L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssaraldpotierbook のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*povssaraldpotierbook [#b126d4a9]

**原文 [#u7f0f75b]
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<font face=1><DIV align="center"> Arald Potier and the Freed Dragon
<font face=1><DIV align="center"> Arald PotierとFreed Dragon
A Play 
By Jamiroquai Rawlin
Jamiroquai Rawlin作
<DIV align="left">
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The scene is set in a clearing in the middle of a wood.  In the distance can be made out the roof crenellation of huge and fantastical manor house.
Three children are in the clearing.  Hippolyta Sharp-Tongue is a Nord girl of 14.  She is wearing a pale blue mage's robe.  Cucuhlain is a wood elf child of the same age with violent ginger hair and a permanently worried expression.  He is wearing pale blue breeches and shirt.  His mage's robe has been tucked into the top of his trousers.  He has just climbed down one of the trees.  Arald Potier is a Breton youth fractionally older than his companions.  He wears the same uniform as Cucuhlain although his robe is not tucked into his breeches.  He is holding a magic wand.
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HIPPOLYTA: I told you it wouldn't work.
ARALD: You are always telling me things, Hippolyta.  Haven't you noticed that they are not usually right?
CUCUHLAIN: She told you you'd be in trouble with Professor Pullulate if you made her skeleton dance about behind her back.
ARALD: The blind old bat wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't embellished it a bit too much.
CUCUHLAIN: It tapped her on the shoulder and asked for a dance.  How could she fail to notice?
HIPPOLYTA: Anyway, the problem is still with us.  Rangeworthy remains stuck in a tree.
CUCUHLAIN: (To Hippolyta) Which is your fault.
HIPPOLYTA: Mine!  You cheeky...  I'll turn you into a...
ARALD: Shut up you two!  These woods have all sorts of things we would not like alerted to our presence.
CUCUHLAIN: (Scared) You mean - Walmart?
</font> <font face=3>
The other two ignore him.
</font> <font face=1>
ARALD: But Cucu does have a point, Hips.  If you hadn't shouted at him...  Dragons are very sensitive.
CUCUHLAIN: Especially dragons that are spooked by their own shadow.
HIPPOLYTA: Cucuhlain, didn't Arald just tell you to shut up?
ARALD: I said it to both of you.  You're making an excellent stab at playing the roles of an old married couple.
HIPPOLYTA: And just who are you using as a role model?
</font> <font face=3>
A wolf howls in the distance.
</font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: Now see what we've done!
ARALD: It's just Professor Differin demonstrating lycanthropy to 3c.  I hope he remembered to eat first this time.  We can't afford to keep losing pupils that way.  Now how do we get a dragon out of a tree?
HIPPOLYTA: That's just the kind of logic problem they set you in Abstract Concepts.  Except that's more likely to be 'how do you get a dragon into a tree' given their respective sizes.
ARALD: Hippolyta. (The girl looks at him.)  Turn off the mouth and turn on the brain.  You do have one.  Occasionally, well very occasionally, we see evidence of it.  If we don't get the Head's pet back before she's noticed it's missing, we'll be grounded for a term.
CUCUHLAIN: Or made all rusty.
HIPPOLYTA: Cucu, you dumb cluck, rusticated has nothing to do with rust.
CUCUHLAIN: Pooh!  I've seen pupils come back afterwards and they are very rusty indeed.
ARALD: The dragon!
HIPPOLYTA: You are always so serious.
ARALD: Listen, I don't write my lines, I just read them!
CUCUHLAIN: Ha ha!  Just because Professor Kenbrannagh is directing you in the house play!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
A strange swishing sound grabs everyone's attention.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
ARALD: Oh no, if that's Vatman, Rangeworthy will never come down.
CUCUHLAIN: Yeah, because he'll ask him for money.  Vatman asks anyone and anything for money.  He doesn't look poor to me!
HIPPOLYTA: He's hanging upside down all day in the money vault.  It's bound to affect his brain.
ARALD: What are you blathering on about now?  Why should he hang upside down?
HIPPOLYTA: Are we talking about the same Vatman; wings, tight clothes that emphasise the...
ARALD: It's a costume; most of the time he looks like you and me.
CUCUHLAIN: With that outfit, I hope more like you than Hips.
HIPPOLYTA: This theatrical stuff is going to your head.  Nothing like Vatman could ever be normal. You'll be trying to make me believe those inspectors are next.  You know those from Teachers Against Xenophobia.
ARALD: The damned dragon!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
There is silence, then the three run to hide.  A white ghostly figure flits around for a moment then vanishes.  The children reappear.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN:  (Shakily)  You did tell us not to shout!
HIPPOLYT: We were lucky it was only the late Professor Humbleby.  If it had been...
ARALD: Sshhh!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
After a silence Hippolyta walks over to a tree and stares into it.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
HIPPOLTYA: What does she feed it?
<p> </font> <font face=3>
Neither of the others knows.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: I've never seen it being fed.
HIPPOLYTA: Well, it must eat something!
ARALD: It's a magical creature.  Maybe it doesn't have to eat.
<p> </font> <font face=3>
There is the sound of a bell chiming four in the distance.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: Come on!  In half an hour she'll find out.  I don't want my dad to have to come and take me home with all the other kids staring!
HIPPOLYTA: You should have thought of that before you let Rangeworthy out of his cage.
CUCUHLAIN: I didn't let him out.  You and Ary...
HIPPOLYTA: You were watching.  The law would recognise you as equally guilty.
ARALD: The law isn't going to come into it because we are going to get the dragon back.  Stop squabbling and get on with it.
HIPPOLYTA: Oh yes, mister self-important?  And I suppose you know how?
ARALD: What do we know about dragons?
CUCUHLAIN: They breathe fire, they live a very long time, they are very intelligent and they hoard treasure.
ARALD: I know all about the text book stuff.  What about Rangeworthy?  We've all watched him.
HIPPOLYTA: He can hardly be typical.  He was hatched in captivity after all!
CUCUHLAIN: And he's only a baby.
ARALD: What if we try to talk to him?
<p> </font> <font face=3>
The others find this funny.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
ARALD: They are supposed to be intelligent and full of eldritch wisdom.  They can't write it down.  So how would anyone know if they didn't speak?
HIPPOLYTA: It's all the wrong shape to talk.  Beside it would barbecue anything it opened its mouth to talk to.
ARALD: Well it's something we can try.  If we don't know what, if anything, it eats and all that it does when we try to reach it is climb higher up the tree, I think any suggestion must be worth trying!
HIPPOLYTA: You've gone mad!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
Cucuhlain goes to the base of the tree.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: Hi, Rangeworthy.  How's it hanging?
HIPPOLYTA: What kind of nonsense is that?  How's it hanging?  He's not a stalagmite.
ARALD: Stalactite.  Ct - from the ceiling they trickle.  Stalagmite - gm.  From the ground they mount.
CUCUHLAIN: Woo hoo!  Hips has got it wro-ong!  Hips has got it wrong.
<p> </font> <font face=3>
Hippolyta pulls out a wand and wallops Cucuhlain. 
<p> </font> <font face=1>
HIPPOLYTA: I'll turn you into a rat if you don't...
ARALD: Will you two stop it!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
He goes to the tree and calls up into it.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
ARALD: Hey, Rangeworthy, why not tell us about your history.
HIPPOLTYA: It doesn't have a history.  It's a pet.
ARALD: All right.  What do you like talking about?
CUCUHLAIN: Herself.  She's always talking about herself.
HIPPOLYTA: Food, clothes, magic.
ARALD: Go on then.  Talk to it about magic.
HIPPOLYTA: Oh, this is silly!
CUCUHLAIN: Not as silly as talking to it about clothes!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
The boys stare at her until she stomps angrily over to the tree.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
HIPPOLYTA: Hello Rangeworthy.  Do you know how to transform yourself into wood and back?
CUCUHLAIN: Why ask it that?  You can't do that.
HIPPOLYTA: If it knows, it can teach me.
CUCUHLAIN: (To Arald)  I wish you hadn't let it out.
ARALD: It wanted to come out.
HIPPOLYTA: (To the dragon)  How about 'create fog'?  I can do that!
CUCUHLAIN: How do you know it wanted to?  It certainly didn't open its dainty little maw to tell you!
ARALD: I just knew.
HIPPOLYTA: (Returning)  It's not working.
CUCUHLAIN: Ary says Rangeworthy asked to be let out.
HIPPOLYTA: Well if HE can talk to it, why are WE trying to coax it out of the tree?
ARALD: I didn't talk to it.  It - I don't know.  I told Cucu.  I just knew.
HIPPOLYTA: I see.  And was there any amazing insight into why it wanted to be let out?
HIPPOLYTA: But it had to have a reason.
CUCUHLAIN: Why?  You do all sorts of things for no reason.
HIPPOLYTA: That's rubbish.  I always...
ARALD: (Interrupting)  It raises an interesting point.  If it has a reason for wanting to be out of the cage.  It may have a reason for wanting to be at the top of that particular tree!
</font> <font face=3>There is a nervous silence. </font> 
<font face =1>
HIPPOLYTA: There's nothing special about that tree.
ARALD: So it would seem.
CUCUHLAIN: Maybe it's not special.  Anyway, who says it's the tree?
HIPPOLYTA: There's nothing else here.
ARALD: There's nothing else here - yet!
HIPPOLYTA: Stop scaring us.  Surely the only thing Rangeworthy would come to meet is another dragon?
CUCUHLAIN: Unless he's secretly spying for Walmart.
HIPPOLYTA: Oh, why did you have to go and let him out?
ARALD: So it's my entire fault, is it?  You weren't there, egging me on?
HIPPOLYTA: That was him.
CUCUHLAIN: Hey!  By the time I got there you'd already decided to let him out.
ARALD: That's not true.  I asked your opinion.
CUCUHLAIN: Pooh!  You never ask my opinion and even if you had you wouldn't have taken any notice of it.
HIPPOLYTA: That's true.  You talk about co-operation, then expect us to do what YOU want.  Very democratic.
ARALD: YOU are accusing ME of being selfish?
CUCUHLAIN: Oh, look at the time!  We're going to be roasted for this!
HIPPOLYTA: And it's all your fault!
HIPPOLYTA: If you hadn't agreed to our suggestion?
HIPPOLYTA: If you hadn't agreed to our suggestion&#65533;
CUCUHLAIN: Exactly that - YOUR suggestion.
ARALD: (Yells)  Shut up!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
A sudden fireball erupts across the stage reducing the three children to piles of ash.   A huge voice fills the auditorium.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
DRAGON: When will you youngsters listen to the voice of wisdom?  Don't you know the old saying 'Children should be seen but not heard'?  Let this be a lesson to the rest of you!  And Rangeworthy, you are too early.  Armageddon won't be for another couple of weeks yet.
</font> <font face=1>


**訳文 [#se6bb473]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=1><DIV align="center"> Arald Potier and the Freed Dragon
A Play 
By Jamiroquai Rawlin
<DIV align="left">
</font> <font face=3>
The scene is set in a clearing in the middle of a wood.  In the distance can be made out the roof crenellation of huge and fantastical manor house.
Three children are in the clearing.  Hippolyta Sharp-Tongue is a Nord girl of 14.  She is wearing a pale blue mage's robe.  Cucuhlain is a wood elf child of the same age with violent ginger hair and a permanently worried expression.  He is wearing pale blue breeches and shirt.  His mage's robe has been tucked into the top of his trousers.  He has just climbed down one of the trees.  Arald Potier is a Breton youth fractionally older than his companions.  He wears the same uniform as Cucuhlain although his robe is not tucked into his breeches.  He is holding a magic wand.
子どもが3人掃除をしている。Hippolytaは14歳の毒舌なNordの女の子。薄い青のmage's robeを着ている。Cucuhlainも同い年で、真っ赤な髪で心配性のWood elfの男の子。薄い青のシャツとズボンを着ている。彼のmage's robeはズボンに挟み込まれている。彼は木から降りて来ているところだ。Arald PotierはBretonの男の子で、仲間たちより少しだけ年上だ。robeをズボンに挟みこんではいないが、Cucuhlainと同じ服を着ている。彼は魔法の杖を持っている。
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HIPPOLYTA: I told you it wouldn't work.
ARALD: You are always telling me things, Hippolyta.  Haven't you noticed that they are not usually right?
CUCUHLAIN: She told you you'd be in trouble with Professor Pullulate if you made her skeleton dance about behind her back.
CUCUHLAIN: HippoytaはPullulate教授のskeltonを教授の後ろで踊らせたりなんかしたら面倒事になるって君に言ったじゃないか。
ARALD: The blind old bat wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't embellished it a bit too much.
CUCUHLAIN: It tapped her on the shoulder and asked for a dance.  How could she fail to notice?
CUCUHLAIN: skeltonに肩を叩かれて踊らないかと聞かれたんだよ。気づかないわけがないじゃないか。
HIPPOLYTA: Anyway, the problem is still with us.  Rangeworthy remains stuck in a tree.
HIPPOLYTA: ともかく、まだ問題は解決してないわ。
CUCUHLAIN: (To Hippolyta) Which is your fault.
HIPPOLYTA: Mine!  You cheeky...  I'll turn you into a...
ARALD: Shut up you two!  These woods have all sorts of things we would not like alerted to our presence.
CUCUHLAIN: (Scared) You mean - Walmart?
</font> <font face=3>
The other two ignore him.
</font> <font face=1>
ARALD: But Cucu does have a point, Hips.  If you hadn't shouted at him...  Dragons are very sensitive.
CUCUHLAIN: Especially dragons that are spooked by their own shadow.
HIPPOLYTA: Cucuhlain, didn't Arald just tell you to shut up?
ARALD: I said it to both of you.  You're making an excellent stab at playing the roles of an old married couple.
HIPPOLYTA: And just who are you using as a role model?
</font> <font face=3>
A wolf howls in the distance.
</font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: Now see what we've done!
ARALD: It's just Professor Differin demonstrating lycanthropy to 3c.  I hope he remembered to eat first this time.  We can't afford to keep losing pupils that way.  Now how do we get a dragon out of a tree?
HIPPOLYTA: That's just the kind of logic problem they set you in Abstract Concepts.  Except that's more likely to be 'how do you get a dragon into a tree' given their respective sizes.
ARALD: Hippolyta. (The girl looks at him.)  Turn off the mouth and turn on the brain.  You do have one.  Occasionally, well very occasionally, we see evidence of it.  If we don't get the Head's pet back before she's noticed it's missing, we'll be grounded for a term.
CUCUHLAIN: Or made all rusty.
HIPPOLYTA: Cucu, you dumb cluck, rusticated has nothing to do with rust.
CUCUHLAIN: Pooh!  I've seen pupils come back afterwards and they are very rusty indeed.
ARALD: The dragon!
HIPPOLYTA: You are always so serious.
ARALD: Listen, I don't write my lines, I just read them!
CUCUHLAIN: Ha ha!  Just because Professor Kenbrannagh is directing you in the house play!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
A strange swishing sound grabs everyone's attention.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
ARALD: Oh no, if that's Vatman, Rangeworthy will never come down.
CUCUHLAIN: Yeah, because he'll ask him for money.  Vatman asks anyone and anything for money.  He doesn't look poor to me!
HIPPOLYTA: He's hanging upside down all day in the money vault.  It's bound to affect his brain.
ARALD: What are you blathering on about now?  Why should he hang upside down?
HIPPOLYTA: Are we talking about the same Vatman; wings, tight clothes that emphasise the...
ARALD: It's a costume; most of the time he looks like you and me.
CUCUHLAIN: With that outfit, I hope more like you than Hips.
HIPPOLYTA: This theatrical stuff is going to your head.  Nothing like Vatman could ever be normal. You'll be trying to make me believe those inspectors are next.  You know those from Teachers Against Xenophobia.
ARALD: The damned dragon!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
There is silence, then the three run to hide.  A white ghostly figure flits around for a moment then vanishes.  The children reappear.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN:  (Shakily)  You did tell us not to shout!
HIPPOLYT: We were lucky it was only the late Professor Humbleby.  If it had been...
ARALD: Sshhh!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
After a silence Hippolyta walks over to a tree and stares into it.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
HIPPOLTYA: What does she feed it?
<p> </font> <font face=3>
Neither of the others knows.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: I've never seen it being fed.
HIPPOLYTA: Well, it must eat something!
ARALD: It's a magical creature.  Maybe it doesn't have to eat.
<p> </font> <font face=3>
There is the sound of a bell chiming four in the distance.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: Come on!  In half an hour she'll find out.  I don't want my dad to have to come and take me home with all the other kids staring!
HIPPOLYTA: You should have thought of that before you let Rangeworthy out of his cage.
CUCUHLAIN: I didn't let him out.  You and Ary...
HIPPOLYTA: You were watching.  The law would recognise you as equally guilty.
ARALD: The law isn't going to come into it because we are going to get the dragon back.  Stop squabbling and get on with it.
HIPPOLYTA: Oh yes, mister self-important?  And I suppose you know how?
ARALD: What do we know about dragons?
CUCUHLAIN: They breathe fire, they live a very long time, they are very intelligent and they hoard treasure.
ARALD: I know all about the text book stuff.  What about Rangeworthy?  We've all watched him.
HIPPOLYTA: He can hardly be typical.  He was hatched in captivity after all!
CUCUHLAIN: And he's only a baby.
ARALD: What if we try to talk to him?
<p> </font> <font face=3>
The others find this funny.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
ARALD: They are supposed to be intelligent and full of eldritch wisdom.  They can't write it down.  So how would anyone know if they didn't speak?
HIPPOLYTA: It's all the wrong shape to talk.  Beside it would barbecue anything it opened its mouth to talk to.
ARALD: Well it's something we can try.  If we don't know what, if anything, it eats and all that it does when we try to reach it is climb higher up the tree, I think any suggestion must be worth trying!
HIPPOLYTA: You've gone mad!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
Cucuhlain goes to the base of the tree.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
CUCUHLAIN: Hi, Rangeworthy.  How's it hanging?
HIPPOLYTA: What kind of nonsense is that?  How's it hanging?  He's not a stalagmite.
ARALD: Stalactite.  Ct - from the ceiling they trickle.  Stalagmite - gm.  From the ground they mount.
CUCUHLAIN: Woo hoo!  Hips has got it wro-ong!  Hips has got it wrong.
<p> </font> <font face=3>
Hippolyta pulls out a wand and wallops Cucuhlain. 
<p> </font> <font face=1>
HIPPOLYTA: I'll turn you into a rat if you don't...
ARALD: Will you two stop it!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
He goes to the tree and calls up into it.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
ARALD: Hey, Rangeworthy, why not tell us about your history.
HIPPOLTYA: It doesn't have a history.  It's a pet.
ARALD: All right.  What do you like talking about?
CUCUHLAIN: Herself.  She's always talking about herself.
HIPPOLYTA: Food, clothes, magic.
ARALD: Go on then.  Talk to it about magic.
HIPPOLYTA: Oh, this is silly!
CUCUHLAIN: Not as silly as talking to it about clothes!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
The boys stare at her until she stomps angrily over to the tree.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
HIPPOLYTA: Hello Rangeworthy.  Do you know how to transform yourself into wood and back?
CUCUHLAIN: Why ask it that?  You can't do that.
HIPPOLYTA: If it knows, it can teach me.
CUCUHLAIN: (To Arald)  I wish you hadn't let it out.
ARALD: It wanted to come out.
HIPPOLYTA: (To the dragon)  How about 'create fog'?  I can do that!
CUCUHLAIN: How do you know it wanted to?  It certainly didn't open its dainty little maw to tell you!
ARALD: I just knew.
HIPPOLYTA: (Returning)  It's not working.
CUCUHLAIN: Ary says Rangeworthy asked to be let out.
HIPPOLYTA: Well if HE can talk to it, why are WE trying to coax it out of the tree?
ARALD: I didn't talk to it.  It - I don't know.  I told Cucu.  I just knew.
HIPPOLYTA: I see.  And was there any amazing insight into why it wanted to be let out?
HIPPOLYTA: But it had to have a reason.
CUCUHLAIN: Why?  You do all sorts of things for no reason.
HIPPOLYTA: That's rubbish.  I always...
ARALD: (Interrupting)  It raises an interesting point.  If it has a reason for wanting to be out of the cage.  It may have a reason for wanting to be at the top of that particular tree!
</font> <font face=3>There is a nervous silence. </font> 
<font face =1>
HIPPOLYTA: There's nothing special about that tree.
ARALD: So it would seem.
CUCUHLAIN: Maybe it's not special.  Anyway, who says it's the tree?
HIPPOLYTA: There's nothing else here.
ARALD: There's nothing else here - yet!
HIPPOLYTA: Stop scaring us.  Surely the only thing Rangeworthy would come to meet is another dragon?
CUCUHLAIN: Unless he's secretly spying for Walmart.
HIPPOLYTA: Oh, why did you have to go and let him out?
ARALD: So it's my entire fault, is it?  You weren't there, egging me on?
HIPPOLYTA: That was him.
CUCUHLAIN: Hey!  By the time I got there you'd already decided to let him out.
ARALD: That's not true.  I asked your opinion.
CUCUHLAIN: Pooh!  You never ask my opinion and even if you had you wouldn't have taken any notice of it.
HIPPOLYTA: That's true.  You talk about co-operation, then expect us to do what YOU want.  Very democratic.
ARALD: YOU are accusing ME of being selfish?
CUCUHLAIN: Oh, look at the time!  We're going to be roasted for this!
HIPPOLYTA: And it's all your fault!
HIPPOLYTA: If you hadn't agreed to our suggestion?
CUCUHLAIN: Exactly that - YOUR suggestion.
ARALD: (Yells)  Shut up!
<p> </font> <font face=3>
A sudden fireball erupts across the stage reducing the three children to piles of ash.   A huge voice fills the auditorium.
<p> </font> <font face=1>
DRAGON: When will you youngsters listen to the voice of wisdom?  Don't you know the old saying 'Children should be seen but not heard'?  Let this be a lesson to the rest of you!  And Rangeworthy, you are too early.  Armageddon won't be for another couple of weeks yet.
</font> <font face=1>


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