L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsslifeafterdeath のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<DIV align="center">Life After Death
by Ander Reseite
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To those who understand, there is no such thing as death.  The physical corrupts but the essence remains.  This essence is much misunderstood.  The first thing that must be made clear is that all essences are invisible.  It is very rare that they take on even an element of apparent corporeality.  This is lucky because otherwise those living would see the millions of them that exist and no doubt go stark raving mad!<p>
An essence, even when visible, has no mass.  Therefore there is no limit to the number that may occupy the same space.  They are unaware of each other and most of the time unaware of themselves, passing endless days in a state of unknowing.  Very occasionally one may achieve a cognitive state when it may, if it chooses, become more corporeal.  In this state it may also move about although if there is any meaning to the movement it relates to what the essence believes it sees and this may not be obvious to human eyes.<br>
All essences have a limited energy potential that can manifest itself to the living in a number of ways.  It would appear that this energy cannot be used to support corporeality and other activities at the same time.  If objects are moved or sounds made, the essence is always invisible.<br>
The essences themselves have control over their appearance should they choose to become visible.  In doing so they use spectrographical waves that are at the very edges of normal human sight.  It means most people cannot register them, even in their visible form.  A similar statement can be made about their audibility. <br>  
The great difficulty in seeing and hearing these things means that they are noticed mainly in two sets of circumstance.  Firstly they are best evidenced at times when other distractions are minimal - at night, in quiet places such as graveyards and so on.  The other time at which they are noticeable is in times of great stress when human senses have been heightened for other reasons.
Essences are most likely to appear corporeal if they believe that there is something they still need to do in the living world.  Or perhaps it is more that there is something in their former lives that needs resolution.  This determination leads to greater frequency of corporeality but it does not improve their visibility.
Essences are unaware of the passing of time.  They are immutable and time no longer has any meaning.  This should not be a cause for fearing death.  The dead are not happy or unhappy.  They have no emotions that we can relate to, even if they have any at all.  They may be acting out their purpose but it will be without rancour and, it would seem, without real interest.  It is almost as if their actions were automatic.
It will not be the case if the essence is summoned.  An essence may choose to appear as it was at any stage in its life.  Its mind and memories will be exactly as could have been expected at that age.  This makes it abundantly clear that the 'anima' or mind exists separately from the essence.  How this can be and how it can rejoin a summoned essence so accurately is one of the greatest mysteries that we thanatologists have yet to discover.
[The book goes on at great length and in increasingly technical language.  You cannot read it all but will look at the chapter on summoning.]
Summoning <p>
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This chapter deals with summoning of essences.  It must not be confused with the 'summoning' of physical remains.  That is a disgusting perversion practised by necromancers.  It is not in any case a true summoning merely re-animation or re-vivification to produce mindless monstrosities that can act only on the instructions of others. 
When summoning essences it is important to remember two things. 
An essence chooses whether or not to answer a summoning.  Usually there is no problem but if it is already in a corporeal state elsewhere it may not respond as it already has its imagined higher priority.  It will also choose the age at which it appears.  Sometimes this can be dictated by the summoning object but if not, simply try again.  An essence has no attachment to any particular age in its history and will not necessarily appear as the same age in consecutive summonings.
The second point to remember is that the essence has no awareness of its afterlife.  It will be as if you are talking to a living being.  Some tricksters pretend to be able to contact 'the other side'.  Do not be fooled by these charlatans.  There is no other side.  All essences are around us all the time and any may be contacted if you know how to do it.
Essences do not need to be tied to location but are most likely to be found in one of two; the place where the essence left the body and the place where the physical remains (if any) were buried.
If you wish to summon an essence yourself you will need to take three items to one or other of these points:
a) an object that belonged to the essence in life
b) an object to bind the summoned essence to your location until you have finished the conversation (usually this is a pentagram or an amulet of summoning)
c) an object to attract the essence (usually a spell although a few people can summon without) 
[There is a great deal more but this is enough for your purpose.]

// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<DIV align="center">Life After Death
by Ander Reseite
<DIV align="left">
<font face=3>
To those who understand, there is no such thing as death.  The physical corrupts but the essence remains.  This essence is much misunderstood.  The first thing that must be made clear is that all essences are invisible.  It is very rare that they take on even an element of apparent corporeality.  This is lucky because otherwise those living would see the millions of them that exist and no doubt go stark raving mad!<p>
An essence, even when visible, has no mass.  Therefore there is no limit to the number that may occupy the same space.  They are unaware of each other and most of the time unaware of themselves, passing endless days in a state of unknowing.  Very occasionally one may achieve a cognitive state when it may, if it chooses, become more corporeal.  In this state it may also move about although if there is any meaning to the movement it relates to what the essence believes it sees and this may not be obvious to human eyes.<br>
All essences have a limited energy potential that can manifest itself to the living in a number of ways.  It would appear that this energy cannot be used to support corporeality and other activities at the same time.  If objects are moved or sounds made, the essence is always invisible.<br>
The essences themselves have control over their appearance should they choose to become visible.  In doing so they use spectrographical waves that are at the very edges of normal human sight.  It means most people cannot register them, even in their visible form.  A similar statement can be made about their audibility. <br>  
The great difficulty in seeing and hearing these things means that they are noticed mainly in two sets of circumstance.  Firstly they are best evidenced at times when other distractions are minimal - at night, in quiet places such as graveyards and so on.  The other time at which they are noticeable is in times of great stress when human senses have been heightened for other reasons.
Essences are most likely to appear corporeal if they believe that there is something they still need to do in the living world.  Or perhaps it is more that there is something in their former lives that needs resolution.  This determination leads to greater frequency of corporeality but it does not improve their visibility.
Essences are unaware of the passing of time.  They are immutable and time no longer has any meaning.  This should not be a cause for fearing death.  The dead are not happy or unhappy.  They have no emotions that we can relate to, even if they have any at all.  They may be acting out their purpose but it will be without rancour and, it would seem, without real interest.  It is almost as if their actions were automatic.
It will not be the case if the essence is summoned.  An essence may choose to appear as it was at any stage in its life.  Its mind and memories will be exactly as could have been expected at that age.  This makes it abundantly clear that the 'anima' or mind exists separately from the essence.  How this can be and how it can rejoin a summoned essence so accurately is one of the greatest mysteries that we thanatologists have yet to discover.
[The book goes on at great length and in increasingly technical language.  You cannot read it all but will look at the chapter on summoning.]
Summoning <p>
<font face=3>
This chapter deals with summoning of essences.  It must not be confused with the 'summoning' of physical remains.  That is a disgusting perversion practised by necromancers.  It is not in any case a true summoning merely re-animation or re-vivification to produce mindless monstrosities that can act only on the instructions of others. 
When summoning essences it is important to remember two things. 
An essence chooses whether or not to answer a summoning.  Usually there is no problem but if it is already in a corporeal state elsewhere it may not respond as it already has its imagined higher priority.  It will also choose the age at which it appears.  Sometimes this can be dictated by the summoning object but if not, simply try again.  An essence has no attachment to any particular age in its history and will not necessarily appear as the same age in consecutive summonings.
The second point to remember is that the essence has no awareness of its afterlife.  It will be as if you are talking to a living being.  Some tricksters pretend to be able to contact 'the other side'.  Do not be fooled by these charlatans.  There is no other side.  All essences are around us all the time and any may be contacted if you know how to do it.
Essences do not need to be tied to location but are most likely to be found in one of two; the place where the essence left the body and the place where the physical remains (if any) were buried.
If you wish to summon an essence yourself you will need to take three items to one or other of these points:
a) an object that belonged to the essence in life
b) an object to bind the summoned essence to your location until you have finished the conversation (usually this is a pentagram or an amulet of summoning)
c) an object to attract the essence (usually a spell although a few people can summon without) 
[There is a great deal more but this is enough for your purpose.]

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