L10N/Loadingscreens_AddOn/1.1/Descriptions/Data-03 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3)

FormID: 01011986	NanoScreenLegion	0	The Imperial Legion is the Empire's proud army. It evolved at the beginning of the Second Era from the Alessian Army.
__Imperial Legionは、第二期の初期にAlessiaの軍団から発展した、帝国の誇り高い軍団です。
FormID: 0101205A	NanoScreenAlchemy2	0	If you're on the hunt for ingredients for mightier potions, it's worthwile to check up the Mages Guilds or the Market District of the Imperial City.
__強力なポーションを作るために素材を探そうとするなら、Mages GuildやImperial CityのMarket Districtで探してみるのも一興でしょう。
FormID: 0101205B	NanoScreenGuildPortier	0	You can find a smith in each house of the Fighter's Guild who repairs your armor for a good price.
__Fighter's Guildのどの支部でも、貴方は安く防具を修理してくれる鍛冶屋を見つけることが出来ます。
FormID: 0101205C	NanoScreenRothwardon1	0	Rothwardons are versatile fighters who feel fine in each armor type and wield every weapon masterly.
FormID: 0101205D	NanoScreenWaterfront1	0	The Waterfront is Cyrodiil's largest trading center, daily many ships from all provinces dock here.
FormID: 0101205E	NanoScreenWaterfront2	0	Shipping on the Niben is safe, but who moves too far from the coast has to brace himself for pirate attacks.
FormID: 0101205F	NanoScreenWayshrine	0	If you prayed at a wayshrine of one of the Nine Divines you then can receive his blessing in the chapels, too.
__Nine Divinelsの一柱のwayshrineで祈れば、貴方は教会で祈ったときと同じように神の加護を受けることができるでしょう。
FormID: 01012060	NanoScreenDungeon2	0	Long times ago, the forts served as protection from attacks of neighbor provinces.
FormID: 01012061	NanoScreenDungeon3	0	Gangs of thieves often expand the deserted forts to real strongholds that are hard to be infiltrated.
FormID: 01012062	NanoScreenGreatForest2	0	In the southern Great Forest there are many charming clearances between age-old redwood trees.
__Great Forest南部のredwoodの森の木々の間から見渡す多様な景色は、それは魅惑的なものです。
FormID: 01012063	NanoScreenSmith	0	Smiths are held in high esteem because they help many people with their work.
FormID: 010134DD	NanoScreenBrotherhood1	0	It is told that the Dark Brotherhood was founded in the Second Era by members of the Morag Tong, the assassins guild from Morrowind.
__Dark BrotherhoodはSecond Eraの頃、Morag Tong(Morrowindの暗殺者ギルド)のメンバーによって設立されたと言われています。
FormID: 010134DE	NanoScreenBrotherhood2	0	The symbol of the Dark Brotherhood is a black hand. It stands for its five highest members.
__Dark Brotherhoodは黒い手をシンボルとしています。この手の各指はギルドの最高位メンバーをそれぞれ表しています。
FormID: 010134DF	NanoScreenImp	0	Imps possess strong elemental spells. Because they additionally attack in groups, they can become a great danger although they are so small.
FormID: 010134E0	NanoScreenMudCrab	0	Mud Crabs are on the menu of all of Tamriel's poorer people.
__Mud Crabは、Tamriel全域で貧しい人々の食卓のメニューに載っています。
FormID: 010134E1	NanoScreenPantherRiver	0	The Panther River is avoided by most ships because of its sharp rocks.
__Panther Riverは尖った岩場が多く、大抵の船は避けて通りません。
FormID: 010134E2	NanoScreenSilverfish	0	In the sourrounding of the sluggish Silverfish River are some snug hamlets.
__ゆるやかに流れるSilverfish Riverの周囲には、小奇麗な集落が散在しています。
FormID: 010134E3	NanoScreenSun	0	Generally the sun is seen as huge hole in Oblivion and gate to Aetherius, the plane of magic.
FormID: 010134E4	NanoScreenThiefBeggar	0	It is said that the harmless-looking beggars are the secret henchmen of the Gray Fox and are protected by the Thieves Guild.
__一見無害そうな乞食たちですが、彼らは実はGray Foxの秘密の手下であり、Thives Guildから保護を受けているのだと言われています。
FormID: 010134E5	NanoScreenTraining	0	Train your skills regularly. Who knows what you can reach by doing so?
FormID: 010134E6	NanoScreenTroll	0	It is known that Trolls regenerate fast, but not so much that they are prone to fire.
FormID: 010134E7	NanoScreenVampire	0	Not every vampire is a cruel beast. In fact, several vampires are living among us without being recognized, as integrated member of society.
FormID: 010134E8	NanoScreenWoodelf1	0	The fine-boned Wood Elves are cunning traders and deft thieves.
__がっしりとした骨格のWood Elfは狡知に長けた商人であり、手際の良い盗賊でもあります。
FormID: 010134E9	NanoScreenDreugh	0	During their youth the usually aquatically dreugh move on the land for one year. These period is known as Karvinasim.
FormID: 010134EA	NanoScreenMinotaur	0	The extremely strong Minotaurs can be found mainly in the mountains and forests.
FormID: 010134EB	NanoScreenMoons	0	Masser and Secunda are the remnants of the God Lorkhan who betrayed the other Gods aeons ago.
FormID: 010134EC	NanoScreenOgre	0	Ogres are hardboiled creatures that redeem their lack of intelligence with unbelievable punches.
FormID: 010134ED	NanoScreenCastle	0	The castles of Cyrodiil hide many secret passages and dark mysteries.
FormID: 010134EE	NanoScreenDaedric	0	The unbelievable strong daedric weapons are feared and desired by all mortals.
FormID: 010134EF	NanoScreenDaedroth	0	The crocodile-like Daedroth can cast strong shields and fire balls.
FormID: 010134F0	NanoScreenDwemer	0	Dwemer weapons and armor can nowadays only be found in old caves and ruins because the knowledge of their fabrication was lost with the Dwemer's demise.
FormID: 010134F1	NanoScreenElven	0	Most Ayleid weapons you can find are despite their age in an excellent condition.
FormID: 010134F2	NanoScreenGlass	0	Glass armor and weapons are mostly applied by rangers and thieves - if they can get them.
FormID: 010134F3	NanoScreenIC	0	Since the time of St. Alessia no foreign power was able to capture the Imperial City.
__Imperial Cityは、聖Alessiaの昔からいかなる異民族による攻撃からも陥落を免れてきました。
FormID: 010134F4	NanoScreenMithril	0	The Mithril armor is preferably used by Nord barbarians because it's so light and robust.
FormID: 010134F5	NanoScreenSpriggan	0	In the vernacular Spriggans are called the peaceful [QUOTE]Guards of Nature[QUOTE] but they attack everyone daring to penetrate into their woods.
FormID: 010134F6	NanoScreenMasser	0	The Khajiit worship the different phases of the Masser moon like Gods which show astonishing parallels to the Nine Divines.
__Khajiitは月齢に応じたMasserの姿をさながら神そのもの(彼らの神は驚くほどNine Divinesと似ている)のように崇め奉っています。
FormID: 010134F7	NanoScreenBreton1	0	Bretons have inherited their strong magic powers from a blend of Ayleids with a human race.
FormID: 010134F8	NanoScreenOrcish	0	The traditional orcish armor astonishes through well handled, wild patterns.
FormID: 010134F9	NanoScreenFireAtronach	0	Fire Atronachs are among the few creatures adventurers like to meet in the dark...
__flame Atronachは、暗闇の中を進む冒険者が会いたいと願う数少ない怪物のひとつです。
FormID: 01013BCD	NanoScreenFrostAtronach	0	The huge frost atronachs can't  alone cast frost spells, but also they can heal themselves which makes them very tough enemies.
__巨大な体をしたfrost atronachは氷魔法のみならず自己回復魔法まで使いこなせるので、非常に倒しにくい敵であると言えます。
__巨大な体をしたfrost atronachは氷魔法のみならず自己回復魔法まで使いこなせるため、非常に倒しにくい敵であると言えます。
FormID: 010142A1	NanoScreenFryingPan	0	The true warrior doesn't need a sword.
FormID: 010142A2	NanoScreenCheydinhal1	0	Since about half a century an unusual high number of Dark Elves move from Morrowind to Cheydinhal.
FormID: 010142A3	NanoScreenCheydinhal2	0	in the western part of Cheydinhal you can find many traders and guild delegations.
FormID: 010142A4	NanoScreenCheydinhal3	0	The river Corbolo divides Cheydinhal into a marekt and a chapel district.
FormID: 01014978	NanoScreenCheydinhal4	0	In the Newland Lodge dominates harsh contact, after all it's a Dark Elf tavern.
__Newland Lodgeはいつも喧騒にまみれています。結局の所、Dark Elfの宿なので仕方ないことですが。
FormID: 01014979	NanoScreenCheydinhal5	0	Towards evening the romantic charm of Cheydinhal unfolds.
FormID: 0101497A	NanoScreenCheydinhal7	0	[QUOTE]That many of the rough, unpleasant people are Orcs should be no surprise to you.[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus, Guide to Cheydinhal
__[QUOTE]粗暴で不愉快な輩の中にOrcの占める割合の何と高いことでしょうか!これを読むあなたにとっては不思議でも何でもない事実に過ぎないのかも知れませんけれど。[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus著「Guide to Cheydinhal」より
FormID: 0101497B	NanoScreenCheydinhal6	0	The fact that the count is a mope diminishes the wealth and beauty of Cheydinhal not a bit.
FormID: 0101504F	NanoScreenAnvil1	0	From the lighthouse you have a nice view over Anvil.
FormID: 01015050	NanoScreenAnvil2	0	Daily many ships put in the Anvial harbour from all of Tamriel's provnces, whereby the city got very rich.
FormID: 01015051	NanoScreenAnvil3	0	The Fighters Guild in Anvil houses a large training center for its recruits.
__AnvilのFighters Guild支部は、新人向けの大規模な訓練場でもあります。
FormID: 01015052	NanoScreenAnvil5	0	The statue of a mermaid shows how closely Anvil is linked to the sea.
FormID: 01015053	NanoScreenAnvil6	0	Over the way of the chapel there is a nice ambulatory that invites to meditate and saunter.
FormID: 01015054	NanoScreenAnvil4	0	You can find many beautiful houses in western Anvil.
FormID: 01015728	NanoScreenAnvil7	0	[QUOTE]The docks are rotten and in ill-repair, and all manner of smells issue forth from the holds of ships and ramshackled warehouses.[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus, Guide to Anvil
__[QUOTE]港はろくに補修もされず朽ちていますし、停泊した船やおんぼろの倉庫から悪臭が漂ってきます。[QUOTE] -  Alessia Ottus著「Guide to Anvil」より
FormID: 01000ED4	NanoScreenLevitation	0	Levitation spells were forbidden in Cyrodiil in 3E 421 through the Levitation Act.
__Levitation spell(浮遊魔法)は、3E 421年にLevitation Actが制定されて以来、Cyrodiilでは禁止されています。
FormID: 01000ED5	NanoScreenParadise1	0	If you enter remote regions you should absolutely watch the flora. Many useful ingredients can only be found there.
FormID: 01015DFD	NanoScreenLeyawiin1	0	[QUOTE]If it weren't for the raffish rabble of Argonian and Khajiit descent, Leyawiin would be a pleasant and safe place to visit[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus, Guide to Leyawiin
__[QUOTE]もしも卑しいArgonianやKhajiitの生まれでないのなら、Leyawiinは快適で安全な街としてあなたを迎え入れてくれることでしょう。[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus著「Guide to Leyawiin」より
FormID: 01015DFE	NanoScreenLeyawiin2	0	The proprietor of [QUOTE]Southern Books[QUOTE] might be the only book-trading Orc of Tamriel...
__[QUOTE]Southern Books[QUOTE]の主人は、おそらくTamrielで唯一のOrcの書店主です。
FormID: 01015DFF	NanoScreenLeyawiin3	0	The muggy climate in Leyawiin fosters the growth of Aloe Vera and Bog Beacon.
__Leyawiinの気候は暑く、Aloe VeraやBog Beaconがよく育ちます。
FormID: 01015E00	NanoScreenLeyawiin4	0	The proximity to the sea lets Leyawiin be flooded every now and then.
FormID: 01015E01	NanoScreenLeyawiin5	0	The guilds gather around a large place in south-western Leyawiin.
FormID: 01015E02	NanoScreenLeyawiin7	0	In northern Leyawiin some neat shops and inns have established.
FormID: 010164D6	NanoScreenLeyawiin6	0	The many colours let visitors think of Leyawiin as a very happy city.
FormID: 010164D7	NanoScreeWillowthewisp	0	Will-o'-the-wisps are very mean enemies - they are immune to normal weapons and absorb your health and some attributes.
FormID: 01016BAB	NanoScreenMythicDawn	0	With the appointment to an Acolyte a member of the Mythic Dawn receives a special armor spell.
__Mythic Dawnの信徒は、Acolyteの位に任ぜられると特別な鎧を召還する魔法を授けられます。

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