L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssdocnote のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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Let me guess, Sleepy fell asleep in front of the door again? You won't be able to wake him easily, so you will have to brew an awaken potion.
Now you are going to need seven things.  But don't worry, all but three can be found around the house and I know where the others are too.  In terms of apparatus you'll need my mortar and pestle, an empty vial and a mug filled with water.  All these you can find here. You'll also find one of the four ingredients here - a gold nugget.  We are miners after all. 
Now for the other ingredients...
Some vampire dust.  There are many sites suitable.  I find the Ayleid ruin of Nornalhorst particularly useful for that.  A minotaur horn.  I usually buy mine in the mages guild in Bruma but in case they are out try Harcane Grove.  The last is a seed from the Oompa Loompa tree.  This is very rare in Cyrodiil but there is one on the extreme south east coast. But...The tree seems to attract vast numbers of imps.  Nasty  little blighters, don't you know. 
 So, you've got your orders.  Come back when you have everything and I'll give you another note telling you what to do with it.


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Let me guess, Sleepy fell asleep in front of the door again? You won't be able to wake him easily, so you will have to brew an awaken potion.
Now you are going to need seven things.  But don't worry, all but three can be found around the house and I know where the others are too.  In terms of apparatus you'll need my mortar and pestle, an empty vial and a mug filled with water.  All these you can find here. You'll also find one of the four ingredients here - a gold nugget.  We are miners after all. 
Now for the other ingredients...
Some vampire dust.  There are many sites suitable.  I find the Ayleid ruin of Nornalhorst particularly useful for that.  A minotaur horn.  I usually buy mine in the mages guild in Bruma but in case they are out try Harcane Grove.  The last is a seed from the Oompa Loompa tree.  This is very rare in Cyrodiil but there is one on the extreme south east coast. But...The tree seems to attract vast numbers of imps.  Nasty  little blighters, don't you know. 
 So, you've got your orders.  Come back when you have everything and I'll give you another note telling you what to do with it.


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