L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsswonderdoc3 のバックアップ(No.1)


povsswonderdoc3 Edit

原文 Edit

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Amateurs.  Amateurs!!!  I should have it tattooed on my forehead 'NEVER WORK WITH AMATEURS'!!!!!
Put it somewhere safe, I said.  So what does the fool do?  He finds this supposedly impregnable place and manages against all the odds to get inside.  Now this sounds very cunning and very, very safe.  Perhaps it is.  But it is also very, very USELESS!  Because he has vanished and I can't get in!
White Stallion Lodge.  Curse that name.  All I can do is loiter outside until someone shows up with a key.
Damn you, Sefton.  Even then I'm screwed!  You've got the key to the chest you buffoon.  So you were off to see your friends in some camp site or other.  Do I have the time or the patience to go tramping the length and breadth of Cyrodiil looking for you?  When you finally grace me with your overdue return I shall take great pleasure in strangling you with my bare hands.

訳文 Edit

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Amateurs.  Amateurs!!!  I should have it tattooed on my forehead 'NEVER WORK WITH AMATEURS'!!!!!
Put it somewhere safe, I said.  So what does the fool do?  He finds this supposedly impregnable place and manages against all the odds to get inside.  Now this sounds very cunning and very, very safe.  Perhaps it is.  But it is also very, very USELESS!  Because he has vanished and I can't get in!
White Stallion Lodge.  Curse that name.  All I can do is loiter outside until someone shows up with a key.
Damn you, Sefton.  Even then I'm screwed!  You've got the key to the chest you buffoon.  So you were off to see your friends in some camp site or other.  Do I have the time or the patience to go tramping the length and breadth of Cyrodiil looking for you?  When you finally grace me with your overdue return I shall take great pleasure in strangling you with my bare hands.

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