L10N/Oblivion_Collectible_Cards/1.7/QuestStages/SLCardsav のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	10	0	Prvni povzbuzeni. Hrac ma mezi 10 a 99 kartami vcetne.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	100	0	After days, months or even years of hard work, your card collection is finally complete! As a reward for your efforts, prices of all collectible cards furniture were reduced by 90%. Now you can display your entire collection for just a few bucks.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	20	0	Druhe povzbuzeni. Hrac ma mezi 100 a 199 kartami vcetne.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	30	0	Treti povzbuzeni. Hrac ma mezi 200 a 299 kartami vcetne.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	40	0	Ctvrte povzbuzeni. Hrac ma mezi 300 a 399 kartami vcetne.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	5	0	Complete collection - two exciting words for every hardcore collector. This quest's objective is very simple - find all numbered cards and put them into this quest album. Use the album menu to move cards between your inventory and the album, or to get info about missing cards. Only one copy of each card can be stored in the album. Good luck in your search!
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	50	0	Pate povzbuzeni. Hrac ma mezi 400 a 428 kartami vcetne.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	95	0	I feel some kind of magic in this moment. My ultimate goal is almost finished. Only one card remains to be found. Only one... If there's anyone who can help me in my search, it's the Bosmer, Orenthil. I should look around his house in Chorrol, maybe I'll get lucky.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	95	1	I feel some kind of magic in this moment. My ultimate goal is almost finished. Only one card remains to be found. Hm... first I should learn the name of this missing card and carefully seek through my inventory.
FormID: 0107369F	SLCardsav	95	2	I feel some kind of magic in this moment. My ultimate goal is almost finished. Only one card remains to be found. But I could spend the rest of my life by searching arcoss the whole Tamriel. Maybe I should just start here, in Orenthil's quarters. He is the Head of Collectors and probably the only person on Nirn who could be useful.

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