L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/TG04Mistake のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	5	0	Armand is no longer my primary Thieves Guild contact. My new contact is S'krivva, in the city of Bravil. I can find her either at home or at the Lonely Suitor Lodge. I should ask her if there are any commission jobs for me.
__Armand is no longer my primary Thieves Guild contact. My new contact is S'krivva, in the city of Bravil. I can find her either at home or at the Lonely Suitor Lodge. I should ask her if there are any commission jobs for me.
__今はもうArmandは盗賊ギルドからの接触役ではなくなった。新しい接触役はBravilの街に住むS'krivvaだ。彼女とは自宅かLonely Suitor Lodgeで会うことができる。何か任される仕事があるか尋ねるとしよう。
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	10	0	S'krivva has asked me to retrieve a ring that belongs to Ahdarji. She is a Khajiit living in Leyawiin. I need to go to Leyawiin and see if I can find her.
__S'krivva has asked me to retrieve a ring that belongs to Ahdarji. She is a Khajiit living in Leyawiin. I need to go to Leyawiin and see if I can find her.
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	15	0	Ahdarji is offering 100 gold coins for her ring. The ring was stolen by Amusei. I wonder if that is the same Argonian that I competed against to get into the guild? I'll have to look around for him.
__Ahdarji is offering 100 gold coins for her ring. The ring was stolen by Amusei. I wonder if that is the same Argonian that I competed against to get into the guild? I'll have to look around for him.
__Ahdarjiは指輪のために金貨100枚出すという。指輪はAmuseiの手により盗まれた。Amuseiとはギルドに入会する時に競ったあのArgonianと同一人物なのだろうか? 奴を捜しまわらないといけないようだ。
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	20	0	Amusei is in jail here in Leyawiin. The only way I'm going to find that ring is to talk to him there.
__Amusei is in jail here in Leyawiin. The only way I'm going to find that ring is to talk to him there.
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	30	0	Amusei knows where the ring is, but he won't tell me unless I get him a lockpick.
__Amusei knows where the ring is, but he won't tell me unless I get him a lockpick.
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	40	0	Amusei told me that the ring was inscribed on the inside with the name Alessia Caro, a.k.a. the Countess of Leyawiin. Apparently he tried to sell it back to her. When he went to deliver the ring, he was arrested and thrown into jail. She kept the ring. It must be somewhere in the castle, assuming she isn't wearing it. I'll need to find someone who can tell exactly where. This might be a good time to revisit Ahdarji, or to see what the beggars know.
__Amusei told me that the ring was inscribed on the inside with the name Alessia Caro, a.k.a. the Countess of Leyawiin. Apparently he tried to sell it back to her. When he went to deliver the ring, he was arrested and thrown into jail. She kept the ring. It must be somewhere in the castle, assuming she isn't wearing it. I'll need to find someone who can tell exactly where. This might be a good time to revisit Ahdarji, or to see what the beggars know.
__Amuseiの話によると指輪の内側にはLeyawiin伯爵夫人として知られるAlessia Caroの名前が刻んであったそうだ。おそらくAmuseiは指輪を伯爵夫人に買い戻させようとしていたのだろう。Amuseiは指輪を持ち込んだときに、拘束され牢獄にぶちこまれたのだ。指輪は今、伯爵夫人が持っている。身に着けてないとすれば、指輪は城のどこかに置いてあるはずだ。指輪の在り処を正確に知っている人物を捜さなければならないだろう。Ahdarjiにもう一度会いにいくか、物乞いが何か知っていないか確かめたほうがいいだろう。
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	42	0	A beggar told me that Hlidara Mothril, Alessia Caro's chambermaid, might be able to tell me where she keeps her ring. I'll have to sweet talk her though.
__A beggar told me that Hlidara Mothril, Alessia Caro's chambermaid, might be able to tell me where she keeps her ring. I'll have to sweet talk her though.
__物乞いはAlessia Caroの部屋係であるHlidara Mothrilが指輪の保管場所を教えてくれるかもしれないと言った。 もっともHlidara Mothrilのご機嫌を取る必要があるだろう。
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	45	0	Apparently Ahdarji can use the ring to read missives and other castle documents written by the Count. She sells the information to other Counts of Cyrodiil. Now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, she has upped the reward to 200 gold coins.
__Apparently Ahdarji can use the ring to read missives and other castle documents written by the Count. She sells the information to other Counts of Cyrodiil. Now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, she has upped the reward to 200 gold coins.
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	47	0	I got a tip to speak with Hlidara Mothril. If I sweet talk her, she might tell me more about Alessia Caro and the ring.
__I got a tip to speak with Hlidara Mothril. If I sweet talk her, she might tell me more about Alessia Caro and the ring.
__Hlidara Mothrilと話すための助言を得た。Hlidara Mothrilをおだててやれば、Alessia Caroと指輪の話をさらに話すだろう。
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	48	0	It seems there is a secret passage that leads from the basement to the Countess' private chambers. If I can find it, that passage might be a safer way to sneak into her room.
__It seems there is a secret passage that leads from the basement to the Countess' private chambers. If I can find it, that passage might be a safer way to sneak into her room.
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	50	0	It seems that Alessia Caro wears the ring all the time, which is going to make is really difficult to steal it from her. However, I learned that she always takes it off at night. I'll have to sneak into her bedroom at night and rifle through that jewelry box.
__It seems that Alessia Caro wears the ring all the time, which is going to make is really difficult to steal it from her. However, I learned that she always takes it off at night. I'll have to sneak into her bedroom at night and rifle through that jewelry box.
__Alessia Caroは常に指輪を身に着けているようだ。その間指輪を盗むのは非常に困難だろう。 だが夜間は指輪を外すことがわかった。夜中に寝室へ潜入し、宝石箱をくまなく捜す必要があるだろう。
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	60	0	I've got the ring. Now to find Ahdarji and collect my reward.
__I've got the ring. Now to find Ahdarji and collect my reward.
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	69	0	S'krivva tells me that I must pay a blood price of 1000 gold coins for each person I killed while recovering Ahdarji's ring. Until I do, I am no longer a Thieves Guild member.
__S'krivva tells me that I must pay a blood price of 1000 gold coins for each person I killed while recovering Ahdarji's ring. Until I do, I am no longer a Thieves Guild member.
__S'krivvaはAhdarjiのリングを回収するまでの間、犯した殺人の『血の代償』として、一人当たり金貨1000枚を支払わなければならないと言った。支払うまではThieves Guildの一員とみなされることはない。
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	70	0	Ahdarji was very grateful and rewarded me nicely for the ring. I get the feeling she hates Argonians though. No wonder Amusei had trouble with her. Now all I have to do is report back to S'krivva in Bravil.
__Ahdarji was very grateful and rewarded me nicely for the ring. I get the feeling she hates Argonians though. No wonder Amusei had trouble with her. Now all I have to do is report back to S'krivva in Bravil.
FormID: 00035DE0	TG04Mistake	80	0	S'krivva thanked me for my devotion to duty within the Thieves Guild. I guess that mean Ahdarji told her I returned the ring. I've been promoted within the guild as well.
__S'krivva thanked me for my devotion to duty within the Thieves Guild. I guess that mean Ahdarji told her I returned the ring. I've been promoted within the guild as well.
__S'krivvaはThieves Guildの任務に対しての献身振りに感謝した。あの性悪なAhdarjiが指輪の奪還についてのことをS'krivvaに伝えたのだろう。おまけにギルド内での昇進が決まった。

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