L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssfingerbowlnote のバックアップソース(No.1)

// Format_ver:TYPE02:0.0.3 (2010-10-25)
// 【注意】
// ・本文部分を囲む#pre記述ですが、原文と訳文を囲む中括弧は
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// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
It seems someone dictated the letter and whoever wrote it down did so verbatim.
<font face=5><p>
Dear - er - adventurer person - or - er - creature
We - er - were investigating this cave place - er - that is to say - we wondered if there was scope to open a mine here - when we came upon this - er - box thing.
One of us tried to go to sleep in it and -er - inside we found this er scroll thingy.  Doc says it looks kind of important and it oughtn't be left lying about where any - er - tired vampire or hungry rat might get to it.  So we...
Hey!  If you keep sneezing all over the paper like that it'll be too wet to write on.  Why don't you get Doc to...  Oh, never mind.  I'd write it myself but I'd never be so forward.  I've heard of an amulet...
Anyway, we had a brief chat and came to a unanimous decision.  Well, er, six of us agreed.  Old misery guts over there never agrees with anything.  So we agreed to take it...
What's the matter now?  Oh he's got the giggles again, has he?  Too much sugar I expect.  Ignore him.
Agreed to take it home to give to the mistress to look after.  Huh!  If we ever get home.  One high as a kite, one snoring his head off, and one who doesn't even know which way his feet are pointing!  So if we get home...
You'll find us just outside Leyawiin, in the south west.  But remember you won't get in without the password.  The password is...
<p> </font>
[The rest of the paper is too wet to read]


// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
It seems someone dictated the letter and whoever wrote it down did so verbatim.
<font face=5><p>
Dear - er - adventurer person - or - er - creature
We - er - were investigating this cave place - er - that is to say - we wondered if there was scope to open a mine here - when we came upon this - er - box thing.
One of us tried to go to sleep in it and -er - inside we found this er scroll thingy.  Doc says it looks kind of important and it oughtn't be left lying about where any - er - tired vampire or hungry rat might get to it.  So we...
Hey!  If you keep sneezing all over the paper like that it'll be too wet to write on.  Why don't you get Doc to...  Oh, never mind.  I'd write it myself but I'd never be so forward.  I've heard of an amulet...
Anyway, we had a brief chat and came to a unanimous decision.  Well, er, six of us agreed.  Old misery guts over there never agrees with anything.  So we agreed to take it...
What's the matter now?  Oh he's got the giggles again, has he?  Too much sugar I expect.  Ignore him.
Agreed to take it home to give to the mistress to look after.  Huh!  If we ever get home.  One high as a kite, one snoring his head off, and one who doesn't even know which way his feet are pointing!  So if we get home...
You'll find us just outside Leyawiin, in the south west.  But remember you won't get in without the password.  The password is...
<p> </font>
[The rest of the paper is too wet to read]


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