L10N/Oblivion_Collectible_Cards/1.6/Books/SLFurnitureQuickHelp のバックアップ差分(No.1)

// Format_ver:0.0.2 (2008-12-12)
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<font face=3><DIV align="center">Collectible Cards Furniture Quick Help
<br><DIV align="left">To put any type of collectible cards furniture into the gameworld, follow these three simple steps.<br>
1) Select the desired type of furniture:<br>
Select the desired type of furniture and drop it (Only one piece of furniture can be dropped at the same time.). A placeholder of the selected type of furniture will be placed in front of you. It is partially transparent with a blue directional marker.<br><br>
2) Position furniture using the placeholder:<br>
Activate the placeholder to see its main menu. There are two options for manipulating the placeholder - "Grab and move (grab mode)" and "Fine-tune its position and angle". For furniture items that doesn't stand on the ground (usually shelves), you can also select "Fine-tune its vertical position" to move it up or down.<br>
Activate the placeholder in the grab mode to show grab mode options. Select "Fine-tune placeholder's distance" to change the placeholder's actual distance from you.
3) Replace the placeholder with real furniture:<br>
When you are satisfied with the placeholder's position in the world, select "Replace it with real furniture" option in the placeholder's main menu.<br>
If a real furniture has any doors you can manipulate it by activating the furniture.<br>
If you want to put the furniture back in your inventory, activate it while sneaking (any furniture's doors must be closed). A menu pops up asking you if you want to put it back to your inventory. By selecting "Yes" all items on the furniture will be collected and moved to your inventory too.
<br><br>For detailed help select "Enable in-game help" in the placeholder's main menu.

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