in deciphering its origin and purpose.  We know the Ayleids believed fire corrupt, and so replaced it with light in their circle of elements.  What we don't know, still, is how the element of light functioned in their magic.  This artifact seems to react strangely to being exposed to starlight, and in its presence I am near-assaulted by the vibrato of unfamiliar elemental magics.  Yet, I cannot seem to unlock its secrets!<br>
Brenilas has taken quite an interest in the Ayleids, and we've been exploring ruins together at every opportunity.  We've finally been able to build a home here in Cyrodiil, which we've named Star's Rest due to its location - high in the Jerall Mountains.  The views are extraordinary!  You must see it for yourself.  It has been years since we've had each other's company.  Brenilas was still a young lad, if I remember!<br>
Speaking of Brenilas, I wonder if he might provide an added incentive for you to travel north and visit.  He's grown now, and quite the looker!  Takes after his uncle, if you ask me.<br>
Send Teav my best.<br>
Warmest regards,<br>

**訳文 [#y4a86128]
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