L10N/Mudwater/1.2/Dialogue/PTArgQuestMain-02 のバックアップ差分(No.1)


FormID: 01067DD7	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgTEELReetulTopic	0	So he was alive when you found him but died on the way back to the village? That is a bitter fate.	
FormID: 01067DD7	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgTEELReetulTopic	1	I'm not blaming you, I'm sure you tried to save him. Here is your reward. This is a sad day for me.	
FormID: 01065BA0	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgTEELMainNo2	0	If you ever change your mind please come back. The uncertainty is terrible.	
FormID: 0106ADB4	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	Guess you don't like that we have our own village here? Just go away and leave us alone then.	
FormID: 0106ADB5	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	This is our village and strangers like you aren't welcome here. Leave us alone.	
FormID: 0106ADB6	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	I'm not sure why I would want to tell someone like you anything about our village.	
FormID: 0106ADB7	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	Looks like Black Marsh here, doesn't it? Maybe we'll take over this part of Cyrodiil one day.	
FormID: 0106ADB8	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	Guess you have never seen an Argonian village? Well, now you did.	
FormID: 0106ADB9	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	We built this settlement to feel at home in Cyrodiil. Can you understand that? Probably not.	
FormID: 0106ADBA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	We founded this village because we didn't like the big cities here in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 0106ADBA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	1	In the small villages they treated us like aliens and we weren't welcome. Now we have our own place to live out here in the swamp. 	
FormID: 0106ADBB	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	We went over the border from Black Marsh a few years ago to see what Cyrodiil was like. But we weren't welcome here.	
FormID: 0106ADBB	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	1	Some of us tried to make a living in one of the cities, but after a while we decided it's better to establish our own village.	
FormID: 0106ADBB	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	2	So here we are. It's a hard life out in the wild, but it's our life.	
FormID: 0106ADBC	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	We went over the border from Black Marsh a few years ago, but we didn't like the big cities and the arrogant people here.	
FormID: 0106ADBC	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	1	So we built this settlement to feel home in Cyrodiil. And we succeeded.	
FormID: 0106ADBC	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	2	It's a hard life so far away from the cities, but we're free to do whatever we want to do. No one looks down on us because we're Argonians here.	
FormID: 0106ADBD	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	Do you like our village, friend? We founded it because we didn't like the big cities in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 0106ADBD	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	1	Neither did we like the close-minded people in the small villages. This village is our village and we live the life of our grandfathers here.	
FormID: 0106ADBD	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	2	Maybe you'd like to join us one day.	
FormID: 0106ADBF	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	Doesn't this place remind you of Black Marsh? I don't know whether you've been there, but if not you really have to see it.	
FormID: 0106ADBF	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	1	Unfortunately it has become a much more dangerous place during the last few years.	
FormID: 0106ADBF	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	2	Our little village here in Cyrodiil makes us feel home again. I hope you like it as much as we do, feel free to spend some time here.	
FormID: 0106ADBE	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	0	I hope you like our little village. We founded it a few years ago to feel at home again in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 0106ADBE	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	1	In the big cities people looked down on us because we were Argonians. In Mudwater we can live the life we want to live.	
FormID: 0106ADBE	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgMudwaterTopic	2	But nice people like you are always welcome to spend some time here of course.	
FormID: 01072452	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMainTopic	0	I'm a mud crab hunter. I know, sounds a bit strange. But it's where I'm good at. You see all the mud crabs here in the village?	
FormID: 01072452	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMainTopic	1	I caught them. I love mud crab meat and the villagers love it as well. By the way, a few days ago I found an old map during one of my journeys.	
FormID: 01072452	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMainTopic	2	Looks like a treasure map. I'm not sure what to do with it, doesn't make any sense to me. But you look like you have a lot of spare time.	
FormID: 01072452	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMainTopic	3	Maybe you can figure it out. I would sell it for 100 gold. Interested?	
FormID: 01072455	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMainYes	0	Trying to cheat me? You don't have enough money.	
FormID: 01072456	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMainYes	0	We have a deal then. Here is the map.	
FormID: 01072457	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMainNo	0	I bet the treasure is worth much more than 100 gold, come back if you change your mind.	
FormID: 01072459	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgWIMMapTopic	0	So you are willing to pay 100 gold for my treasure map now?	
FormID: 010738EA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainTopic	0	I sew clothes for the other villagers. Even Argonians need to wear something, although	
FormID: 010738EA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainTopic	1	Teel-Nah thinks it's more practical to wear as little as possible. I wish my people would be a bit more civilized.	
FormID: 010738EA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainTopic	2	I really love our village here, but we're so cut off from the outside world that it's hard to get everything you need to live like a human	
FormID: 010738EA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainTopic	3	and not like an animal. If there would only be a traveling merchant passing by. But we're too far out for that I guess.	
FormID: 010738EA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainTopic	4	Traveling to the cities on our own is dangerous and takes a long time. You look like you come around a lot. Maybe you could help us out?	
FormID: 010738EC	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainNextTopic	0	Maybe ask the merchants in Leyawiin and Bravil whether they would be willing to send someone to our village from time to time.	
FormID: 010738EC	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainNextTopic	1	We don't have a lot of money, but we've got rare ingredients that can only be found in the Blackwood Forest we could exchange for their wares.	
FormID: 010738EC	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMainNextTopic	2	Will you help us?	
FormID: 010738EF	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANNextYes	0	Thank you so much! I'm eagerly waiting for your return. I hope that you can convince them somehow.	
FormID: 010738F1	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANNextNo	0	That's too bad. I guess we will have to keep eating mud crab meat all day long. If you ever change your mind please come back.	
FormID: 010738F3	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMerchantTopic	0	Would you be willing to help me now?	
FormID: 01073FD0	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMerchantTopic	0	Did you find a merchant who is willing to pay our village a visit from time to time?	
FormID: 01073FD1	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMerchantTopic	0	They will send a merchant? That is fantastic! Finally we will be able to live like civilized people. Thank you so much!	
FormID: 01073FD1	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMerchantTopic	1	I don't have much to offer, but here are a few clothes I made that were enchanted by Hides-Her-Mind.	
FormID: 010738F5	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	I don't know you and Mudwater is far away. Why should I do you this favor?	
FormID: 010738F6	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	I would be willing to help the people in Mudwater, but hiring a traveling merchant is expensive.	
FormID: 010738F6	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	1	If you would find another merchant who would share expenses with me I would do it though. Come back if you find someone.	
FormID: 010738F7	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	So Nilawen in Bravil would be willing to hire a traveling merchant if I would share expenses with her?	
FormID: 010738F7	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	1	Sounds good to me. You can tell her that I'm in.	
FormID: 010738F8	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	So Gundalas in Leyawiin would be willing to hire a traveling merchant if I would share expenses with him?	
FormID: 010738F8	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	1	Sounds good to me. You can tell him that I'm in.	
FormID: 010738F9	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	Gundalas would be willing to share expenses with me? We have a deal then. I will hire a traveling merchant and send him to Mudwater once per week.	
FormID: 010738FA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	Nilawen would be willing to share expenses with me? We have a deal then. I will hire a traveling merchant and send him to Mudwater once per week.	
FormID: 01075B3A	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	I run a tavern, I'm not a merchant. I sell food and drinks, sure.	
FormID: 01075B3A	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	1	But not enough to justify sending a messenger into the most remote regions of Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 01075B3B	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	I sell weapons and armor mostly. Do these villagers need a large supply of weapons and armor?	
FormID: 01075B3B	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	1	Unless they prepare for a war I don't think so. And if they would prepare for a war I wouldn't support it.	
FormID: 01075B3C	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	I sell ingredients and potions, how many alchemist live in that village?	
FormID: 01075B3C	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	1	I would be interested in the ingredients the villagers offer, but I don't think they would buy enough of my wares to make it worthwhile for me.	
FormID: 01075B3D	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	Do Argonians read books? Not sure about that. Even if they did I doubt they would read enough books to make it worthwhile for me.	
FormID: 01075B3E	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMudwaterTopic	0	No idea, ask Gundalas about it.	
FormID: 010746A8	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMerchantYes	0	Please keep looking for someone, it would really make me feel much more comfortable here.	
FormID: 010746AA	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgANMerchantNo	0	That's sad news. Ah well, I might go to the city on my own then and try to convince one of the merchants.	
FormID: 01077555	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgHHMFinal	0	Really? That is strange. I dreamt about her as well. At first she seemed to be nice, but later she wanted to kill me.	
FormID: 01077555	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgHHMFinal	1	It was just a dream, but I have to admit it was scary. I'm so glad that I woke up on my own.	
FormID: 01077555	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgHHMFinal	2	Anyway, now it's over and I don't know how to apologize for what happened.	
FormID: 01077555	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgHHMFinal	3	Of course you will get your reward for helping me and a bonus for the unpredictable consequences my experiment had for you.	
FormID: 01077555	PTArgQuestMain	PTArgHHMFinal	4	Again, I'm sorry and I hope you will forgive me.	

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