L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZHQHiddenDialogue-08 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 0314EC87	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	CheydinhalTopic	4	And in Cyrodiil? Cheydinhal is beautiful. A tainted beauty, perhaps, but I wouldn't want to stay anywhere else.	
FormID: 030268C2	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	BravilTopic	0	That is what this once famous land has become. Around it you can still see past glories, but Bravil itself? I can't understand why anyone would want to live in it.	
FormID: 0314AE1D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	BravilTopic	0	Not a place for me.	
FormID: 0314AE1D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	BravilTopic	1	And, truth be told, I can't imagine any other Ohmes or Ohmes-raht living there. A couple of other travellers will pass trough, but won't stay there.	
FormID: 0314AE1D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	BravilTopic	2	As far as I am concerned, I'd rather stay in some inn outside of the city. Bravil is a mess, nothing else.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	Once a gateway to the northern lands, but men let nature reclaim streets and paths.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	Now it's just a reclusive town in which time flies by. I wonder how long it will last.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	2	Remember Sutch?	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	3	I do!	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	4	Mir Corrup?	
__ではMir Corrupは?
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	5	Gone from all maps. I'd sooner see Merendin come back to glory than ever see or hear something about these once human settlements again.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	6	Time will tell.	
FormID: 030C724D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	It's a challenge. A nice one, I have to add.	
FormID: 030C724D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	No one here is blessed by Lord Sheogorath already. There is a crazy or two, but they're under the influences of other Princes. If only the rest wouldn't be so closedminded.	
__ここにはLord Sheogorathの祝福を受けた人は一人もいないわ。気が狂った人なら数人いるみたいだけど、別のPrinceの影響みたい。他の人たちも、もっと心を解放したらいいのに!
FormID: 030C724D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	2	What they don't know is that this is another way down the Golden Road. We'll see how many will follow it.	
__彼らはGolden Roadに通じる道の存在を知らないのよ。今に見てなさい。沢山の人を連れていってみせるからね。
FormID: 0314C2FC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	Have you seen the new face in town? Looking like an Altmer?	
FormID: 0314C2FC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	She isn't. I smell it. She's something different. Smells tasty. Hm. How does a Golden Saint taste like?	
FormID: 0314C2FC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	2	Wish I knew! For now I can't find out. And I wouldn't want to. She seems scared. If she donate, it has to be willing.	
FormID: 0314C2FC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	3	Even I have standards.	
FormID: 0314C2FD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	My new personal hunting ground!	
FormID: 0314C2FD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	Err. Playground. I mean, playground. And stage. I am a bard after all!	
FormID: 0314C9E1	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	Oh!	
FormID: 0314C9E1	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	I am sorry. New in town, don't know much about it.	
FormID: 0314C9E1	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	2	However I can already tell you that Chorrol has a spicy night life!	
FormID: 0314C9E2	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	Welcome to Chorrol! Enjoy your stay.	
FormID: 0314C9E2	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	Not much else to say. What did you expect to hear? I'm new here.	
FormID: 030268C0	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	0	Good solid stonework. One of the few cities the humans got right, if I may say so.	
FormID: 030C724C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	0	A very interesting city and hunting ground. And the weather is much nicer than in Bravil.	
FormID: 030C724C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	1	Though I am bewildered. You wouldn't believe how many mortals blessed by Lord Sheogorath are already living in this city.	
__けれど、少し戸惑ってもいるの。この街は、どうしてこんなに沢山の人が既にLord Sheogorathの祝福を受けているんだろうか?ってね。
FormID: 0314C9E6	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	0	Oh! Please don't ask J'shivrizza how she got here.	
FormID: 0314C9E6	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	1	First she was in the Waterfront, had her own small shack. Then there was a problem with a mud crab and a bald kitten. Later Bruma.	
FormID: 0314C9E6	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	2	Didn't end well. Poor Golden Rod. At least he doesn't have to clean his laboratory anymore.	
FormID: 0314C9E6	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	3	Then J'shiv appeared here. Likes to stay for a while. If nothing blows up.	
FormID: 030268BA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	0	A nice little town, I suppose. Just a little thing irks me.	
FormID: 030268BA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	1	Wasn't there supposed to be a connection between the sea and the Niben? This whole town is blocking it currently. This won't end well, I tell you!	
FormID: 030268BA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	2	Well, not my business if the flood comes. I can walk on water. If the pelanni can, we'll see.	
FormID: 030268BC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	0	I've never been there. Although I heard rumors. Hm. Maybe one day I have to go visit the far edges of this country.	
FormID: 0314C9E3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	0	I know, I know! I should be in Bruma. Would be, if that crazy cat hadn't destroyed my home.	
FormID: 0314C9E3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	1	And with [QUOTE]destroyed[QUOTE] I mean burned to the ground what was left after an explosion littering half of Tamriel with my belongings!	
FormID: 0314C9E3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	2	That's what you get for teaching magic to less sophisticated species. A big hole in the ground.	
FormID: 0314C9E3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	3	J'shivrizza. One day I'll skin her alive!	
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	0	I don't feel comfortable in these dead cities.	
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	1	In my home everything was organic, a breathing home, and a breathing guild.	
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	2	These humans, Ra Gada and Cyrodilic alike, love cold stone more than it's good for them.	
__Ra GadaやCyrodiilみたいな種族の人々は冷たい石や岩を好みますね。
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	3	No wonder so many of them turn to necromancy, Daedra worshipping, and other foul practices.	
FormID: 030268C8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	0	An amalgation of all men. How do they call themselves today? Ra Gada, Genocides, Highmongrels and Emperormongrels?	
__人種のるつぼだね。今の時代では、あの街の住民は自分たちの事を何と言って自称しているのかな?Ra Gada?Genocides?Highmongrels?それともEmperormongrels?
FormID: 030268C8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	1	I don't keep up with their names. In our old history they're still named Nede, Kothri, Al-gemha, Keptu and so many others. Who cares anymore?	
FormID: 030268C8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	2	And Anvil? The most beautiful city build by men's hands, nevertheless a pale comparison to old glories of the past. Judge yourself.	
FormID: 0314C9E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	0	It took me ages getting out of the Wrothgarian Mountains! It's Traven. He doesn't trust me. Well, not me personally, more my whole family.	
FormID: 0314C9E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	1	That both my father and sister were involved with necromancy may have played a part in that. I'm not. Luckily the Fighters Guild recognized that.	

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