L10N/MTCThievesGrotto/4.1/Books のバックアップ(No.5)


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ページ名ゲーム内表示名Text size (kb)状況
01NChartSea Chart0.74
01NCheapGuideGalehavenGuide to Galehaven4.91
01NICPNoblesTipTip from Lynn's Source1.06
01NMap01Map to Spriggan Queen's Tomb0.75
01NPosterReciept01Horsemen Poster0.7
01NPosterReciept02Mead Poster0.73
01NPosterReciept03Arena Poster0.69
01NRat01Rat the Thief v 1, Book 14.34
01NRat02Rat the Thief v 1, Book 25.78
01NRat03Rat the Thief v 1, Book 33.51
01NRat04Rat the Thief v 2, Book 13.25
01NRat05Rat the Thief v 2, Book 24.32
01NRat06Rat the Thief v 2, Book 35.38
01NSecretCitiesSecret Cities3.56
01NShipRecieptMiniature Ship Model0.74
01NSjirrasnoteS'jirra's Note0.88
01NSprigganBookThe Lost Tomb of the Spriggan Queen3.82
01NStolenMaskOrdersStolen Mask Orders1.51

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