L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssHappyQuest のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	10	0	Finding brides for the seven wood elf brothers? Well, I can always ask if I meet a female Bosmer but I'm not going out of my way to find them.
__Finding brides for the seven wood elf brothers? Well, I can always ask if I meet a Bosmer but I'm not going out of my way to find them.
__wood elfの七兄弟の花嫁探しだって?まぁ、簡単には見つかりそうにないがBosmerの女性を見つけたらたずねてみよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	11	0	Alawen agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Alawen agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__AlawenはWood Elf兄弟の一人と結婚することに同意した。. 七人の花嫁を見つけたらHappyの元に帰るとしよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	12	0	Bothiel agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Bothiel agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__BothielはWood Elf兄弟の一人と結婚することに同意した。. 七人の花嫁を見つけたらHappyの元に帰るとしよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	13	0	Carwen agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Carwen agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__CarwenはWood Elf兄弟の一人と結婚することに同意した。. 七人の花嫁を見つけたらHappyの元に帰るとしよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	14	0	Dairihill agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Dairihill agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__DairihillはWood Elf兄弟の一人と結婚することに同意した。. 七人の花嫁を見つけたらHappyの元に帰るとしよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	15	0	Elsynia agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Elsynia agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__ElsyniaはWood Elf兄弟の一人と結婚することに同意した。. 七人の花嫁を見つけたらHappyの元に帰るとしよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	16	0	Ganredhel agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Ganredhel agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__GanredhelはWood Elf兄弟の一人と結婚することに同意した。. 七人の花嫁を見つけたらHappyの元に帰るとしよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	17	0	Sister Angrond agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Sister Angrond agreed to marry one of the Wood Elf brothers. Once I have found 7 brides I should visit Happy.
__Sister AngrondはWood Elf兄弟の一人と結婚することに同意した。. 七人の花嫁を見つけたらHappyの元に帰るとしよう。
FormID: 0109CD04	povssHappyQuest	20	0	I have found seven brides for the seven Wood Elf brothers and Happy has rewarded me for my efforts. Hopefully they will all be happy from now on.
__I have found seven brides for the seven Wood Elf brothers and Happy has rewarded me for my efforts. Hopefully they will all be happy from now on.
__Wood Elf兄弟の花嫁を見つけた私の努力にHappyは報いてくれた。願わくば彼ら全員が幸せにならんことを。

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