L10N/MTCThievesGrotto/4.1/Books/01NStolenMaskOrders のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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<FONT face=5>A woman named Sablethroat, the proclaimed leader of an orginized bandit group who call themselves "The Rooks", has fashioned herself a duplicate of the Grey Fox's mask, and is assuming his identity during raids. Your job is to seek out this group, and by force or stealth retrieve the mask and return it to me.<br>
The Rooks are located in the Southern regions of Cyrodill, somewhat South and and West of Leyawiin, along the shoreline. They are seen to come and go from an abandoned shack, and our informants tell us that Sablethroat keeps the mask in a golden casket near her bedside. It may require some cunning on your part to aquire it.<br>
The Guild prefers, as always, that nobody be harmed during missions, but as these are bandits, particularly ones aligning themselves against us by their actions, the blood price will be waived.

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