L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsslovelorn のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center"><b>Lovelorn</b><br>
Minerva's Story<br>
All you good readers of the Black Horse Courier pity me.  If you can, help me.  My name is Minerva and I 'live' for want of a better word at that well named hostelry The Inn of Ill Omen.
Why is it well named, I hear you ask.
I am in love.  For years I have been in love.  And the man I love is none other than the proprietor of the establishment a beautiful Nord called Manheim Maulhand.
He is a wonderful man, so kind and generous.  He helps everyone in trouble.  He will buy stolen goods from the needy even if they are not members of the thieves guild.  Sadly he has little money though.
Is it because I am a Redguard that he will not look at me?  Perhaps I am not as beautiful as he is but I am not unattractive.  You would have thought that in a place so isolated - the nearest habitation Faregyl has nothing more enticing on offer - he would have turned to me for comfort.   
It is not that he won't talk to me.  He treats me exactly in the way he treats all his other customers.  He is respectful, friendly even.  But he is the same with that terrified ghost of a man, Rufio, who often passes days at a time hiding in the rooms below the Inn.
To be honest, I sometimes seem to get more attention from him than Manheim.  But Rufio's gaze is lustful, not quite right, as if he would not stop were I to say no.  And there is something in his past which haunts him - a dead girl.  Mostly, even when we talk, I do not think he is really listening to me.
So I've gazed longingly, and sighed romantically, and fluttered my eyelids and pouted all to no effect.  I've bought him little gifts and made a point of telling him that I do not lock my door at night.  
Good reader, if you can think of anything else I might try, do come to visit me.  I'll willingly buy you a drink for a suggestion that actually works.
You all take care now.

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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center"><b>Lovelorn</b><br>
Minerva's Story<br>
All you good readers of the Black Horse Courier pity me.  If you can, help me.  My name is Minerva and I 'live' for want of a better word at that well named hostelry The Inn of Ill Omen.
Why is it well named, I hear you ask.
I am in love.  For years I have been in love.  And the man I love is none other than the proprietor of the establishment a beautiful Nord called Manheim Maulhand.
He is a wonderful man, so kind and generous.  He helps everyone in trouble.  He will buy stolen goods from the needy even if they are not members of the thieves guild.  Sadly he has little money though.
Is it because I am a Redguard that he will not look at me?  Perhaps I am not as beautiful as he is but I am not unattractive.  You would have thought that in a place so isolated - the nearest habitation Faregyl has nothing more enticing on offer - he would have turned to me for comfort.   
It is not that he won't talk to me.  He treats me exactly in the way he treats all his other customers.  He is respectful, friendly even.  But he is the same with that terrified ghost of a man, Rufio, who often passes days at a time hiding in the rooms below the Inn.
To be honest, I sometimes seem to get more attention from him than Manheim.  But Rufio's gaze is lustful, not quite right, as if he would not stop were I to say no.  And there is something in his past which haunts him - a dead girl.  Mostly, even when we talk, I do not think he is really listening to me.
So I've gazed longingly, and sighed romantically, and fluttered my eyelids and pouted all to no effect.  I've bought him little gifts and made a point of telling him that I do not lock my door at night.  
Good reader, if you can think of anything else I might try, do come to visit me.  I'll willingly buy you a drink for a suggestion that actually works.
You all take care now.

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