L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZXQXivDialog-05 のバックアップ(No.2)


FormID: 03143870 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 0 Mehrunes Dagon is gone, and the Liminal Barrier restored. It had to end like this, but he'll never understand why. That's the reason I never considered serving him. Good work.
__Dagonは去り、Liminal Barrierは修復された。この様にして終わったわけだが、彼奴が理解することはないだろうな。それが私が彼奴に仕えようとは決して考えられない理由だ。よくやったぞ。
FormID: 03143871 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 0 I remain, while Lord Dagon is gone. Such is irony. And liberation. I think.
__Lord Dagonは去り、私は残った。何とも皮肉だな。そして解放された。そう思うよ。
FormID: 03143873 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 0 It is good to see this world saved, to know that the Liminal Barrier is restored, and Mehrunes Dagon banished.
__この救われた世界をまた見られるのはすばらしいな、知っての通り、Liminal Barrierは修復され、Mehrunes Dagonは滅ぼされたのだから。
FormID: 03143873 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 1 If only the loss wouldn't have been so high. I can't believe it. It's more than depressing to imagine how many mortals have lost their lifes. And which.
FormID: 03147D75 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 0 Stay away please. Leave me. Ugh.
FormID: 03149938 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 0 Knowledge is the key. Not [QUOTE]a[QUOTE] key, but THE key. Some that know, like the false god Vivec, pour dust into mortal eyes by saying love would be the key. It is not.
FormID: 03149938 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 1 By now you may have learned a lot. As did each and every one of us. For mortals there is no hope except through knowledge. For Daedra there is no power except through knowledge.
FormID: 03149938 bgZXQXivDialog GREETING 2 We are, and I am. That is the very fundamental understanding dividing our subgradients. If that knowledge fails, the tower falls. Fate of all things mortals accelerated.
FormID: 03049E43 bgZXQXivDialog GOODBYE 0 Until we meet again.
FormID: 0304FF1A bgZXQXivDialog GOODBYE 0 Whatever you want, the answer is no.
FormID: 0300760F bgZXQXivDialog INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard? They've captured a Xivilai in Bruma! Unbelieveable!
FormID: 030268BF bgZXQXivDialog SkingradTopic 0 I remember the good old times when roaming through the city.
FormID: 030268BF bgZXQXivDialog SkingradTopic 1 You know, pillaging villages, burning down houses, slaughtering armies, taking whatever crosses your path, and all that.
FormID: 030268BF bgZXQXivDialog SkingradTopic 2 The time has changed, though. I fear I'm not even allowed to knock someone on his head and drag him into a dark corner for a bit fun.
FormID: 030268BF bgZXQXivDialog SkingradTopic 3 Mortals are boring.
FormID: 03007611 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ImpXiv 0 Well, yes, a true living Xivilai. Imprisoned. In our dungeon. Can you believe that?
FormID: 03007612 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ImpXiv 0 You've got eyes, and you can see. Congratulation.
FormID: 0300761F bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ImpXiv 0 Oh great, a sibling running around free. Fantastic. Oh. I'm not banished, yet. That's good, isn't it. You're not working for Dagon, aren't you?
FormID: 03007614 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4Odd 0 We are NOT the Dremora, slaves to wrong decisions and stupidness. We hate the darkness, the Void, and we will not return to it. That's why we fled. But the mortals do not understand.
FormID: 03007616 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4Odd2 0 I was captured, trying to warn these fools. How typical. If I could, I would tear out their throats and use them as pipes! These bars are a humiliation!
FormID: 0300761A bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ChoiceHelp 0 Nothing. But you cannot. The countess? Maybe. Or if you've got the right magic, but these walls block teleportation. Hm. Would you help me at all?
FormID: 03007619 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ChoiceNotHelp 0 Do you really think this walls will stay here forever? You cannot capture concepts with bars. We'll see each other, one way or another.
FormID: 0300761C bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ChoiceHelp2 0 Thank you, sister Daedroth! Please give this message to the countess, to show her our good intentions!
FormID: 0300761D bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ChoiceHelp2 0 Thank you, brother Daedroth! Please give this message to the countess, to show her our good intentions!
FormID: 0300761E bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ4ChoiceHelp2 0 Thank you, mortal! Please give this message to the countess, to show her my good intentions!
FormID: 030C2C88 bgZXQXivDialog bgOQ2PersuadeNtG 0 It was good that you've dealt with Norbert the Graywolf.
FormID: 030C2C88 bgZXQXivDialog bgOQ2PersuadeNtG 1 If only for a simple reason: Intolerance like his often doesn't hit just poor Khajiit, but also other non humans like myself.
FormID: 030C2C88 bgZXQXivDialog bgOQ2PersuadeNtG 2 So you've not only helped Ma'meria, but also me. All of the Stranded Light. Yet I don't want to see a nude picture of Karashivuel, so let's hope Kanaane didn't heard us.
FormID: 030C3395 bgZXQXivDialog bgOQ5ToNorthTopic 0 I've heard how you've helped a little Ohmes-raht finding a new place to live, far away in Bruma.
FormID: 030C3395 bgZXQXivDialog bgOQ5ToNorthTopic 1 And so Bruma has it's first Ohmes-raht resident. It gives me hope to see that they're getting accepted into a society who has shunned them not so long ago.
FormID: 030C3395 bgZXQXivDialog bgOQ5ToNorthTopic 2 Maybe someday society will evolve to a point where it gets even tolerant to such people like myself?
FormID: 03017739 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2XiN 0 A Xivilai is causing a lot of problems up there.
FormID: 03017739 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2XiN 1 Be warned, the Xivilai's not nearly as friendly as I am.
FormID: 03017739 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2XiN 2 Would you deal with this issue?
FormID: 03017739 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2XiN 3 Be warned though, this can get pretty dangerous. With some out of the box thinking you'll should be able to clear the situation, though.
FormID: 0301773D bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2XiNy 0 Alright. You need to go up north, banish this Xivilai, and everybody will be happy. Except the Xivilai, perhaps.
FormID: 0301773E bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2XiNn 0 Then stop wasting my time!
FormID: 0301C9CF bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 0 Just another Mazken trying to drive people insane down south.
FormID: 0301C9CF bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 1 Puny Daedra. Our kind sacked whole cities, and they... just turn mortals insane. How pathetic is that?
FormID: 0301C9CF bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 2 Anyway, the count has already noticed her. That Mazken was so unbelieveable dumb and chosed the count's son as her target.
FormID: 0301C9CF bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 3 If you find the time, then at least try to get her out of Bravil.
FormID: 0301C9CF bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 4 Oh and a little bit to keep in mind: Bravil does have guards, and the count himself once was a famous tournament champion. For some reason neither guards nor count could banish her.
FormID: 0301C9CF bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 5 Maybe, just maybe, she's not your typical puny Mazken.
FormID: 0301C9D1 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 0 Just another Mazken trying to drive people insane down south.
FormID: 0301C9D1 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 1 Puny Daedra. Our kind sacked whole cities, and they... just turn mortals insane. How pathetic is that? No, don't answer. I don't want to hear it. Sheesh.
FormID: 0301C9D1 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 2 Anyway, the count has already noticed her. That Mazken was so unbelieveable dumb and chosed the count's son as her target.
FormID: 0301C9D1 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 3 If you find the time, then at least try to get her out of Bravil.
FormID: 0301C9D1 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 4 Oh and a little bit to keep in mind: Bravil does have guards, and the count himself once was a famous tournament champion. For some reason neither guards nor count could banish her.
FormID: 0301C9D1 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 5 Maybe, just maybe, she's not your typical puny Mazken.
FormID: 0301C9D0 bgZXQXivDialog bgXQ2MSeverStart 0 One less hassle to care about.

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