L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZXQXivDialog-25 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3)


FormID: 03141C28	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess1	1	Butterflies are much too dusty to eat. There's nothing at them beside dust and wings that get stuck between your teeth.		
FormID: 03141C28	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess1	2	So would you please stop dodging my question?
FormID: 03141C29	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess2	0	So?	
FormID: 03141C29	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess2	1	Now that's unexpected!
FormID: 03141C29	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess2	2	I would never have guessed.
FormID: 03141C29	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess2	3	Losing is something we Daedra cannot cope with very well. We're used to be immortal, and that our friends and lovers are also immortal. If they aren't, or worse yet, if they reach Zero Sum, well, I can understand that it has a devastating impact.	
FormID: 03141C29	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess2	4	Many thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.
FormID: 03141C2A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess3	0	Hm. Interesting. Would have loved to know what exactly had happened, but you likely don't know, too.	
FormID: 03141C2A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess3	1	Usually Aureals wear an armor of pride and confidence around their mind. What may have scratched Tesserayiel's? Oh, questions, questions!	
FormID: 03141C2A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess3	2	Though she left, and wasn't summoned involuntarily. How interesting to see my theory validated. Just think about it.	
FormID: 03141C2B	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess4	0	Is that so? Oh well, I hoped you would trust me enough to share secrets. I guess I was wrong.	
FormID: 03142351	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers1	0	As if Karashivuel would let me ever forget!	
FormID: 03142351	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers1	1	Oh I know who's responsible for my release, and who is forcing me to play my part here. No need to remind me.	
FormID: 03142352	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers2	0	Oh!	
FormID: 03142352	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers2	1	Thanks! But, erm, don't ask if I can blush. You wouldn't be able to see it either way.	
FormID: 03142353	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers3	0	Let's just say I'm not entirely convinced of the complete benevolent nature the Stranded Light says it has.	
FormID: 03142353	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers3	0	Let's just say I'm not entirely convinced of the complete benevolent nature the Stranded Light says it has.
__Stranded Lightにあるという、純然たる慈善の心というものを確信しきってはいません。	
FormID: 03142353	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers3	1	They certainly aren't out there to cause direct mayhem, madness or the end of the world, but I have the feeling that not everything that glitters is gold.	
FormID: 03142353	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers3	2	Let's leave it at that. These halls have an echo far too loud to be healthy.	
FormID: 03142353	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers3	2	Let's leave it at that. These halls have an echo far too loud to be healthy.
FormID: 03142354	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers4	0	Trying to break my heart? Or trying to be funny?	
FormID: 03142354	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers4	1	Failed at both. Yet that was really not necessary.	
FormID: 03142355	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers5	0	Interesting. Bloating their ranks until they can't keep track of me anymore?	
FormID: 03142354	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers4	1	Failed at both. Yet that was really not necessary.
FormID: 03142355	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers5	0	Interesting. Bloating their ranks until they can't keep track of me anymore?
FormID: 03142355	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshNewMembers5	1	Trust me, Karashivuel would never let me go as easily. Not something like me. Nevertheless I hope that you may succeed one day. Thanks for trying!	
FormID: 0314385B	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshAzuraStar5	0	No, you won't. Despite being one of the most horrible tools for the enslavements of souls, one that was so evil even Molag Bal couldn't imagine it, none would give it up.	
__いえ、あなたはしないでしょう。魂の奴隷化に適した最も恐ろしい手段であり、Molag Balでさえ想像できないとても邪悪であったものにもかかわらず、誰も諦めていないのです。
FormID: 0314385B	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshAzuraStar5	1	And even if you would, what you most certainly won't, it can't be destroyed. Merely set free to appear later in other hands, to imprison more souls.	
FormID: 0314385B	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshAzuraStar5	2	No. Destroyed Azura's Star will never be. Not as long as Azura itself exists.	
__Azura's Starが壊されることはありません。Azura自身が存在する限りは。
FormID: 03155B53	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXRobe	0	Just keep it. I've got enough of them.	
FormID: 03155B53	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXRobe	1	I'm wearing a different once each day. Haven't you noticed?	
FormID: 03155B53	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXRobe	2	Nah. Just kidding. However, keep it. It's just for show anyway.

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