L10N/Oblivion_Collectible_Cards/1.21b/Dialogue/SLCards-02 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0101CFBF	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer1	0	It wasn't easy with you, but I got that card at last. Thanks.	
FormID: 0101CFBF	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer1	1	Oh, I should not forget about your promotion. So, I am hereby promoting you to Collector.	
FormID: 0101CFC2	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer2	0	It wasn't easy with you, but I got that card at last. Thanks.	
FormID: 0101CFC2	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer2	1	Oh, I should not forget about your promotion. So, I am hereby promoting you to Collector.	
FormID: 0101CFC4	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer3	0	It wasn't easy with you, but I got that card at last. Thanks.	
FormID: 0101CFC4	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer3	1	Oh, I should not forget about your promotion. So, I am hereby promoting you to Collector.	
FormID: 0101CFC6	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer4	0	It wasn't easy with you, but I got that card at last. Thanks.	
FormID: 0101CFC6	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer4	1	Oh, I should not forget about your promotion. So, I am hereby promoting you to Collector.	
FormID: 0101CFC8	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilOffer5	0	As you wish. But this is not the end. And don't expect any promotion from me.	
FormID: 0101CFC9	SLCards	SLCardsRaynilChoice2B	0	Here is my offer. What do you say?	
FormID: 0101CFCA	SLCards	GREETING	0	Congratulations to your promotion to Collector! Do you have a rare card for me by any chance?	
FormID: 0101CFCC	SLCards	GREETING	0	Nice to see you, Collector.	
FormID: 0101CFCD	SLCards	GREETING	0	Greetings, Collector. Do you have a rare card for me by any chance?	
FormID: 01022A0A	SLCards	SLCardsCard7	0	I'm always excited when I see three coins on a card! I will give you 4988 for this one.	
FormID: 01022A0D	SLCards	SLCardsCard7	0	There is nothing better than seeing a new rare card!. I will buy it from you for 4988 gold.	
FormID: 01022A0F	SLCards	SLCardsCard8	0	Hmm. I heard about this one, but I have never actually seen it. I can offer 4762 gold.	
FormID: 01022A10	SLCards	SLCardsCard8	0	It is perfect! You can have 4762 gold for this piece.	
FormID: 01022A14	SLCards	SLCardsCard9	0	It is wonderful to see card like this one! I will give you 5344 gold for it.	
FormID: 01022A15	SLCards	SLCardsCard9	0	Well, isn't it beautiful? Collector's heart is pleased, his purse is crying... I am offering 5344 gold.	
FormID: 01022A17	SLCards	SLCardsCardA	0	A wonderful piece of craft! I am willing to pay 5772 gold for this one.	
FormID: 01022A18	SLCards	SLCardsCardA	0	Yes, this one is very rare piece, I can tell. I am offering 5722 gold.	
FormID: 01022F00	SLCards	SLCardsOrenthilRareOffer	0	Excellent, show me what you got!	
FormID: 010263DE	SLCards	GREETING	0	Ah, here you are. Raynil wrote me, and told me what happened.  In any other case, I would be disappointed by this situation - but not this time.	
FormID: 010263DE	SLCards	GREETING	1	That card is a real treasure, and you have proven yourself an experienced collector by refusing to hand it over.	
FormID: 010263DE	SLCards	GREETING	2	And that is why I have the honor to promote you to Collector.	
FormID: 010263E0	SLCards	SLCardsOrenthilToMiria	0	Go talk to Miria in Cheydinhal. She has requested our help to assist with something very important to her.	
FormID: 010263E1	SLCards	GREETING	0	Hello, my name's Miria. Pleased to meet you.	
FormID: 010263E3	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaAssign	0	Oh, I was wondering when you'd show up, fellow collector. Let me fill you in.	
FormID: 010263E5	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaAssignGoOn	0	I made a deal with Nord adventurer. He was supposed to sell me a rare card - Mehrunes Razor.	
FormID: 010263E5	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaAssignGoOn	1	But then he got himself arrested! The guards won't let me see him, so I'd like you to talk to him and get that card for me somehow.	
FormID: 010263E5	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaAssignGoOn	2	He's here in castle dungeon. Will you help me?	
FormID: 010263E7	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaChoice1A	0	Oh... well, you know where to find me when you have some.	
FormID: 010263E9	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaChoice1B	0	I knew I could count on you! His name is Berdir. Please, hurry back when you have that card. Here's the gold I promised to pay for it.	
FormID: 010263EA	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaAssign	0	Have you returned to help me?	
FormID: 010263EB	SLCards	SLCardsMiriaAssign	0	Berdir is the person you have to find. He is arrested in castle dungeon. But I've already told you all these things.	
FormID: 010268D3	SLCards	SLCardsRemanNord	0	Nobody is allowed to see him, unless you have a pretty good reason...	
FormID: 010268D4	SLCards	SLCardsRemanNord	0	Like I said, you must have a good reason if you want to see him. You know what I mean...	
FormID: 010268D7	SLCards	SLCardsRemanChoice1B	0	See? It wasn't that hard, was it?	
FormID: 01026DBF	SLCards	SLCardsRemanChoice1A	0	Then stop wasting my time!	
FormID: 010272A6	SLCards	GREETING	0	Who're you and what do you want?	
FormID: 010272A8	SLCards	SLCardsRareCard	0	That Redguard chick sent you, eh? She seems to want that card pretty bad. But I think some gold was mentioned...	
FormID: 010272AA	SLCards	SLCardsBerdirCont	0	Well, then we have only one problem left to solve. In case you haven't noticed, I'm stuck in bloody jail. So here's the deal.	
FormID: 010272AA	SLCards	SLCardsBerdirCont	1	You'll bring me a few lockpicks, lets say five. Then I'll tell you where that card is.	
FormID: 010272AC	SLCards	SLCardsBerdirLockPicks	0	Do you have them?	
FormID: 010272AE	SLCards	SLCardsBerdirChoice1A	0	Then stop wasting my own time and go get them.	
FormID: 010272B0	SLCards	SLCardsBerdirChoice1B	0	Nice, I owe you one.	
FormID: 010272B2	SLCards	SLCardsBerdirAnswer	0	All right. It's in hidden chest outside town walls, near the Wayshrine of Akatosh. I'll mark it on your map.	
FormID: 010272B2	SLCards	SLCardsBerdirAnswer	1	And don't forget to put my gold into it. I'll pick it out after I get out of here.	
FormID: 010272B6	SLCards	SLCardsRareCard	0	You have it?	
FormID: 010272B6	SLCards	SLCardsRareCard	1	That's fantastic! Thank you for your help! And here's a little reward - it should help you in searching for your own rare cards.	
FormID: 01027C83	SLCards	GREETING	0	Nice to see you, Collector.	

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