L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsstolgannote のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*povsstolgannote [#d021b00e]

**原文 [#me874281]
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I know somebody is searching for that wretched sword.  It will only be a matter of time before they trace it here.  We both know that it is far too dangerous a weapon to let anyone else get hold of it.
This Nikana fellow is not above boasting of his prowess as an adventurer but he is not a well man.  A prolonged search must take its toll.  I have a rather sneaky idea.  Let us put it back in a place he has already been and leave him a trail of clues to it.  Let's not make it too long, seven may be enough.  Make sure they are among the nastiest, most dangerous dungeons you can remember.  Then the chances are he won't survive.  If he does, perhaps he merits the sword after all!
To make it even harder for him put the first clue in a locked jewelry chest, with 5 locks on it! Then drop the five keys in underground Bruma.  I suggest the castle dungeon, the chapel undercroft, the caverns, that Khajiit's 'secret' training room and the only basement accessible from outside. Leave the chest in your room.
I think if after all these difficulties the sword is discovered Nikana will probably deserve it.  However the chance of him doing so is exceedingly remote.
Narina Carvain


**訳文 [#u88dfaf3]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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I know somebody is searching for that wretched sword.  It will only be a matter of time before they trace it here.  We both know that it is far too dangerous a weapon to let anyone else get hold of it.
This Nikana fellow is not above boasting of his prowess as an adventurer but he is not a well man.  A prolonged search must take its toll.  I have a rather sneaky idea.  Let us put it back in a place he has already been and leave him a trail of clues to it.  Let's not make it too long, seven may be enough.  Make sure they are among the nastiest, most dangerous dungeons you can remember.  Then the chances are he won't survive.  If he does, perhaps he merits the sword after all!
To make it even harder for him put the first clue in a locked jewelry chest, with 5 locks on it! Then drop the five keys in underground Bruma.  I suggest the castle dungeon, the chapel undercroft, the caverns, that Khajiit's 'secret' training room and the only basement accessible from outside. Leave the chest in your room.
さらに難易度を高めるために、最初の手掛かりは5つの鍵で錠をしたJewelry Chestの中に入れておいた!_そして5つの鍵はBrumaの地下に落とした。Castle Dungeon、Chapel Undercroft、Cavern、Khajiitの『秘密の』Training Room、そして家の外から唯一中に入ることのできる地下室といった辺りを示唆しよう。Chestは君の部屋に残しておけ。
I think if after all these difficulties the sword is discovered Nikana will probably deserve it.  However the chance of him doing so is exceedingly remote.
Narina Carvain


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