L10N/Rise/of/GameSettings/Data-06 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

sNosenostrilswide	Nose nostrils wide/thin
sMouthlipslarge	Mouth lips large/small
sTraitNameAggression	Aggression
sSkillNameDestruction	Destruction
sDerivedAttributeNameMagicka	Magicka
sMiscNirnrootsFound	Nirnroots Found: 
sYesText	Yes
sMove	Move
sLow	Low
sSaveSuccessful	Save successful.
sHitParticleWater	Effects\DustCloud.NIF
sQuickKeyUsedString	used.
sSkillNameSneak	Sneak
sSoulCaptured	You have captured a soul!
sMainMenu	Main Menu
sImpossibleLock	This lock cannot be picked. You need a key.
sStealthImage	Menus\Level_up\class_creation\class_creation_thief.dds
sMagicEffectItemDrain	Drain
sMonthSunsDusk	Sun's Dusk
sTargetTypeRecharge	Recharge
sUActnQuicksave	QuickSave
sMagnitudeIsLevelText	Target Level
sSlotsFull	You have already made the maximum number of selections.
sMagicEffectItemFortify	Fortify
sKBF1	F1
sKBMultiply	Pad *
sSkillNameIllusion	Illusion
sKBF2	F2
sCheekbonesshallow	Cheekbones shallow/pronounced
sKBF3	F3
sKBWebBack	Web <-
sKBF4	F4
sMaxPotionsExceeded	You cannot drink any more potions right now.
sKBF5	F5
sEyesocketsbruised	Eye sockets bruised/bright
sKBF6	F6
sVirtueNameInfamy	Infamy
sKBF7	F7
sHolidayMerchantsFestival	Merchant's Festival
sKBApps	Apps
sKBF8	F8
sMonthSunsDawn	Sun's Dawn
sKBF9	F9
sMiscNumMurders	Murders: 
sTargetTypeVampire	Feed/Talk
sKBPeriod	.
sKB0	0
sCanNotSummonInWater	Can't summon while in water
sFastTravelHorseatGate	Your horse is stabled outside the city gate.
sVirtueNameFame	Fame
sClass	class
sKB1	1
sHitParticleMetal	Effects\metalSparks.NIF
sKB2	2
sSkillDescIllusion	Illusion Description
sEyesTex	Eye shades
sKB3	3
sNoLockPickKey	You need a lockpick or the key.
sCheekblush	Cheek blush light/red
sKB4	4
sMiscDiseasesContracted	Diseases Contracted: 
sAttributeDescIntelligence	Affects your total Magicka and magic use. Governs the skills of Alchemy, Conjuration, and Mysticism.
sKB5	5
sNoDeviceSelected	You have not selected a storage device.  You will need to select one before you can save.  Until then, Autosave is disabled.
sSoulLevelNameLesser	Lesser
sSkillIconAthletics	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_athletics.dds
sKB6	6
sKeyLocked	That key cannot be remapped.
sMagicSchoolAlteration	Alteration
sKB7	7
sStealHorse	Do you want to steal this horse?
sArmorWeightLight	Light
sDerivedAttributeIconFatigue	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_fatigue.dds
sAttributeNameEndurance	Endurance
sMouthhigh	Mouth high/low
sKB8	8
sSkillIconConjuration	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_conjuration.dds
sBrowRidgeOuter	Brow Ridge Outer up/down
sKBOEM102	<>
sKB9	9
sComplexion	Complexion
sLarge	Large
sCantEquipGeneric	You cannot equip this item.
sMiscNumPersonKills	People Killed: 
sMapMarkerAdded	Map marker added.
sCheeksconcave	Cheeks concave/convex
sPoisonAlreadyPoisonedMessage	The current weapon is already poisoned.
sTitleText	You have ascended to level
sMenuDisplaySave	Save
sMiscTrainingSessions	Training Sessions: 
sSigilStoneCharge	Charge:
sYesRestart	Yes, restart the game.
sTopicAddedText	New topic
sSoulLevelNameGreater	Greater
sLockLevelNameVeryHard	Very Hard
sSaveGameIsCorrupt	The save game is corrupt.  Returning to game.
sMagicTypePower	Power
sSkillLevelJourneyman	Journeyman
sAttributeNameWillpower	Willpower
sEyebrowslow	Eyebrows low/high
sGreen	Green
sEnduranceDescription	MESSAGE
sEyeswhites	Eyes whites dim/bright
sFace	Face
sMiscNoviceSkills	Novice Skills: 
sNoSitOnOwnedFurniture	You cannot sit on owned furniture.
sDefaultCellName	Wilderness
sJoyUp	Up
sNoFastTravelScriptBlock	Fast travel is currently unavailable from this location.
sSpecNameCombat	Combat
sRaceMaleFootModel	Characters\_Male\Foot.NIF
sBeardmoustache	Beard moustache light/dark
sLevelPopUpText	To increase your level, make progress learning your class's major skills.
sFemale	Female
sLipstickdarkblue	Lipstick dark blue/light red
sStyle	Style
sMagnitudeText	Magnitude
sGoverningAttribute	Governing Attribute: 
sEquipItemOnPlayer	was equipped on the player
sSkillNameConjuration	Conjuration
sTargetTypeEquip	Equip
sUActnUse	Attack
sNoMortor	You need a Mortar and Pestle to make potions.
sLoadingContentMessage	Loading extra content. Please wait.
sMenuDisplayShortXBoxSaveMessage	Saving...
sMagicProjectileTypeSpray	Spray
sIgnoreText	Ignore
sDurationText	Duration
sAutoLoading	Autoloading...
sKBNumPadComma	Pad ,
sHolidayTalesAndTallows	Tales and Tallows
sSkintintorange	Skin tint orange/blue
sNosesellionthin	Nose sellion thin/wide
sKBF10	F10
sBloodTextureDefault	Effects\blooddecal.dds
sDerivedAttributeDescFatigue	Fatigue is how tired you are. Low Fatigue hurts your effectiveness, especially when doing melee attacks. Fatigue returns faster if you are walking. 
sNosetilt	Nose tilt down/up
sKBF11	F11
sLoadingLOD	Loading distant LOD...
sKBF12	F12
sSkillIconBlock	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_block.dds
sKBF13	F13
sOfferRefused	Offer refused
sSkillLevel	Level: 
sKBF14	F14
sVirtueNameBounty	Bounty
sTargetTypeDrink	Drink
sSkinflushed	Skin flushed/pale
sKBF15	F15
sKBMail	Mail
sEnchantmentSuccess	Congratulations!  You have created a new enchanted item.
sNoDevice	No active devices were detected
sQuickKeySelectedString	equipped.
sAttributeDescPersonality	Affects how much people like you, which leads to better information-gathering. Governs the skills of Speechcraft, Mercantile, and Illusion.
sKBMediaStop	Stop
sKBReturn	Enter
sQuickSaving	Quicksaving...
sSkillNameAlteration	Alteration
sMiscQuestsCompleted	Quests Completed: 
sAttributeIconPersonality	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_personality.dds
sKBWebStop	Web Stop
sWait	Wait
sTargetTypeTake	Take
sPlayer	player
sSkillNameBlock	Block
sJoyUpLeft	Up-Left
sEyestilt	Eyes tilt inward/outward
sUActnRun	Run
sKBLeft	Left
sSpellmakingSuccess	Congratulations!  You have created a new spell.
sXboxRThumbRight	move the Right Stick right
sSpellmakingRequire2	skill of
sStealthDescription	Allows you to progress more quickly in these skills as you use them: Acrobatics, Light Armor, Marksman, Mercantile, Security, Sneak, Speechcraft.
sSplashParticles	Effects\waterSplash.NIF
sDayMiddas	Middas
sEyebrows	Eyebrows
sAttributeDamaged	has been damaged
sAutoSaveDisabledDueToLackOfSpace	Save location full. Disabling Autosave.
sMonthEveningStar	Evening Star

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