L10N/Rise/of/GameSettings/Data-05 のバックアップソース(No.1)

sXboxLThumbY	move the Left Stick up or down
sXboxA	press the A button
sKBLControl	L-Ctrl
sDeviceJoystick	Joystick
sReplace	Replace
sSpecNameStealth	Stealth
sXboxB	press the B button
sMagicRangeStrike	Strike
sHolidayNorthWindsPrayer	North Wind's Prayer
sMiscHighLockLevel	Highest Lock Level Picked: 
sHairColor0	Bright Grey
sHairColor1	Charcoal
sOpenedContainer	Opened the container with a key.
sHolidaySouthWindsPrayer	South Wind's Prayer
sBow	Bow
sHairColor2	Black
sNoWaitTrespass	You cannot wait while trespassing.
sHairColor3	Bright Blonde
sForehead	Forehead
sEyes	Eyes
sXboxDPadUp	tilt the D-Pad up
sKBDecimal	Pad .
sSaveNotAvailable	That save is no longer available.
sJournalTitleActive	Active Quest
sHairColor4	Rose Blonde
sMiscInfamy	Infamy:
sHairColor5	Light Brown
sHair	Hair
sOnButtonText	On
sHairColor6	Cool Brown
sButton	Button
sAnimationCanNotUnequip	You cannot change weapons while attacking.
sAll	All
sMiscPeopleFedOn	Necks Bitten: 
sHairColor7	Auburn
sKBCalculator	Calc
sKBAdd	Pad +
sRaceRightEyeModel	Characters\Imperial\EyeRightHuman.NIF
sSpellEffectiveness	Spell effectiveness
sHairColor8	Copper
sKBNext	PgDn
sOk	Ok
sNoName	You must first enter a valid name for this enchantment.
sMonthMidYear	Mid-Year
sHairColor9	Golden Blonde
sAttributeIconSpeed	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_speed.dds
sTraitNameConfidence	Confidence
sPotionFailed	Your potion failed and your ingredients were lost
sNoFastTravelAlarm	You cannot fast travel while guards are pursuing you.
sContinue	Continue
sActivateCreatureCalmed	The creature is calmed and cannot respond.
sDerivedAttributeIconHealth	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_health.dds
sBeardflushed	Beard flushed/pale
sKBRShift	R-Shift
sHitParticleChain	Effects\DustCloud.NIF
sMagicCastInsufficientMagicka	You don't have enough Magicka
sLoadingArea	Loading area...
sMagicCastMultipleBoundEffects	You already have that kind of Bound Item
sSkillDescRestoration	Restoration Description
sJoyLeft	Left
sGiveAway	Give away
sMagicDescription	Allows you to progress more quickly in these skills as you use them: Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Mysticism, Restoration.
sChinwide	Chin wide/thin
sSkillIconRestoration	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_restoration.dds
sEyestogether	Eyes together/apart
sCrimeTypeStealHorse	Steal Horse
sXboxX	press the X button
sMagicEffectItemDamage	Damage
sXboxY	press the Y button
sMagicEffectItemIn	in
sKBLShift	L-Shift
sMiscLargestBounty	Largest Bounty: 
sNosebridgeshallow	Nose bridge shallow/deep
sSteal	Steal
sForeheadtall	Forehead tall/short
sOblivionCaps	OBLIVION
sMiscFame	Fame:
sTraitNameEnergy	Energy
sMenuDisplayDayString	Day
sMouseRightButton	R-Button
sHeavyArmorSink	Your heavy armor is causing you to sink.
sSaveGameDeviceError	There was an error accessing the device.  Please try again.
sSeasonFall	Fall
sMiscStoresInvestedIn	Stores Invested In: 
sYieldRejected	rejects your yield!
sVampireTalk	Talk
sNPCModelBeast	Characters\_Male\SkeletonBeast.NIF
sAddIngredient	Add Ingredient
sMiscSEBounty	Shivering Isles Bounty:
sKBComma	,
sPoisonNoWeaponMessage	You must first equip a weapon to poison it.
sConfirmBirthsign1	Are you sure you want to be born under the sign of
sSpeedDescription	Need a gamesetting description.
sNosesellionlower	Nose sellion lower shallow/deep
sMouthtilt	Mouth tilt up/down
sXboxStart	press the Start button
sUActnRestmenu	Wait
sKBDelete	Delete
sMenuDisplayXBoxSaveMessage	Saving content. Please don't turn off your console.
sFacethin	Face thin/wide
sMagicCastRangedUnderwater	You cannot cast ranged spells underwater
sNoWaitInJail	You must sleep in a jail bed in order to serve your sentence.
sHolidayWarriorsFestival	Warrior's Festival
sSkillNameMysticism	Mysticism
sMain	Main
sMiscHorsesOwned	Horses Owned: 
sAttributeIconLuck	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_luck.dds
sTargetTypeRead	Read
sKBStop	Stop
sKBNumpad0	Pad 0
sMiscNumSkillBooksRead	Skill Books Read: 
sKBNumpad1	Pad 1
sLockLevelNameHard	Hard
sKBNumpad2	Pad 2
sVideo	Video
sMiscBounty	Bounty:
sKBNumpad3	Pad 3
sYieldAccepted	accepts your yield.
sKBNumpad4	Pad 4
sNoNameCharacter	You must first enter a valid name.
sKBNumpad5	Pad 5
sMiscCharge	Charge
sMiscNumPlacesDiscovered	Places Found: 
sKBNumpad6	Pad 6
sKBEsc	Esc
sTargetTypeSleep	Sleep
sMouseButton3	Button 3
sKBNumpad7	Pad 7
sFloraSuccessMessage	You successfully harvest %s.
sMouseButton4	Button 4
sKBNumpad8	Pad 8
sSoulLevelNamePetty	Petty
sSkillIconDestruction	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_destruction.dds
sCheekboneslow	Cheekbones low/high
sMouseButton5	Button 5
sKBNumpad9	Pad 9
sMouseButton6	Button 6
sKBMyComputer	My Comp
sNone	None
sHeavyArmorNoJump	Your heavy armor prevents you from jumping.
sMonthFrostFall	Frost Fall
sMouseButton7	Button 7
sCantSaveNow	You cannot save right now.
sMenuDisplayPlayTime	Play Time
sAddItemtoInventoryText	removed.
sCrimeTypeTrespass	Trespass
sSkillIconMercantile	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_mercantile.dds
sMouseButton8	Button 8
sKBRWin	RWin
sBlue	Blue
sNoHammer	You need more hammers.
sDayFredas	Fredas
sTargetTypeUnequip	Unequip
sUActnQuickload	QuickLoad
sJoyUpRight	Up-Rt
sKBBackslash	\
sMerchantNoGold	Merchant does not have enough gold.
sNoSleepCombat	You cannot sleep with enemies nearby.
sMagicTypePotion	Potion
sSkillIconHandToHand	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_hand To Hand.dds
sPickpocket	Pickpocket
sNoTalkUnConscious	 is unconscious.
sSkillLevelApprentice	Apprentice
sBladeOneHand	Blade - One Hand
sChintall	Chin tall/short
sQuickKeyCantEquipBound	Cannot quick key bound item.
sCrimeTypeMurder	Murder
sTraitNameResponsibility	Responsibility
sNoJumpWarning	You can not drop objects while in the air.
sSkillIconSneak	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_sneak.dds
sBrowRidgeInner	Brow Ridge Inner up/down
sKBVolumeDown	Vol -
sQuickKeyUnSelectedString	unequipped.
sSkillDescAlteration	Alteration Description
sKBNextTrack	Next
sNoWaitInCombat	You cannot wait when enemies are nearby.
sEyesdark	Eyes dark brown/light blue
sNoLockPickIfCrimeAlert	You can't pick a lock while being pursued by guards.
sAttributeNameAgility	Agility

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