L10N/Stars_Rest/3.0/Books/KhetSRLetterFromUncle のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Dear Brenilas,<br>
Oh, I'm so excited for us.  Construction of Star's Rest is finally complete.<br>
Do you recall the strange artifact we recovered last month?  I had the builders move it to our new get-away so we might study it further.  A new resting place for it.  The builders tell that since it's been moved, it's been emitting strange lights.  I can't wait to discover its secrets with you!  And you'll love the new place.  Quaint and rustic, and on the highest peak I could find!  I've had sent a crate of good wines, and all that finery we had commissioned from the mounds of welkynd dust we gathered from Silorn.  I look forward to the coming days we'll spend there, unraveling mysteries together.<br>
I am on my way now to the Ayleid Ruins of Ninendava to explore.  I would be pleased to have you at my side, Nephew; from there, we will go northwest to our new retreat.<br>
Love and light,<br>

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