L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Dialogue/kvaBanditsinMine のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 02004B83	kvaBanditsinMine	BanditsinMine	0	Sir, the Trading Company wants to reopen the kvatch mines but there is a bandit problem. 	
FormID: 02004B89	kvaBanditsinMine	WhatBanditProblem	0	The Bandits have occupied the our old mines, we need to clear them out. Agents tell me they are the infamous Black Bow Bandits.  	
FormID: 02004B8C	kvaBanditsinMine	kvabanditoption1	0	Very good Count, I'll mark the Mining Camp on your map and hire some Fighters Guild members to help you. Give me an hour.  	
FormID: 02004B90	kvaBanditsinMine	kvabanditoption3	0	Yes Count, let me know when your ready.	

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