L10N/Rise/of/Dialogue/RoS04 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 01010ED0	RoS04	GREETING	0	Lord Sheogorath. At your whim, our forces will spill out to attack all enemies of you! Command us!
FormID: 01010ED2	RoS04	RoS04Attack	0	Yes, Lord? Do you wish the Mazken to take this target in your name?
FormID: 01010ED4	RoS04	RoS04AttackYes	0	At once, sire!
FormID: 01010ED5	RoS04	RoS04Attack	0	Yes, Lord? Do you wish the Aureals to take this target in your name?
FormID: 01010ED6	RoS04	RoS04AttackYes	0	At once, sire!
FormID: 01011E33	RoS04	GREETING	0	Excuse me, Lord. I must go to Fort Pelagius and present myself as High Priest.
FormID: 01011E35	RoS04	RoS04MartinAccept	0	You are merciful. You have us in your power- me being the one way to undo you- and you let us live. Yes, I see now that you deserve Tamriel.
FormID: 01011E35	RoS04	RoS04MartinAccept	1	What is to be my rank?
FormID: 01011E36	RoS04	GREETING	0	I did not ever see my destiny involving a surrender at your feet.
FormID: 01011E36	RoS04	GREETING	1	I see now that this is all part of a God's plan- Yours. Lord Sheogorath, you have proven yourself mightier than the Empire's finest soldiers.
FormID: 01011E36	RoS04	GREETING	2	In you, I see the hope of a better Tamriel than the one Mehrunes Dagon will create. I wish to serve you. Will you accept my and Jauffre's service?
FormID: 01011E37	RoS04	GREETING	0	Well, my friend. I did not ever see my destiny involving a surrender at your feet.
FormID: 01011E37	RoS04	GREETING	1	I see now that this is all part of a God's plan- Yours. Lord Sheogorath, you have proven yourself mightier than the Empire's finest soldiers.
FormID: 01011E37	RoS04	GREETING	2	In you, I see the hope of a better Tamriel than the one Mehrunes Dagon will create. I wish to serve you. Will you accept my and Jauffre's service?
FormID: 01011E39	RoS04	RoS04MartinAccept02	0	Your High Priest? You grant me the highest position in the Temple? And I take it Jauffre is to be a Crusader? This is more honor than I deserve.
FormID: 01011E39	RoS04	RoS04MartinAccept02	1	I must leave at once, my friend. I'll see you at Fort Pelagius.
FormID: 01018DE9	RoS04	RoS04Retaliate	0	Lord, if I may be so bold, I believe that this attack constitutes a declaration of war on You. This means that they won't stop attacking.
FormID: 01018DE9	RoS04	RoS04Retaliate	1	If You wish, you can retaliate. I suggest Cloud Ruler Temple as the target. The ancient stronghold of the Blades, it is not expecting an attack.
FormID: 01018DEC	RoS04	RoS04Retaliate	0	My Lord, all you need to do for your forces to gather for an invasion of Tamriel is proclaim an invasion of Tamriel.
FormID: 01018DEF	RoS04	RoS04RetaliateNo	0	It is, of course, your prerogative.
FormID: 01018DF0	RoS04	RoS04RetaliateYes	0	Wonderful. I've summoned some strategists for you to speak with about invading Tamriel. Speak with them about this Cloud Ruler Temple.

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