L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssweyenote のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Of course we were taught that these fish were mythical.  I don't mean mythical like imps or trolls but genuine, only found in stories, mythical.  Well, I can tell you that they are not.  I've seen them.  I've even caught a couple.  To be honest, it was a waste of time and effort.  The flesh tastes so disgusting it is inedible and the only 'prize' it has is its ink, which is indelible.  Get it on your clothes and it's there forever.  On your hands - well the skin will eventually replace itself in time.  
But, in case you seek simply the challenge of the fight, or actually have the need for such a thing, I will pass on such experience as I have gleaned.  They are tough buggers.  You won't find killing them all that easy.
What you need to know is where to find them, how to lure them to you, how to kill them and how to get the ink without ending up looking like a blue monster yourself.
Spectral slaughterfish are lovers of the deep oceans and rarely come in shore.  They are however particularly attracted to shipwrecks.  If you can find a combination of shipwreck and ocean you stand a chance of sighting one.
For some reason these fish, are attracted to special shiny rings called 'Cat's Eye'.  Drop it into the water at a suitable site and you may be lucky.  You may not.  The fish is very moody.  If nothing happens don't forget to retrieve the ring to be able to try again.  And make sure the ring is not too valuable.  If the fish takes the bait the ring will be useless to you afterwards.  Something in the beast's belly dissolves the enchantment in seconds.
Killing the fish
You'll need my special club 'the fishy stick', with which to batter the fish. Usually I leave it here in Weye.
Extracting the ink
You need a silver knife to cut the flesh without tearing it. Wear Fishing Waders to ensure you get none of the ink on your clothes. You will need an empty vial to keep the ink in. You can take anything you need from the supplies chest. If something is missing, Jack probably borrowed it.
Good luck.

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Of course we were taught that these fish were mythical.  I don't mean mythical like imps or trolls but genuine, only found in stories, mythical.  Well, I can tell you that they are not.  I've seen them.  I've even caught a couple.  To be honest, it was a waste of time and effort.  The flesh tastes so disgusting it is inedible and the only 'prize' it has is its ink, which is indelible.  Get it on your clothes and it's there forever.  On your hands - well the skin will eventually replace itself in time.  
But, in case you seek simply the challenge of the fight, or actually have the need for such a thing, I will pass on such experience as I have gleaned.  They are tough buggers.  You won't find killing them all that easy.
What you need to know is where to find them, how to lure them to you, how to kill them and how to get the ink without ending up looking like a blue monster yourself.
Spectral slaughterfish are lovers of the deep oceans and rarely come in shore.  They are however particularly attracted to shipwrecks.  If you can find a combination of shipwreck and ocean you stand a chance of sighting one.
For some reason these fish, are attracted to special shiny rings called 'Cat's Eye'.  Drop it into the water at a suitable site and you may be lucky.  You may not.  The fish is very moody.  If nothing happens don't forget to retrieve the ring to be able to try again.  And make sure the ring is not too valuable.  If the fish takes the bait the ring will be useless to you afterwards.  Something in the beast's belly dissolves the enchantment in seconds.
Killing the fish
You'll need my special club 'the fishy stick', with which to batter the fish. Usually I leave it here in Weye.
Extracting the ink
You need a silver knife to cut the flesh without tearing it. Wear Fishing Waders to ensure you get none of the ink on your clothes. You will need an empty vial to keep the ink in. You can take anything you need from the supplies chest. If something is missing, Jack probably borrowed it.
Good luck.

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