L10N/Oblivion_Collectible_Cards/1.41/ScriptMessages/Data のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 0101CABC	SLCardsQuestScript			Messagebox	43	0	A young lad, nearly out of breath and with an armful of fliers, runs up to you and shoves one of the fliers into your hand. He dashes off before you can protest. On the flier you see 'Furniture Catalogue'...
FormID: 0101CABC	SLCardsQuestScript			Messagebox	49	0	A special card called 'Thank You!' was added to your inventory. Enjoy!
FormID: 01025EF7	SLFactionQ02	80	0	Messagebox	0	0	Next time I arrive at Chorrol, I should ask Orenthil if he has any new tasks for me.
FormID: 010272B5	SLBerdirsChestScript			Messagebox	6	0	If I want to get the card for Miria, I must put 2000 gold into the chest.
FormID: 010293F8	SLCard0DropScript			Message 	33	0	Please drop the item called DROP ME.
FormID: 010440FC	SLHamrysTombstoneScript			Messagebox	2	0	Here lies Hamrys the Faithful
FormID: 010455A2	SLSierraDeraniScript			Messagebox	223	0	You can now give your horse to Sierra.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	106	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	107	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	116	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	117	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	50	0	Press the 'sneak' key to cancel this mode.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	109	0	A special item called 'DROP ME' was added to your inventory under misc items. Please NAVIGATE TO YOUR INVENTORY NOW AND DROP THIS ITEM to enable the view mode. Do not sit, swim, ride a horse, sneak or pull out your weapon until you drop this item.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	125	0	You can't move the DROP ME item into another inventory. Pick up any card again.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	127	0	From now on you can view any collectible card by picking it up from the ground and selecting an appropriate choice from menu.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	129	0	Please do not sit, swim, ride a horse, sneak or have your weapon out while dropping the DROP ME item. Pick up any card again.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	137	0	The view mode is not enabled. To do it, revert to an inactive state (do not sit, swim, ride a horse, sneak or have a weapon out) and pick up any card again.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	161	0	What do you want to do with this card?
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	161	1	Pick it up
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	161	2	View and then pick it up
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Message 	308	0	Hold SHIFT while looking up or down to adjust distance.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	184	0	In this mode you can fine-tune the placeholder's position and angle. The placeholder will move/rotate as you do the same. Press the RUN KEY to temporarily 'freeze it'. ACTIVATE the placeholder to end this mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	218	0	The placeholder's position and angle are 'frozen' - moving won't change its position or angle. Press the RUN KEY again to return to fine-tune mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	257	0	In this mode you can change the placeholder's distance from you. Hold the RUN KEY while looking down to move the placeholder toward you. Hold the RUN key while looking up to move the placeholder away from you. An animated arrow will indicate in which direction the placeholder will move. ACTIVATE the placeholder or tap the SNEAK KEY twice to end this mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	262	0	The main mode for moving a furniture placeholder. It will move with you, staying in front of you at the same distance it was when you activated it. For wall-mounted furniture, you must DRAW A WEAPON if you want a placeholder's vertical position to follow yours. ACTIVATE the placeholder or tap the SNEAK KEY twice to end this mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	332	0	This mode is available only for wall-mounted furniture. The placeholder will move up or down as you change your vertical angle. ACTIVATE any other wall-mounted furniture to copy its vertical position. ACTIVATE the placeholder to end this mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	363	0	You are about to put the furniture back in your inventory. All items placed on or inside it will be moved to your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	487	0	A furniture placeholder is placed in front of you. Activate it to see the main menu.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	494	0	Wow! Real furniture is here and you can freely arrange any collectible cards into it. To manipulate the furniture's doors (if it has any), activate it and in menu select 'No'.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	3	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	4	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	5	See quick help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	6	Disable in-game help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	59	7	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	3	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	4	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	5	See quick help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	6	Enable in-game help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	61	7	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	3	Fine-tune its vertical position
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	4	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	5	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	6	See quick help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	7	Disable in-game help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	66	8	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	3	Fine-tune its vertical position
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	4	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	5	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	6	See quick help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	7	Enable in-game help
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	68	8	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	73	0	Grab mode options:
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	73	1	Fine-tune placeholder's distance
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	73	2	Normal grab mode
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	73	3	End grab mode
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	73	4	End grab mode & go to main menu
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	76	0	Do you want to put this furniture back in your inventory?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	76	1	No
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	76	2	Yes
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	79	0	Do you want to copy vertical position of this furniture?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	79	1	Yes
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	79	2	No
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	0	Can't place real furniture - placeholder has an invalid vertical angle. Please readjust it.
FormID: 0106DC8C	SLFurnitureInvScript			Message 	44	0	The placeholder of this type of furniture is already in use.
FormID: 0106DC8C	SLFurnitureInvScript			Messagebox	56	0	You obtained Furniture Catalogue along with the furniture.
FormID: 0106DC8D	SLFurniturePhdrScript			Message 	16	0	You haven't finished manipulating with another placeholder yet.
FormID: 0106DC8E	SLFurnitureTriggerScript			Message 	43	0	Unable to collect some of the item(s). Please do it manually.
FormID: 0106DC8F	SLBookShelf1Script			Message 	15	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC8F	SLBookShelf1Script			Message 	33	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC90	SLCardRack1Script			Message 	15	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC90	SLCardRack1Script			Message 	33	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC91	SLDisplayCase1Script			Message 	32	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC91	SLDisplayCase1Script			Message 	50	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC92	SLDisplayCase2Script			Message 	32	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC92	SLDisplayCase2Script			Message 	50	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC93	SLDisplayCase3Script			Message 	32	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC93	SLDisplayCase3Script			Message 	50	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC94	SLShelf1Script			Message 	15	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC94	SLShelf1Script			Message 	36	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC95	SLShelf2Script			Message 	15	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC95	SLShelf2Script			Message 	36	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC96	SLShelf3Script			Message 	15	0	You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC96	SLShelf3Script			Message 	36	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.

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