L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGVahtacenTeleporter のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Vahtacen Teleporter Plans
Research notes by Denel.
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After the ruin Vahtacen was cleared and the team here were able to explore the ruin properly, we soon found an area filled with scrolls and other things that had been cut off from the rest of the ruin by a collapsed tunnel. Most of this material  was mundane in nature. 
A painstaking translation of hundreds of these scrolls at the Arcane University revealed one to be the plans for a Teleporter System. Skaleel and I reviewed the notes and came to the conclusion the plans were worthless because we lacked the kind of power needed to run it today and were about to take them to the vaults when Tar-Meena pointed out that the power source was designed for a much larger city with a greater capacity and useable over much greater distances than we would require. 
Tar-Meena also pointed out that the chance of an explosion when using power of this magnitude was so high as to make it too risky to attempt it here at the University.
Skaleel and I talked the problem over with Borissean who asked why we would need such a power source. Suddenly it occurred to us that we did not need such a large power source. The Ayleids needed a Focus Crystal for each teleporter but we only needed 1 to run a smaller network. That meant we just needed to design a series of slave doors or link to a single Focus Crystal but to keep the power requirements down, each door had to have its own power source. 
To interlink one way doors like this to each guild would require far too many doors and each door would need to be powered, but to link 1 door from each Guild hall to a central point was easy. 
We decided to use 7 Welkynd Stones for this since they are readily available in most Ayleid ruins. The Focus Crystal is a special item that is much harder to find. We believe we may have a lead on where one can be found and will send a team out to get it later if we get the time. 
Note from Yola: These can be found in most Ayleid ruins, I recommend you start searching those first. 
The Teleporter System will transport the person to the Focus Crystal room using its own power, because the door is one way, the power requirements and risks are very low. This limits the usefulness of the Teleporter System but it also means it is much safer to use. 
Notes from Yola: The Focus Crystal will be harder to find, but I have a team researching this and hope to have a location for you by the time you have the Welkynd Stones.
The Focus Crystal will then send the person using the teleporter to the final destination of their choice. A Mage will be required to control the crystal at this point and funnel power from the person being teleported to the Crystal. Once the Crystal has absorbed the persons Magicka, it will send that person to his destination.
From our research it appears the link between the Focus Crystal and the Person being Teleported is not broken right away. It takes a short time before the Crystal  breaks the connection with the person. 
During this time the person will experience Teleporter Sickness. A draining of all Magicka from their body. But this passes after a short time.
Note from Yola: Research indicates this is very short lived and not regarded as a serious problem. We believe the Ayleid power system avoided this problem but at a greater risk. 
The Teleporter should work reliably for the guild and easily handle the sort of capacity the guild would require.
Note from Yola: We believe 1 person can travel from each guild hall to each of the other guild halls at the same time using this system. The chance of 2 people materializing in the same place is reduced because of the usage of door like exits. Thus this system is actually safer than the original Ayleid design. 
The system used  in Morrowind by our members is better suited for smaller guilds with more personal transportation needs. The sort of traffic a Cyrodiil branch would require is much higher capacity but we think this teleporter would work well in our region. 

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