L10N/KDQ/2.03/Dialogue/povssquestdwarven-02 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 01003C09 povssquestdwarven Grumpy4yes 0 Well just look at that the door has mysteriously unlocked itself. Your very good health.
FormID: 01003C0C povssquestdwarven happy1yes 0 Cliff. Seagull on head. Cliff. Get it? Oh, suit yourself.
FormID: 01003C0E povssquestdwarven happy2yes 0 Hey. Hang on there a moment, matey. You've got me all wrong. I'm easy, laid back. So far laid back sometimes people think I'm laid out. Ha ha ha.
FormID: 01003C0E povssquestdwarven happy2yes 1 Thing is Dopey ran through here and just grabbed the key out of my hand. So it's on the other side of the door. No way I can open it. Unless...
FormID: 01003C10 povssquestdwarven happy3yes 0 I make another one. There's a mould lying around the house somewhere. I will also need a hammer and two silver nuggets.
FormID: 01003C12 povssquestdwarven happy4yes 0 No sign of Dopey yet, I'm afraid. Of course he could have decided to be a statue for a few weeks. He does that sometimes.
FormID: 01003C13 povssquestdwarven happy4yes 0 Oh good. Give me a minute... It's pretty simple actually...
FormID: 01003C14 povssquestdwarven happy4yes 0 Door's open, matey. Would you believe I smashed my thumb with the hammer. What a fool. Haha! Best go and get Doc to sort me out a poultice. Bye.
FormID: 01003C1E povssquestdwarven bash1 0 Goodness me! no! I couldn't. I don't take decisions. I just carry out orders.
FormID: 01003C20 povssquestdwarven bash2 0 Ah - erm - the amulet of infectious - er - charm. My friend Neverard Smallparts found it on the corpse of a Breton mage over in Morrowind. Let's see.
__あー、えー、魅力、伝播の御守りだ。俺の友、Neverard SmallpartsがMorrowindでBretonの魔術師の死体から拾ったものだ、えーと。
FormID: 01003C20 povssquestdwarven bash2 1 Yes, here. Take it. I think it tells you where he is. Oh please I should love the - er - anyway - if you could find it...?
FormID: 01003C23 povssquestdwarven bash3 0 Yes. Quaint little chap. He left - oh - must be two weeks ago now. He was having a bit of trouble with a chest infection.
FormID: 01003C23 povssquestdwarven bash3 1 So he was going to see a herbalist in an isolated farm on the banks of the Reed River almost due south of here, he told me. What was it called again?
__で、あいつは南にあるReed Riverにひっそりとある農園にいる薬師に会いに行くと言っていたよ。
FormID: 01003C23 povssquestdwarven bash3 2 Drag... Dre.. Drake? Something like that? I don't remember. I hope he will come back one day, he was rather sweet.
FormID: 01003C24 povssquestdwarven bash3 0 Nevvy. Yes, my dear, he came to see me. He had this very alarming cough which couldn't be cured easily, I needed a stronger magical item.
FormID: 01003C24 povssquestdwarven bash3 1 A welkynd stone. I pointed out the three nearest likely source on his map.
__Welkynd Stoneのあるだろう近くの3ヶ所の遺跡を彼の持つ地図に書き込みましたよ。
FormID: 01003C24 povssquestdwarven bash3 2 Hame is east a little bit south, Mackamentain south and Nornal is to the west. If you hurry I'm sure you'll catch up with him.
FormID: 01004119 povssquestdwarven bash4 0 You haven't got the amulet. I'm - er - not - er - stupid you know.
FormID: 0100411A povssquestdwarven bash4 0 Oh wonderful. Please go through. What? You want to see the mistress? No she is not behind this door, you will have to take the door on your left!
FormID: 010054CD povssquestdwarven bash4 0 It works like a charm. Atishoo! The side effects are a bit annoying though.
FormID: 010086E6 povssquestdwarven doc1 0 Would you, by gad. Well you can't. And nor can anyone until we have sorted the assassination attempts.
FormID: 010086E8 povssquestdwarven doc2 0 You are deaf, aren't you? That is exactly what I said. Somebody is sending the mistress poisoned apples and I won't trust anyone until this is over.
FormID: 010086EA povssquestdwarven doc3 0 Have you been consorting with parrots? Yes. the kind of tool the Dark Brotherhood uses. But I doubt if this is their work. They usually don't fail.
__君はオウムのように聞き返すね。ああ、Dark Brotherhoodがその手のものを使ってるとは聞く。が今回は奴らの仕事ではないだろう。奴らは基本的にしくじったりはしない。
FormID: 010086EA povssquestdwarven doc3 1 I can tell you nothing except I noticed the name on the delivery horse. Northern Goods and Trade. The deliveryman was a Khajiit. Now get going.
FormID: 010086EC povssquestdwarven povssapple 0 What! Are you suggesting that I'd... Beside we never go as far south as Leyawiin. And yet I have heard rumors. Try ask around about fake deliveries.
FormID: 010086F5 povssquestdwarven povssapple 0 Oooh. How nasty! I wouldn't do anything like that.
FormID: 01009154 povssquestdwarven povssapple 0 So? You bought off some second rate actress. What's heroic about that? You might at least have chopped her head off. An actress wanting me dead? No.
FormID: 010086EE povssquestdwarven povssfakedeliveries 0 I have heard rumours of other merchants having their identities usurped in the south of Cyrodiil. Try asking at the general stores in Bravil or Leyawiin.
FormID: 010086EF povssquestdwarven povssfakedeliveries 0 Yes I have heard rumours too but it has not affected me. I would try asking in Leyawiin itself.
FormID: 010086F0 povssquestdwarven povssfakedeliveries 0 Yes. Someone pretended to be from our store delivering shoddy second-rate merchandise but it's nobody from here. I paid to have everyone watched.
FormID: 010086F0 povssquestdwarven povssfakedeliveries 1 But a Khajiit? I hadn't heard that before. You might like to ask at Border Watch. Don't worry if they are running about saying they are doomed.
__しかしKhajiit?以前にはそんなことは聞きませんでした。あなたは、Border Watchで尋ねるのがいいかもしれませんね。彼らが悲しい運命であると言って駆け回っているならば、心配しないでください。
FormID: 010086F0 povssquestdwarven povssfakedeliveries 2 That happens every other week. Talk to the proprietor of the Inn. If anyone knows anything she will.
FormID: 010086F4 povssquestdwarven povssfakedeliveries 0 Has Felix been naughty. I shall have to tell him off, won't I? But that's a boring subject. How about nice cup of tea?
FormID: 0103A2FF povssquestdwarven povssfakedeliveries 0 I believe Ungarion in the Warlock's Luck has heard something.
__the Warlock's LuckのUngarionなら何か聞いているんじゃないかしら?
FormID: 010086F2 povssquestdwarven povsskhajiit 0 Listen, you didn't hear it from me, right? This Khajiit was in here a while back boasting about how successful he was and not a poor farmer like us.
FormID: 010086F2 povssquestdwarven povsskhajiit 1 Said he was working out of a cave near here. I think it must be Undertow, since Rockmilk is the headquarters of the Black Bow Brigands.
__彼はこの近くで洞穴のトレーニングしていると言いました。RockmilkがBrackbow Banditsの本部のようなものですから、私はそれはUndertowでなければならないと思います。
FormID: 0100CD8F povssquestdwarven povsskhajiit 0 Khajiit have tails and fur and look like me. That's all I want to share with you.
FormID: 010086F7 povssquestdwarven witch1yes 0 Oh they are not really poisoned. We put bitter aloes on them to make them taste horrid but they are harmless.
FormID: 010086F9 povssquestdwarven witch2yes 0 Oh no. I can't do that. It's in the contract, you see.
FormID: 010086FB povssquestdwarven witch3yes 0 Oooh! You are such a tease. Are you sure you won't have a cup of tea?
FormID: 010086FE povssquestdwarven povsscontract 0 Are you some kind of nutter? My contract of employment. From PC productions. I'm an actress darlin' we all have 'em.
__あなた、頭おかしいの?PC productionsからの私の仕事の契約よ。私はみんなのお気に入りの女優なんだから。
FormID: 010086FE povssquestdwarven povsscontract 1 I worked with Meryn Othralas in Mourn'old you know.
__私はMeryn Othralasといっしょににあなたも知っているMournholdで働いていたの。
FormID: 010086FE povssquestdwarven povsscontract 2 Then they decided to do The Lusty Argonian Maid and I'm good but no way can I play Argonian. So when I got this offer...
__それから、彼らは「Lusty Argonian Maid」を上演することに決めたのはいいんだけど私はArgonianを演じる方法がなかったの。だからこのオファーを得た時に….
FormID: 01008700 povssquestdwarven witch4yes 0 Fooled you, didn't I? All we 'ad to do, my friend Felix and me, was make the deliveries the company asked. We're paid 20 gold a day. Good rates.
FormID: 01008702 povssquestdwarven witch5yes 0 Darlin, an actor has to be totally loyal to his troupe, director, producer, you know. Oh and breach of contract is an expensive business. 2000 gold.
FormID: 01008BEB povssquestdwarven witch6yes 0 1500 and it's a deal.

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