L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsslieslist のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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<font face=5>
List of potential buyers of stolen magical gauntlets
Thieves Guild Members
Only one can be trusted because we are friends Dah Jee in Leyawiin.
Daedra Worshippers
These are all acting a little beyond what is acceptable to most of Cyrodiil, you should find them amenable.
Bul Leemya - Sheogorath
Pops-his-Clogs - Boethia
Er Teeus - Peryite
Paints-her-Tail - Azura
Shoots-to-Kill - Hircine

There are two others but they must be approached with caution.
Utadee in Kvatch is fanatical about the Temple.  If you can find a way to make her think she could use gauntlets for its benefit, she may help.
[The letter is torn and the last name removed obviously deliberately.]


// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=5>
List of potential buyers of stolen magical gauntlets
Thieves Guild Members
Only one can be trusted because we are friends Dah Jee in Leyawiin.
Daedra Worshippers
These are all acting a little beyond what is acceptable to most of Cyrodiil, you should find them amenable.
Bul Leemya - Sheogorath
Pops-his-Clogs - Boethia
Er Teeus - Peryite
Paints-her-Tail - Azura
Shoots-to-Kill - Hircine

There are two others but they must be approached with caution.
Utadee in Kvatch is fanatical about the Temple.  If you can find a way to make her think she could use gauntlets for its benefit, she may help.
[The letter is torn and the last name removed obviously deliberately.]


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