L10N/Rise/of/GameSettings/Data-02 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

sLevelUp17	Life isn't over. You can still get smarter, or cleverer, or more experienced, or meaner... but your body and soul just aren't going to get any younger.
sUnequipItemOnPlayer	was unequipped on you
sMagicAlreadyFull	Because your Magicka is at maximum, the Welkynd Stone remains charged.
sLevelUp18	With the life you've been living, the punishment your body has taken... there are limits, and maybe you've reached them. Is this what it's like to grow old?
sPCControlsTextPrefix	push
sMiscNumLocksPicked	Locks Picked: 
sLevelUp19	You're really good. Maybe the best. And that's why it's so hard to get better. But you just keep trying, because that's the way you are.
sSkillDescMarksman	Marksman Description
sSkillNameSecurity	Security
sSkillNameAcrobatics	Acrobatics
sSkillDecreased	skill decreased
sSkillIconHeavyArmor	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_heavy Armor.dds
sEyeshadow	Eyeshadow light/dark
sUActnQuick1	Quick1
sConfirmRepairAll	Repair all items for
sHitParticleSnow	Effects\DustCloud.NIF
sUActnQuick2	Quick2
sScrollEquipped	 equipped.
sTargetTypeSit	Sit
sNasolabiallines	Naso labial lines light/dark
sUActnQuick3	Quick3
sKBMute	Mute
sSpell	spell
sUActnQuick4	Quick4
sJoyDownLeft	Dn-Left
sMagicTypePoison	Poison
sUActnQuick5	Quick5
sMiscUnknownEffect	(Unknown Effect)
sNotEnoughRoomWarning	You do not have enough room to drop this object.
sSaveFailed	Save failed.
sSkillDescBlade	Blade Description
sUActnQuick6	Quick6
sRetryText	Retry
sSkillNameAlchemy	Alchemy
sUActnQuick7	Quick7
sSkillIconBlunt	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_blunt.dds
sNosebridgeshort	Nose bridge short/long
sUActnQuick8	Quick8
sCanNotEquipSoulGem	You cannot recharge enchanted items during combat.
sSkillText	Skill
sKBRBracket	]
sMouthdrawn	Mouth drawn/pursed
sBuy	Buy
sSkillDescSecurity	Security Description
sMustRestart	You must exit and restart Oblivion for changes in this setting to take effect.
sHolidayEmperorsBirthday	Emperor's Birthday
sNoMoreFollowers	You have too many followers.
sMiscConstantEffect	Constant Effect
sNoFX	You need to add at least one effect in order to create an enchantment.
sDeleteSaveGame	Are you sure you want to delete this save game?
sDropQuestItemWarning	You cannot remove Quest Items from your Inventory.
sDayLoredas	Loredas
sBald	Bald
sSkillIconAlteration	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_alteration.dds
sNoEatQuestItem	You can not eat quest items.
sNoseshort	Nose short/long
sMouth	Mouth
sNotEnoughGold	You do not have enough gold.
sExitGameQuestion	Exit the game?
sMagicName	Magic
sBloodParticleDefault	Effects\BloodSpray.nif
sMagicEffectItemCreateLock	Create
sHolidayOldLifeFestival	Old Life Festival
sBluntTwoHand	Blunt - Two Hand
sSpecialization	Choose your Specialization. Specialized skills get +10 and increase faster.
sLockLevelNameVeryEasy	Very Easy
sSkillIconLightArmor	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_light Armor.dds
sSkillNameBlunt	Blunt
sKBVolumeUp	Vol +
sNoSleepHostilActorsNear	You cannot sleep with enemies nearby.
sAttributeText	Attribute
sNoRepairMagic	Only a journeyman armorer or higher may repair magic items.
sMonthSunsHeight	Sun's Height
sKBHome	Home
sAttributeIconStrength	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_strength.dds
sJournalTitleCompleted	Completed Quests
sOff	Off
sTravelQuestion	Travel to
sServeTimeQuestion	Do you just want to serve your time?
sPotionSucceded	You have created a new potion
sTargetRange	Target
sNoSleepTrespass	You cannot sleep while trespassing.
sStartNewGame	Start new game?
sNose	Nose
sXboxLTrigger	pull the Left Trigger
sYour	Your
sLevelUp20	By superhuman effort, you can avoid slipping backwards for a while. But one day, you'll lose a step, or drop a beat, or miss a detail... and you'll be gone forever.
sNoseselliondown	Nose sellion down/up
sRepairAll	Repair all
sDeviceRemoved	The save device you selected is no longer available.  You will need to select a new device the next time you save.  Until then, Autosave is disabled.
sNoText	No
sSkillNameMercantile	Mercantile
sSkillDescSpeechcraft	Speechcraft Description
sOutOfLockpicks	You have run out of lockpicks.
sNoRestart	No, keep playing.
sMiscNumBooksRead	Books Read: 
sMagicCostliestEffectRequires	Requires 
sHolidayMidYearCelebration	Mid Year Celebration
sSkillIconSpeechcraft	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_speechcraft.dds
sMiscDaysAsAVampire	Days as a Vampire: 
sActivateNPCCalmed	is calmed and cannot respond.
sMagicEffectItemOn	on
sHigh	High
sMenuDisplayAutosaveName	Autosave
sAttributeIconSmallEndurance	Menus\Level_up\attributes_icons\attributes_icon_endurance.dds
sKBSysRq	PrntScrn
sSkillIconMysticism	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_mysticism.dds
sDownloadsAvailable	New Content Available
sDerivedAttributeDescEncumbrance	Represents the total weight you can carry. When full, you cannot move until you drop some items.
sXBox360Controller	Xbox 360 Controller
sNosedown	Nose down/up
sUActnForward	Forward
sKBWebRefresh	Refresh
sKBColon	:
sDropEquippedItemWarning	You cannot drop an equiped item until you complete your current action.
sXboxLThumbRight	move the Left Stick right
sEssentialCharacterDown	is unconscious.
sHolidaySecondPlanting	Second Planting
sAttributeIconAgility	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_agility.dds
sJoyDownRight	Dn-Rt
sKBUp	Up
sKBEquals	=
sDerivedAttributeIconMagicka	Menus\Stats\stat_pop_icon_magica.dds
sMiscDaysJailed	Days Jailed: 
sLevelUp2	You realize that all your life you have been coasting along as if you were in a dream. Suddenly, facing the trials of the last few days, you have come alive.
sAttributeDescEndurance	Affects how much Fatigue you have, your Health, and how much your Health will increase when you sleep and raise levels. Governs the skills of Block, Armorer, and Heavy Armor.
sCreaturesDontYield	Creatures never accept a yield!
sLevelUp3	You realize that you are catching on to the secret of success. It's just a matter of concentration.
sBloodTextureExtra1	Effects\lichBloodDecal.dds
sNosenostriltilt	Nose nostril tilt down/up
sJaw	Jaw
sMiscActiveQuests	Active Quests: 
sMiscSoulsTrapped	Souls Trapped: 
sLevelUp4	You've done things the hard way. But without taking risks, taking responsibility for failure... how could you have understood?
sBloodTextureExtra2	Effects\willothewispBloodDecal.dds
sAttributeIconSmallWillpower	Menus\Level_up\attributes_icons\attributes_icon_willpower.dds
sSuccessfulSneakAttackMain	Sneak attack for 
sSort	Sort
sLevelUp5	Everything you do is just a bit easier, more instinctive, more satisfying. It is as though you had suddenly developed keen senses and instincts.
sXboxLThumbDown	move the Left Stick down
sDeviceMouse	Mouse
sClassMenuPrompt	Enter a name for your custom class:
sLevelUp6	You've learned a lot about Cyrodiil... and about yourself. It's hard to believe how ignorant you were, but now you have so much more to learn.
sRed	Red
sAge	Age
sGetAllConfiscatedItems	You get all the items that were confiscated by the Guards.
sLevelUp7	You resolve to continue pushing yourself. Perhaps there's more to you than you thought.
sMagicSchoolMysticism	Mysticism
sMonthRainsHand	Rain's Hand
sSpellmakingRequire	Requires
sLevelUp8	The secret does seem to be hard work, yes, but it's also a kind of blind passion, an inspiration.
sStaff	Staff
sLipsflushed	Lips flushed/pale
sMouthChin	Mouth-Chin distance short/long
sEyesdown	Eyes down/up
sLevelUp9	So that's how it works. You plod along, putting one foot before the other, look up, and suddenly, there you are. Right where you wanted to be all along.
sFloraFailureMessage	You find nothing of use.
sHolidayJestersDay	Jester's Day
sKBPrior	PgUp
sMiscUses	Uses
sAutoAttempt	Auto Attempt
sColor	Hair Color
sNoPickPocketAgain	 has already caught you.
sMiscSkillAdvances	Skill Increases: 
sMagicRangeTouch	Touch
sMagicEffectItemAbsorb	Absorb
sLevelDefault	The results of hard work and dedication always look like luck. But you know you've earned every ounce of your success.
sAttributeDescWillpower	Affects how quickly you regenerate Magicka, and how much Fatigue you have. Governs the skills of Destruction, Alteration, and Restoration.
sBeardgoatee	Beard goatee light/dark
sMenuDisplayUnknownLocationString	Unknown Location
sMenuDisplayNoSaves	No saved games.
sCrimeTypePickpocket	Pickpocket
sCloseButton	Close
sEyebrowsdark	Eyebrows dark/light
sMapMarkerNotFound	You have not found this location yet.
sRandom	Random
sUActnTogglerun	Always Run
sMagicRangeSelf	Self
sControlsMenuConfirmReset1	Reset all

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