L10N/Red_Rose_Manor/1.1/Books/EMDeedRedRoseManor のバックアップソース(No.1)

// Format_ver:0.0.2 (2008-12-12)
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This document entitles the bearer to the premises known as Red Rose Manor.

The manor includes the following facilities:
- you may use wool from the wool barrels (respawning) to make your own yarn at the spinning wheels.
- you may use yarn to make your own cloth bolts in the loom.
- you may use any cloth bolt (not folded cloth) to sew your own outfits by using the equipment in the Sewing Kit Chest in the attic close to the wool barrel.
- you may make your own coffee from the coffee bin in the kitchen next to the bread tin.
- you may make your own soup in the cooking pot at the main hall fireplace.
- you may bake your own bread in the bread tin at the main hall fireplace kitchen area.
- you may light/turn out the fires by clicking on the wateringcans placed next to them.
- you may make your own alchemy potions by activating the mortar on the alchemy desk in the attic.
- you may repair your equipment by activating the basement anvil.
- you may make your own spells at the spellmaking station in the attic.
- you may make your own enchantments at the enchanting station in the attic.
- you may make your own wine in the basement winemaker.
- you may pour beer and wine from the kegs in the basement and in the main hall. Please use the appropriate pitchers and tankards for this purpose.
- you may heal and cure yourself on a daily basis by praying at the altar on the drawers to the left of the fireplace in the master bedroom.
- you may teleport to the major cities in Cyrodiil by activating the statue in front of the mirror in the cave below the basement. In order to use the teleport facility, you will have to find the hidden magic crystal ball.
- you may activate/deactivate the two extra bedrolls in the attic if the beds aren't sufficient for all your companions. The yellow bedrolls are placed at one of the walls.
- you may give your companions additional orders while in the manor. In order to do this, make sure that they each carry a "companion key" which can be found in a small chest on a drawer in the attic.
- daylight will automatically vanish during the night hours.
- the containers are non-respawning, with two exceptions: the "Companion Key chest RESPAWNS" in the attic and the "Trashbin RESPAWNS" barrel in the basement.


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